

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


They quickly entered the school gate and darted straight for the fight club hall.Sweat was dripping from Erin's face as she was panting for air.It was unusual for her to get tired when she was an angel.She had an unlimited amount of stamina at that time.

Ling swung the hall's large doors open and to their surprise, everyone was already there as they turned to stare at the two.They quickly made their way to the others' side sitting on the floor.

"Where were you,"a girl asked the two as they sat next to her.

"I was coming here as fast as I can Ming,but your brother Ling slowed me,"Erin said as she friendly punch Ling on the shoulder.

"Hey I said am sorry,"Ling defended himself,"In fact,we are lucky we are here before Mr.Pun-"his sentence was stopped by a sudden bang as the doors flung open."Before him,"he finished.

A huge figure entered the hall wearing a long red coat that swept the ground as he walked in.His steps were heavy enough to tell the students who were around fifty in number to shut their mouths.

I hope everyone is here,"he spoke.His voice was loud that even someone would mistaken it with a shout."Yes Sir,"the boys and girls replied in unison.

He moved to the centre of where the teenagers were.They were arranged in a curve.Since there were no sits,they sat on the floor made of soft wood with no shoes on them.

"Welcome to the fight club,"he spoke heavily,"I,Mr.Punch will be teaching you pieces of crap some combat skill and ancient weapon use".He stopped speaking as he saw something or someone that was distracting him."WILL YOU SETTLE DOWN?? COCONUT HEAD!!!"His shout was directed to a boy who seemed to at least be in his fifteenth year.The boy was caught tucking his shirt but had to stop as he pushed his specks up."Sorry Sir,"he apologized in a shaking voice."Next time you distract me I'll make sure to break your toe!"He warned,"And that also goes to the rest of you,"he pointed towards the group.This was already causing the students to shake in their guts while sweating buckets.

"Today I'll do the introduction and teach you the basics,"he said.He started explaining things and Ling was getting bored by all these theories as he coiled strands of his short green hair with his finger.

"Can't he stop gossiping about this and teach me how to throw a kick?"he thought of this annoyed.He wanted to shout these words but stopped himself.He didn't want to imagine his toe in bandages.


"WILL YOU COME HERE OR DO YOU WANT ME TO COME FOR YOU,"the shout from the teacher brought Ling's mind back to class as he wondered who was being called.He turned his head side to side and noticed everyone was looking at him."Just go Ling , this isn't the time,"Ming whispered at a low voice."Did she just say that I should go?"Ling was getting sweaty at this thought.

"LING!!!!"Mr.Punch shouted again.With no choice he stood and walked towards the angry man."How many times did he call me?"He asked himself.

His stood opposite the bear sized human.Something told Ling that he should ran away and never look back when he saw him removing his coat throwing it to the side, but he couldn't.Even if he could,his legs were not listening to him.He was full of fear.

"The first basic is blocking a kick,"Punch said as he went in a blocking position."Throw your best kick,kid,"he ordered."What?!A kick?I can't even throw the easiest one,"his mind was screaming.He prepared to throw, however he would throw,he thought.While still standing straight,he swung his right leg in the aim to hit the man's knee.But even before it got close,Mr.Punch held the attack with his hands then lifted it up with great force causing Ling to fall on his back and hurting his head.He felt like crying."Weak kick,"Punch smirked.


As soon as Ming saw her brother fall,she wanted to stand and defend him.But in the middle of standing, Erin held hand,"Don't, you'll only make it worse,"she spoke quietly.Ming knew what Erin said was true so she had to listen.

Standing from the ground while holding the back of his head,Ling walked back to his position as Mr.Punch continued his lesson.

The lesson went on the whole day and it was now in the evening but they were not allowed to go home yet.They were now having sparing marches of one against one with each other.It was Erin's turn to go against a tall boy who seemed to be so happy having her as his opponent.