
Chapter 3

Victoria looked at the door, and the others looked at Victoria. Quinn said, "What's wrong?" Victoria said, "Someone's coming. Everyone hide." Alvin turned invisible, and the kids and Jack hid in different places. Then, the ghost of Sarah Belington phased through the door, and the kids saw her. Sarah said, "I sense my book is here." Sarah followed her senses to a drawer, but it was locked. Sarah then phased her arm through the drawer, grabbed her book from inside, and phased it out. Then she held it with both hands, but it floated out of her hands. Then the book landed by Victoria and Sarah found her. Sarah said, "Give me my book."Sarah tried casting a spell on Victoria, but Victoria closed her eyes, lifted her hands to block the magic, and created a magical shield around her. The kids peered out of hiding places and saw what Victoria was doing. Sarah said, "You just turned 13?" Victoria said, "Today. It's my 13th birthday." Sarah said, "Well, your magic is no match for mine." Victoria said, "Magic? I don't have any magic." Sarah said, "Then how are you doing what you're doing? You're a witch." Victoria held on as long as she could, but then she pushed her shield away and knocked Sarah Belington out of the room.Victoria got up, grabbed Sarah's book, and left the room. Victoria said, "Come on, guys." The kids, Jack and Alvin, all came out of hiding and ran out of the room with Victoria. Once they got somewhere safe, they thought about what Sarah said. Quinn said, "So, you're a witch, Victoria?" Griffin said, "Which explains everything. Victoria, on our field trip, the gates unlocked after you snapped your fingers. So you must have used magic to unlock the gates." Mandy said, "And your strong sense that located Jack, and how you felt Sarah coming before she entered the room." Victoria said, "Plus, I could put up that shield to protect myself." Victoria showed her friends the book she showed Quinn yesterday and said, "It also says in this book a witch can't get her powers until her 13th year of birth, which is today. So I guess I am a witch." Jack said, "Which means only you can read the spell that will send these ghosts back to where they came from." Quinn said, "It also means you can use Sarah Belington's staff that Johnny gave you." Victoria said, "But I'm still learning. I can't even fly on a broom yet."Alvin flew up to Victoria and said, "Well, maybe until you're ready, you could help me locate my owner and body." Victoria said, "I'll try." Victoria skimmed through the spell book and said, "Maybe there's a spell in this book that can help." Victoria looked through the book for a spell and found one. Victoria said, "Here's one that can help. But it says the spirit of the person you want to return to their body has to be near their body for it to work. So we'll have to find your body first, Alvin." Victoria put the spell book inside her backpack when she saw the ghost of Sarah Belington and told her friends to run.The kids ran into the kitchen, Jack hopped, and Alvin flew there. Once they got to the kitchen, the kids and Jack hid in different places while Alvin turned invisible. Once Sarah passed into the kitchen, she sensed her book was inside the room. Sarah shouted, "Book!" Then, the spell book floated out of Victoria's backpack and started to fly towards Sarah. Victoria whispered, "Book!" Then the spell book stopped, flew back to Victoria, and landed in her hand. Sarah wondered where her book was, so she tried her spell again. Sarah shouted, "Book!" Then the book started floating away, but Victoria held it tight so it wouldn't leave her hand. Victoria had a thought in her head and said, "This is going to be a long shot." Victoria closed her eyes because she was scared to use magic. Then she snapped her fingers, and they glowed yellow. Once they did, she transported Sarah out of the kitchen and into the next room.Once Sarah was transported out of the kitchen, Jack, Alvin, and the kids ran for it out of the other door and into a different room. Sarah looked back into the kitchen, saw the kids running away with Jack and Alvin, and chased after them. The kids ran upstairs and looked down, and Victoria tried using her powers to wrap Sarah up in the carpet on the stairs, but it brought her up the stairs instead. Once they saw Sarah coming, they ran for it and hid. Sarah followed them to another hall but didn't see them. Then, she used her powers on one of the statues in the room. The statue said, "She's behind the suit of armor at the end of the hall." Victoria looked at the suit of armor and said, "Thanks." The kids all came out of hiding and ran back downstairs.Once they got downstairs, they ran into the library, and Sarah followed them in. Once she got them in, Mandy and Quinn rode on a ladder with wheels and pushed the books off the shelf while Victoria shoved the ladder. Then the books fell on Sarah and piled up on her. While Sarah was buried, the kids ran out of the library and to one of the bedrooms. While there, Griffin pulled the bed's sheet away, and Mandy put pillows under the sheets. Then Griffin put the sheet over the cushions, and they all hid. Once Sarah got to the bedroom, she saw the pads under the sheets and thought those were the kids, so she fried them with her magic. After she did, Victoria skimmed the spell book for a spell that would help. Victoria whispered, "Rotten Spells, Sweet Spells, Transformation Spells. None of these will help." Victoria closed the book and put it back in her backpack to save for later.Since Victoria couldn't find a spell, Griffin extinguished the fire with a fire extinguisher. Then he sprayed Sarah with the fire extinguisher, and Jack, Alvin, and the kids ran out of the bedroom. Once they left the room, Jack, Alvin, and the kids ran downstairs and lost Sarah. Griffin said, "Thank goodness we're safe." Victoria said, "Does anyone want hot chocolate?" Victoria snapped her fingers, and a flash of light made a tray of hot chocolate appear. Oscar said, "How can you do that, but you can't cast a spell to protect us from ghosts?" Victoria said, "Well, common appearing spells are more basic, while protection spells from the book are more complex." Quinn said, "Maybe they'll be easier if you use the staff." Victoria said, "No way, it's too dangerous. But I'll give a complex spell a try, though."