
Entrance (1),


Time was ticking and I had to pass this exam to secure my future that I worked so hard on.

"Whats the answer to this question?"

The last question was the one that was very difficult for me to understand.

"If you could correct your life would you?"

It kept me pondering and thinking over this question, If I were to correct the mistakes I made in my life would my current situation be different?

"Ugh, I dont have much time."

I checked the time and only five minutes remaining until we pass our answer to our professor.

"Lets just say yes."

Since I didn't have anymore time to think more deeply to it I simply said Yes to the question.

The timer that the professor gave rang which meant that time was up.

The professor then dismissed the class. We all left the room so the professor could have time to review our answers.

I sighed "Well that was quite stressful."

I found myself a spot where the wind was blowing rather calm. A perfect spot to relax in.

I didn't notice it but I fell asleep, luckily I heard the loud sound the bell made when it rang and woke me.

"Eh?!, oh shoot! I fell asleep!"

I hurriedly went back to class to check the results we all anticipated.

"Sit down."

The professor said while writing something on his notes.

"There are 50 of you who came to take the Chain Academy entrance exam to become hunters."

"In total only 30 of you passed."

"Currently I'm writing the names of those who passed."

We could hear the noises the professor were making while writing.

"If you didn't make it you can always have a second go."

After he finished writing down those who passed he said the names of them loudly.

"And the last one, Ren Forns."

The moment I heard my name I sighed in relief. Although I wont even meet the physical requirements so I guess this much is alright.

"Congratulations to those who passed, a second examination would began tommorow morning make sure to not come late or else you will be left."

The whole class clapped their hands and the professor dismissed the class.

I got up from my sit and stretched my neck ti relief the pain.

"Ah, before you all leave I have something to say."

I stopped myself when I heard the professor and looked straight at the professor.

"Those who passed remain seate, I will be giving you a brief instruction on what will happen tomorrow."

I sighed myself as I went back to take my seat.

"Alright the next examination is Physical examination if what you've done now is Educational than the next one would be a physical examination to see how strong your physique is."

"There will also be rankings, the instructor would explain how things work in the academy if you do pass."

"Please arrive at 6:00 AM at morning, I expect no one to be late since we will be taking a bus to arrive at our destination."

"Then that is all, Dismissed."

We thanked the professor and bid farewell.

I left the school and walked home.

I lived alone ever since my parents died when the tower made its grand entrance, by taking this I am one step closer to becoming a hunter.

But what are hunters?

Hunters are those who got possessed with powers from the tower, such powers can be varied by ratings from G to S, G being the weakest and is just slightly stronger from a average human, S being the highest.

Their powers can be arranged to different categories. Assasin, Fighter, Tank, Support, Mage, Elemental, Ordinary, Labour.

What is the tower?

The tower is a structure that stood tall and its peak couldn't be seen, romours says its peak is in space. The tower has creatures you only see in fantasy such as Goblin, Skeletons, Orcs. Ever since the appearance of the tower Humanity made quick note and tried to conquer it when they realised the power it would give each floor conquered. As of now only floors one to ten are fullt controlled by humanity.

Since the tower only made its appearance one year ago we still don't know much regarding why it appeared or how it appeared.

Dungeons are part of the tower that escaped, they originally belong in one of the tower's floor however for some unknown reason it is now outside of it.

"Finally home."

I opened the door and unpacked my things.


I sighed and went to bed. Afterall a long day is ahead tomorrow.