
Two Years Later

"Hmm..." Riz sees a clear reflection of his entire body, standing tall at the height of 180 centimetres.

He is currently in his room, alone and shirtless. Turning left and right, his eyes inspect every inch of his body carefully.

The well-defined muscular body of his is far better than his flimsy body on Earth. Four years of continuous exercise bore a great result.

While staring at his reflection, he made a remark. "Since I can see my face and body clearly, it means this tall dressing mirror or cheval glass has no problem in them of quality. The only thing that concerns me is..."

He brings his face up close to the mirror, "Am I looking a bit older than my age?"

Is it because of stress? He pondered.

In the past, he read an article mentioned that stress could fasten the ageing process. Perhaps his duty as a king significantly impacts him.