

Claire enters a tall, dark hallway, the walls all made of concrete. She can barely see anything until she turns her flashlight on. There's a path that goes forward, another path splitting off to the left just before another freaking barricade. A few steps forward to her right is another split path. The muffled sound of barking can be heard coming from behind a wall to the far right.

If I remember correctly, the shooting range is through that door to the left, hopefully there's some ammo there.

Claire walks down the hallway, her footsteps bouncing off the walls. She slowly opens the door, shining her light on some shooting booths and a table. Nothing. She enters, shining her light around. She walks up to onie of the booths, shining her light into a larger more open room where practice targets are. She spots a body on the ground by oe of the targets. Scanning the rest of the room she sees some ammo on a push car up against the left wall, right next to it is another body sitting against the wall. She steps away from the booth, and spots a yellow tin box on the table. Right next to it is a note. It mentions a key to a police car that needs to be disposed of because it's dented, but the button for the doors and trunk still works.

She picks up the box and examines it, it has no lock or anything. She opens it up, the broken key mentioned on the note sitting inside.

Judging by how easily I got this key, I'm just gonna assume I'm not going to get anything good from this…

Claire puts the key in her belt pouch and checks the rest of the room, walking down to the other end where it continues off to the left. Two doors stand a few feet away from her. One in front leading to where the targets are, and one to the right leading to a small office room. The door leading to the office has another magenta diamond on it.

Yay, more symbol doors.

She heads into the target room, the door creaking slightly as she opens it up and walks through. Neither zombie wakes up luckily. She steps lightly, barely making any noise as she heads over to the far side of the room. She's only a few steps away from the ammo, which sits only inches away from the zombie. The push cart is very low, forcing her to kneel down to get it. She slowly lowers herself as she places her knee onto the concrete, the coldness piercing her jeans.

Claire holds her breath as she reaches down, firmly, but gently, grabbing the box of handgun ammo. As she pulls the box up, the body slides to the side a bit, leaning against the push cart. She jumps a bit, the ammo in the box clinking around. She stops moving, staring at the corpse. It doesn't move. She lets out a quiet sigh of relief before slowly getting up, and speedwalking out of the room. She doesn't open the ammo box until she gets back in the garage. She opens it up to find four bullets inside. She puts them away in her belt pouch and pulls out the car key.

She clicks both buttons on it, a small light next to them blinking on and of a couple times before a loud sudden beep comes from one of the cars, ringing throughout the entire garage. The trunk of a car far off to the left opens up. She walks on over, seeing that the four doors are all blocked off by a car right next to it on the left, and a pillar on the right, which has more cars on the other side. She pulls the trunk open, and finds it empty aside from a single handgun. She picks it up and checks its magazine, it's full of ammo.

I don't need a second handgun, maybe I'll just take the bullets? Nah, maybe Leon will need it, I'll just leave it here.

She puts it back in the trunk, tossing the key next to it and heading back into the dark hallway. She continues going straight until she reaches the way going left, turning down it only to find a heavy metal door with a red light above it. She lets out a tired sigh before heading back down and going down the path going right. As she walks down the hallway, the barking grows louder. She reaches a corner, the path turning to the left and turns to find yet another barricade halfway down the hall. The only way forward is through a door right before the barricade to the left, where the barking seems to be coming from.

Claire readies her handgun before stepping up to the door. She pushes the door open, quickly stepping back and aiming. The barking is much louder, but no dogs can be seen. She cautiously steps inside, a red on the back wall giving the room an ominous glow. Several kennels are placed next to each other, some having other kennels stacked on top of them. In three of the kennels, are dobermans, in several places exposed muscle can be seen, their faces are far worse, half of their snouts missing flesh.

"You poor things…" Claire mutters as she lowers her gun. She brings her gun back up. After three gunshots, the barking ceases, "I really hope I don't come across a zombie cat, I don't think I could pull the trigger…" Claire thinks out loud as she walks past the kennels, slowly reloading her gun. She walks through a weird metal thing, stepping down into a lower section, and makes a right. She walks through the door back into the hall on the other side of the barricade. She goes left, continuing down the hall and reaching a door. The path continues to the left, but there's a shutter blocking the path. Walking into the room, she finds herself in a morgue. The room is colder than the hallway, making her shiver a bit.

A body sits slouched against the wall directly left of the door. Some tables in the middle of the room are set up against the front wall. She walks around to the other side where a note sits. It's a report on someone who died recently. They had some mental disorder, resulting in them stealing things all the time. They had the diamond key in their hands, but at the time, ricomortus prevented them from being able to free it from their grasp.

"Why couldn't they have just stolen the broken car key?" Claire mutters to herself. She puts the paper down, looking around at all the doors to the compartments. She starts with the closest one. Pulling the platform out, the door starts lifting up on its own. She pulls it a bit and sees the compartment is empty, so she pushes it back in. She goes to the next one. She barely starts to pull it open, and sees shoes. She steels herself as she continues to pull it open, pulling it all the way, a corpse laying on the platform. One of their hands are clenched shut. She something magenta colored sticking out from the bottom of their fist.

She walks over to the side of the body, and looks at the body. The date on the note was from yesterday, this body is decaying unnaturally fast. Parts of flesh around the mouth are completely gone, showing some of the skull and jaw. Just to be safe, she draws her gun, pointing at the corpse's head. The zombie suddenly jerks towards her and she pulls the trigger, the body going limp. There's a small tink noise as the key falls to the floor. As she goes down to pick it up, the zombie by the door starts to get up. She grabs the key, putting it in her pocket, then sees the zombie stand up.

She aims at it, and shoots it in the head. It promptly falls to the floor. She starts to walk back to the door, spacing herself away from the zombie. It suddenly lunges for her leg. She kicks it in the face with her left boot and hurries out of the room. As she hurries back to the room with the kennels, she reloads her gun, six bullets remaining in total. She heads through, going back to the garage, where Leon is walking out of the room the woman had gone to.

"I found another survivor," Leon states as they meet halfway, "He has a parking pass,"

"Perfect, so, where he?" She asks as she glances behind him and the door he came from.

"He's uh, locked up in one of the cells. He won't give me the keycard unless I get him out,"

"Did the cell happen to have a diamond on the lock?" Claire asks optimistically as she pulls out the diamond key.

"No, the electronic panel is busted, its missing two little, 'electronic parts',"

"Electronic parts?"

"That's what the paper says," Leon shrugs, "It mentioned one in the bell tower of the station, but, that's all it mentioned,"

"Well, I think I know a way to the chief's office, maybe he has one,"

"Alright, let's get going, seems like that's going to be our only way back into the station,"

"You say that like it's a good thing," Claire comments as they head for the door down the small steps.

"Well, there was a lot of stuff we couldn't get to, maybe we'll find more ammo, or more guns, or stuff about what's happening her. The guy wouldn't tell me exactly why Chief Irons locked him up," They head into the elevator hall, Claire unlocking the diamond door and heading into a small operator room. She pulls a lever, and the lights in the elevator turn on.

They head into the elevator, pushing the up button and start their ascent back into the station.

The doors to the police station burst open as a large figure with light blue skin in a dark grey trench coat, and matching fedora and boots steps inside. The hat's shadow is unable to hide its cold, lifeless stare as it scans the lobby, searching for any survivors. It cracks its neck and starts walking, a loud thud with every step.

What on earth-That dude better be the one paying the bills, walking around slammin open doors and shit.

TIWHimitsucreators' thoughts