

Jamir get always played by other and die regretting. He get 2nd chance to change his life. will he able to change anything or not.....

Youo420 · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Chapter 19

In his last life Jamir rarely use his Chaos element. He also has to check property of his element.

He coat his palm with Chaos and start doing basic test to determine his element property. First he pick a paper with hand coated with element.

After sometime paper reduce to Ash. This process take time that which indicates that his Chaos element is less destruction property.

If his Chaos element has any property related to corrosion then will paper will immediately will reduce to Ash.

He do the same test with a metal chip in his hand. Metal take almost 3-4 time more time to corroded. There are many property with help make inorganic matter corroded faster.

Seeing that he do not have corrosion property make Jamir frown. His property change from last life.

He is planning to become a assassin but due to this change in his property he has to change his plan now.

He took a simple path according to his last life element property. As he already has cloud and dark element which increases his speed and lethality. If his got corrosion Chaos this will make him more leathal.

But now his Chaos element lack in destruction property his plan get spoil. He cannot take assassin path as his main element now lack lethality. Even if try to use his support Dark element he can only become a decent assassin .

Now Jamir has to start to work research new path. He also has to change his weapon now. For warrior a weapon decide their path at circle 2.

Warrior can promote to swordman or spearman or a blade warrior and many more depending upon their weapons choice.

Different types of weapon give different enhancement to warrior. Like a swordman will get his agility, strength and dexterity increase where dexterity will get major increase.

Blade warrior will get strength, dexterity and constitution where strength get major increase. So if a blade warrior want to use sword he obviously be weaker than when he use blade.

At time of circle 3 warrior choose their mastery over a style like they want speed type or strength warrior or a buffed tanky warrior. So weapon will impact that decision also.

Jamir decide that he will take his time to know his element property than decide his path. For know he choose to change his weapon from short sword to a long single hand sword.

Long sword will provide him some variety which sword short couldn't. Making that decision he start working on that. He already read about every weapon and their training methods in his 8month period.

He start doing basic swing and thrust training and also start circulating Chaos element through his body.

After sometime Ava wake up. First thing she try to feel is Jamir warmth. Sensing that she is not on his lap she instantly jump in anxiety.

After watching that Jamir is near her doing practice she start observing him. Her bright white light focus on Jamair without blinking.

Sensing someone Jamir pause his training. After watching that Ava is staring in his direction he walk towards her.

" Ava do you good sleep"

"Kuy" nodding her head

" So you want to do some training with me"

Hearing she excitedly jump in his arm.

" Ava before starting the training you to promise me something okk"

She nodded her head.

" First you will only use your skill when I tell you or your own life in danger okk

Second never in front of anyone you will show your skill and never followed anyone without me"

She again nodded her head not thinking too much.

" Ava if you ever break promise I will leave you and never return. So never break the promise"

Hearing this that Jamir will leave her she becomes quite scare and then start crying. Well she only a child so Jamir have to make sure she did not show too much of her strength to others.

Seeing her cry his heart hurts he pick her up in his lap to console her. After she stop crying.

" Ava I will not leave until you break promise. So you do have to cry we will always be together okk"

Ava weakly nodded her head. This is day in small Ava mind a subconscious fear that Jamir will leave her if she breaks promise take place. To Ava ,Jamir is his parents and everything.

To cheer up Ava, he start playing with Ava and also teaching her few things here and there.

Next day Jamir at staffroom collect his scanner which is in form of wrist watch and common grade weapon which he choose long sword instead of a short one.

After picking his thing he walk towards gym class. There everyone training with their teammate and pet beast.

First thing he do is to use his scanner on his teammates to get their basic information.

Name: Jhon

Circle : 1

Level : 2

Mastry : basic meditation

Element - Life, Water, Plant, Ice

Life companion: Ramp boar

Element skill - ????

Potential : peak F

Well my scanner is connected to school system. I can see more information of those present in the system. Well basic functions of scanner is to tell level, circle and element information.

I pointed scanner towards miss Glory.

Name: Cristina Glory

Circle : 3

Level : 6

Elements - Wind, Dark

Well only basic information shown by scanner. I can only see her full name from system help. Now I test my scanner on a pet beast.

Name - Ramp boar

Element - Life

Circle - 0

Level - 6

Star - ( */**/***)

Skill - Head smash ( may not have)

For a beast it show level and circle. It also tell us potential start beast can have. Next up is potential skill available to beast.

Well all this data is according to what hunter usually encounter their my be exceptions but very few.

I point toward Ava to check her status.

Name - ????

Element - Chaos

Circle - 0

Level - 1

Star- ?????

Skill - ????

Most of her information is ???. This show that he is a beast of this type never caught or no one tell details about them. Well this scanner has few limitations.

It can only work for low circle beast. Circle 4 or above will not shown by this scanner. Scanner will also not able to recognise primary pet beast of 3 and above.

This is because of mutation happen to the beast. Sometime even at circle 2 beast will mutate something known. Even with all this limitation scanner is very helpful till circle 4.