

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs


A week had passed after the incident.Erin's school life had changed to worse as no one wanted to interact with her except her two friends.But this was still the same as before, since she only had two friends and did not interact with anyone else.So it all felt familiar to her.The only change that was affecting her was that during sparing matches in the fight club,no one volunteered to battle against her,even her two friends.The only person who was available was Mr.Punch.

He had soon learned her name and treated her like a grown up as he also gave her extra lessons.He had his reasons for this, though others thought it to be crazy training a deadly beast how to fight.

The day was over as she went home with her two friends.Their friendship wasn't negatively affected of what happened one week ago.The only challenge she faced was Ling.Every time they met he would ask if she was safe or okay.Sometimes he tended to touch her cheeks but she kept slapping his hands away.He was completely obsessed with her cheeks...or more accurately,her.

"See you tomorrow Erin,"Ming hugged her.

"Tomorrow,"Ling blurted out.But instead of Erin hugging him,she just gave him a handshake.

"Goodbye,"Erin replied as she ran towards her home.Where the two blood siblings were left standing was at a junction that divided into two ways.One led to Erin's home the and the other to siblings home.

Ming held her brother's hand as she pulled him home.His condition was at an ill state.He hasn't eaten for the whole week.All he did was mentioning Erin's name every night in his dreams.Ming did not enjoy seeing her brother like this.He didn't even talk to her or their parents,just Erin.

"Am sick and tired of you behaving like this,"Ming complained,"If this is how crazy you love her, then go for it and tell her".Ling wanted to reply but he couldn't,all he thought of was one person.He remembers every single look on her .Her seductive blue eyes that matched with her long hair.The soft perfect lining of her lower jaw and more of it,her perfect ass . They were soon home as the night sky covered the city.


An early bright morning was welcomed by a warning alarm at the 'Security Force Headquarters '.Soldiers ran here and there.

"Sir, another energy from those man hunters has been detected,"a female assistant updated her boss as they also

ran down the hallway."But this one seems to be stronger than the others .Am afraid we can't keep this attacks secret from the public anymore as the energy is heading towards the 'City School '".

This worried the General as he increased his pace,he then tapped on a button that was on his left shoulder and ordered,"All forces head the the City School.Be prepared for the worse,"his voice was projected all over the building.


Erin had done her normal morning routine and said goodbye to her parents as she was off to school.Little did she know that things were about to turn ugly on her side.

She was already at school and caught up with her two friends.Ling seemed to be smiling today as he looked at her .

"Are you okay?"he asked the fifteenth time since last week.

"Am okay Ling,you don't have to worry,"she replied.

"Hey Ming, do you know what day it is?"Ming spoke as she was all excited,"Today we are all free, we'll have the whole day hanging out".Erin didn't know if this was the reason why Ling gave her a weird smile every time she made eye contact with him.

The day went very well for all students.This was soon shattered as they felt earthquaks that came in a weird pattern.That was when everyone saw a huge figure walking towards a certain group.As he stepped the ground,the steps shook the ground.This was enough for everyone to move away as they could from the certain group.The person then stopped metres away from the three as the earthquakes stopped."I've been looking for you.Shiku".

The person then snapped his fingers and both him and Erin disappeared.Not only her,but also Ming who was holding her arm all the time.Leaving Ling behind as his heart stopped beating in shock.


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