
Rescued by the Moon

A shipwrecked survivor, cast adrift upon the treacherous tides by the turbulent storm, his spirit nearly extinguished by the harshness of his fate. But fate, it seems, had different plans for him. Amidst the darkness and uncertainty, where the boundary between reality and myth blurs, Eric Wayland finds himself in the beguiling company of werewolves. These extraordinary creatures, endowed with both human grace and untamed ferocity, they reveal a supernatural world well hidden from mortal eyes, which had stayed in disguise for years. As the moon wanes and waxes, the man discovers the intertwined secrets of their existence - a unique kinship forged between loyalty to the supreme moon goddess and the primal essence of their wolves. Driven by an indomitable sense of purpose, our survivor embarks on a perilous journey to protect these magnificent beings from looming threats, uncovers forgotten legendary creature's, ancient prophecies whispered by the wind, and the untamed beauty of the wild lands of the children of the moon. "Rescued by the Moon: A tale of human and wolves" weaves a tapestry of wonder, where the line between friend and foe blurs, and courage is tested at every turn. Can one man, touched by the mystical power of the moon, rise to become not just a survivor, but a savior for the wolves? Prepare to be captivated by a story that transcends boundaries - a saga of loyalty, sacrifice, and the transformative power of the wilderness. In the dance between human and wolves, a legend is born, and the moon's radiant light reveals both the darkness within and the innate capacity for compassion. Join us on this enthralling odyssey, where the moon's gentle glow illuminates paths unknown, and the bond forged between worlds is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Mira_Writes · Fantasie
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14 Chs

A realm well hidden

The Ancient realm of the legendary creature's laid on a land far away from the wolves of men, kept hidden by the veil of the moon goddess. It had stayed secured and safe, from the eyes of preying merchants and sailor and on these ancient lands the wolves breed and grew, fighting there wars and living there lives.

But fate has its own way of doing things, averted prophecies has ways of coming back to the fulfillment, a prophecy remained in the hearts of the Silvercrest Wolf pack. It tells a story of a savior who will rise at the time when all hope is lost to raise all hope again.

Though it has been hundreds of years since the prophecy was made, there had been no sign of a war nor a situation that calls for a savior.

In the midst of a pack a young girl live, she is a wolf quite different from the others, she was a wolf of the night, know to the Alpha and others as the Guardians of the night. Wolves born with powers to communicate with the spirits of the nights, feeling there pain and their sorrows, their joy and their happiness.

It was to this young wolf the whole pack look up to for answers that were beyond physical eyes.

The young wolf herself stood a fairly six foot ten with a blonde hair and amazing blue eyes, she lives together with her brother and her nephew who is also like a close friend to her too. Her nephew; a male wolf but has been unable to transform ever since he was born. He bears embarrassment and humiliation from his fellow wolves, he prefers the nights when he can look up to the moon and meditate seeking answers to his unanswered questions.

Sometimes before sunset, the young girl walked around inside the wood where the wolves gather during the night of the La Luna Sangre. The night when all wolves are gathered, the young transform for the first time, maids where chosen, heart broken and alphas take charge over their packs while the matured experienced one's stood guard to avoid injuries. Though they heal faster than a human, still no one would want a wolf hurting itself or another while undergoing the pains of first transformation.

Slowly walking around touching trees here and there as the sun slowly fell over the horizon putting the entire wood in darkness, but amazingly her hands sprout glowing sprout whenever she touch a tree or the wood floor thick litter's of leaves and dead branches.

Arriving at a particular paved location, a series of colored rocks were mixed with the paving stone's to create a symbol of a wolf with a circle surrounding it, she slowly lowered herself on the center of the rune mark, as it glowed incessantly. The marks seems to rearrange themselves turning and rearranging with every movements of hers.

Slowly moving her hands following a particular pattern which seem to be in line with a perfect art, it looks like she was practicing some martial art moves already known to her. The area around her glowed with an blue shimmering glow spreading out in circles lighting up the wood with a graceful glow.

Wolves nearby looked at the wood as the crackling sound emanating from the woods but quickly looked away as they are already familiar with it.

At the end of the wolf village stood a magnificent courtyard stood, standing above other buildings in the village, the alpha dwells with his family at the higher court. While at the lower court the high rank beta's and other lower ranking beta's dwell. The courtyard has four fortress facing the four points of the village, each having four shifts beta's wolves standing guard day and night.

At the borders of the were stationed four regiment of beta wolfs headed by a high ranking beta, with each of the regiment lead by the a B-class beta. The beta was in control of the border patrols and alerts the kingdom of any external threat, each regiment consist of a hundred wolves divided into two shifts of fifty each. Each shift switch position twice a day to enable efficiency in guarding the kingdom.

At the Eastern part of the realm known as the rocky region, the Lycans and the Kanima's lived in constant warring with each other, the kanima's being abominable creature's of the night while the lycans being creature's of the day like wolves. The kanima's fight by the night with lycans returning the fight during the day though both creature's know their boundaries.

The Western part of the realm bears testimony of the goblins greedy creature's whose love for good is indefinite,also great miners and goldsmiths known for their great expertise and intricacy in the art of gold-smithing. There territory consist of the mountainous area of the realm, they dig far deep down the mountainous mining gold and precious stones, though dubious and trickish in nature they change side frequently once a good price is offered. From there hands the lycans purchased silver for fighting against the wolves. In the wars between the two parties, the lycans developed uncanny tactics siding with the goblins and preventing the wolves from gaining access to block the silver mine and other protective war gears.

Over the years silver has been know slow the healing rate of the wolves and lycans, when the lycans gained control over the goblins and the sliver mines, they used it against the wolves and other creature's vulnerable to sliver. They made the goblins make silver claws hooks with which they used to delay the healing process thereby weakening them.

The realm itself contains a great power which can only be harness by two chosen guardians of the night, only chosen once in every generation of wolves. For a long time the prophecies of the savior which had been a rumour, has risen again, almost on the lips on every wolf in the realm both young and old. The whispering of the forest spirits have grown louder and the voices from the marshes echoes loudly and persistent sending shivers down the spines of the smaller wolves. Prophecies are made and when made shall be fullfilied.