

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


Mr.Punch understood what was about to happen,so he let go of Ling who seemed to have cooled down and ran infront of Mike blocking the distance between the boy and the deadly girl.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!!"She screamed at Punch.Her voice was hurting everyone's ears."Relax girl or whoever you are or what they call you,"Punch spoke softly which unusual for him,"You are out of your senses.Stop this before you cause someone's death".He never cared to know any of his student's name,so it was challenging to call them.That's why he would nickname them.

This action angered Erin as the energy continued to grow in her.Her feet rised inches away from the ground as her body was levitating.Punch knew that she was about to attack so he prepared.From his robotic chin,a blue translucent huge shield was projected about one metre from his face by the chin that also started to glow blue.


Mr.Punch was born without a chin.And got a lot of teasing from everyone except his parents in his childhood.When he was employed by the government,he was able to afford himself a high tech robotic chin and he was proud of himself.


Erin dashed to the shield aiming to destroy it and get her target.

While midair, she clenched a tight fist that her long nails dugged her palm but she felt no pain at all as it started to bleed.Her fist had hit the shield on its centre completely shattering it then teleported from infront of Punch to behind him.He was not her target.Her target still there on the ground like a sitting dark that is ready to be made dinner.With her mighty speed that nothing in the whole universe could keep up with,she flew towards Mike holding him by the collor of his shirt then lifted him up in the air."Remember raising your hand to slap me?"Even though her voice was low this time,it still caused Mike's ears to bleed."It's time to repay that,"she spoke raising her right hand.Even if she said it was a slap,Mike saw a beast like claw ready to slice his face in three.

Ready to attack,the energy overpowered her body as she let go of Mike and both of them fell on the ground.Mike was pushing himself as fast as he could away from the crazy beast to save himself.Erin's vision was becoming blurry as pain shot from the core of her chest.She screamed in pain as she still tried to catch Mike who was already back at the panicked group.

She was unable to focus as all her strength was fading.She turned her body facing the roof as two blurry figures appeared infront of her

"Erin are you okay??"She heard Ming's distressed voice.

She shut her eyes going to a total black out.


Erin was lying on a hospital bed as Ming,Ling and Erin's parents stood next to the bed.

"Are you sure of what you just told us??"Erin's dad asked the third time.

"Yes,all those crazy things your daughter did yesterday are real,"Ming reassured him.

Ling just stood there silently as he starred at Erin sleeping.He remembered every single detail of yesterday's event.Touching her cheek,he remembered how he became Erin's friend.Then introduced her to his sister,it a was one year ago crisis.He was completely dull as he did not know of how to judge Erin.From keeping what she did yesterday a secret from him and his sister and also wanting to murder someone.Even with all that,he still had strong fillings for the being.

"Erin,all want to say to you right now is that,"he thought as he closed his eyes,"I LOVE YOU".