
Conveying the Message Part I

'I wonder how Demin was going to take this information.' Dunn pondered to himself.

The information was too juicy to be kept alone. He wants to relay this to Demin somehow.

"Old man!" a voice called out for him.

Dunn's attention returned. He sees Han is looking at him. "What are you thinking with a serious expression?"

"W-What?" Dunn touched his face.

"Yeah," Han nods. "It's like you're one step away from entering a battlefield. So ferocious. I feel chill running down my spine looking at your face."

"Is that so? Sorry if I'm scared you." While he did participate in several wars when he was young, Dunn doesn't know he still had it in him.

"It's okay. So what'd you say? Shall we go grab a drink at the local tavern?"

Oldman Dunn pursed his lips and shook his head, "Maybe next time. I still had work left to do."

"That's a shame," Han clicked his tongue. "Call me whenever you are free later."