
Figment of Reality

--- STATUS ---

.status ellie_rose


Name....Ellie Rose


Titles...Goddess of Death(Hidden)...Blessed.....




-Looks like her soul successfully rebooted.....

-This is all the help I can give for now, hopefully she will come to visit me sometime.... It is quite boring here.


-El...lie... elli...ee ELLIE!! Stay with us please!!

'As Ellie fades in and out of consciousness, she can hear sobbing as well as the feeling of something warm in her hand'

*...as two days pass...*

-What.... what happened.... 'Ellie begins waking up and winces as she instantly remembers all of the terrible memories from her past life'

-Oh, Right. I...Died... 'Ellie starts to sob'

-Why did all of that happen. My Dante... Mother... Father... Brother... I have no idea what grave sin I committed to lose my fiancé and shortly after... My life. 'Too busy sobbing with her head in her hands, she fails to hear someone groaning next to her'

-Ellie, are you okay... 'Dante groans sleepily'

-Dante? 'She looks up from her tear-soaked hands and grabs hold of him, hugging tightly'

-I thought I would never see you again 'Ellie whines'

-Never see me again? What do you mean? You had only too much alcohol to drink on your birthday but I did not think it was enough to give you a fever for a week. 'Dante looks at Ellie still concerned yet reassured'

-Ellie, I know I might be cold to you sometimes, but please, learn to take better care of yourself.

*Dante has burgundy hair and sky blue eyes. He stands six feet tall and is bulky and strong. His smile, though rare is very established and sweet. To most, Dante is cold and ruthless. However, he is just very bad at expressing himself properly especially to Ellie. He is also very well respected in the empire as one of the top swordsmen, making himself known through the battlefield with each victory. His parents having passed away while he was at a young age has filled him with a great emotional trauma essentially locking his heart away. When he was 16, on a whim he decided to get engaged to the 14 year old Ellie mainly so he would have an heir to his estate. When he turned 19 and Ellie turned 17 he decided to have her start living with him in the Dukes estate. They generally eat together and are required to sleep together at least once a month. Although nothing really happens, since Dante ends up taking the couch after Ellie falls asleep. In her previous life, due to the princes attempted advances at her 18th birthday party, Dante has been much more protective of her without her ever realizing. The princes advance attempt was to get Ellie drunk and create a scandal floating around the nobility. Fortunately Dante was able to stop this after she caused some trouble due to being drunk.*

-Please get some extra rest Ellie.... 'Dante pats Ellies head and exits the room'

'Dante thinks to himself' "Something seems amiss, I do not understand why she would be out for a week but the doctors reassured us it was just a fever. I feel something else might have happened, I should go ask some of the servants of the party."

'Nora runs into the room and hugs Ellie' -My lady, thank goodness you're alright. I was extremely worried, I had no idea what else to do other than call the Duke....

*Nora is Ellies personal maid, she has shiny verdant eyes and bright amber hair with the physique of a country bumpkin. She has been with Ellie ever since Ellie was little. Although they have a maid-master relationship, Ellie still gives Nora preferential treatment and acts very friendly with her.*

-Nooooraaaa, nora.... I am really alright now. 'Ellie pokes Noras cheeks'

Uwaaaahhhh *Nora cries* please promise me you wont drink anymore, I had no idea it would hurt you so much.

-Alright alright Nora. *Ellie pats her head* -Can I please have some time to myself, I am still feeling a little weak. I think I would like to rest a little longer seeing how I am more comfortable now.

-Well if you say so my lady.... 'Nora says as she looks at Ellie concerned'

-I will be outside if you need anything! 'Nora quietly leaves'

'Ellie gets off her bed and goes to look at herself in the mirror' "Why do I look so much younger? How is Dante still alive? Maybe it was all a dream or this is a dream" 'she pinches her cheek to attempt to wake herself up'

-Well it is clearly not a dream.... I wonder what could have happened...

'Ellies nose begins to drip with blood'

-What why... 'she rubs the blood from her nose but it keeps flowing'

'Ellie begins to hear a faint noise in the back of her head' (Reboot complete.... now commencing altercations.... in 5...4....3....2....1) 'As soon as the timer hits zero, she stumbles as if gravity became stronger'

-Urgh, what is happening to me.... (Requiem commencing) 'She coughs up a black ooze like substance and falls to the floor unconscious'

'A black miasma exudes from the small glob of ooze and completely covers the room in a hazy mist' 'Nora, whom is concerned from the thud coming from her masters room, notices the black mist seeping from below the door'

-My Lady, are you alright in there? ' As she slowly begins to reach to the door handle.... she hears footsteps sprinting in her direction.'

-My lord? 'Nora glances in the direction of the noise'

-DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR 'Dante shouts out'

'Nora gets scared' -But My lord, my lady is still in there.

-What did you just say? 'Dante is shocked' -Keep that door shut for now... You cannot allow the mist to escape that room, it is extremely toxic to humans.

-Do you know what is happening my lord? 'Nora, beginning to panic'

'Dante pats Noras head' -Please stay calm, all I know is that mist is a reaction from the ritual the temple does to worship the god of death, it is very dangerous. If Ellie is in the room then she is more than likely dead. Go Nora, tell the guards to evacuate everyone from the building and ask Devon to bring me a catalyst, quickly! Tell him that there is a Code Black emergency, only he should know what to do.

-But what about you and the lady, my lord? 'Nora says worriedly while tearing up'

'Dante wipes the tears from Noras eyes' -We will be fine, I will wait for Devon to arrive with the catalyst. 'As Nora starts sprinting for the for the main office on the first floor. Dante places a barrier on the door so no more of the mist can escape the room'


-Devon!!! Devon!! 'Nora starts to bang on the office door'

'Devon opens the door' -we are in a meeting can't you--- 'Nora interrupts' -My lord and my lady.... 'cough cough' Code black, in my ladys room....

-What did you say? 'Devon looks appalled'

'Out of breath, Nora says' -M-My lord needs a catalyst...

-I am sorry everyone but you need to leave now 'Devon rushes to the desk and unlocks the bottom drawer with magic'

*the other nobles are chatting amongst themselves very annoyed*

-NOW!!! 'Devon shouts' Unless you do not like life anymore. You too Nora, get the guards to evacuate the building and tell them it is a direct order from myself.

-Yes sir 'Nora hurries back out of the room behind the nobles'

'While Devon is searching' "Now how the hell is the mist here and in my ladys room at that." -Something is wrong.... 'Devon grabs two catalysts and hurries to Ellies room, noticing the mist'

-My lord, how did this happen? 'Devon tosses the catalysts at Dante'

-I am not certain but we need to help the miss. 'Dante releases the barrier and crushes a catalyst'

'As the catalyst is broken the mist begins to disappear. They then open the door and toss the second catalyst inside to contain the last of the mist. However, upon entering themselves, they notice some kind of cocoon on the floor in front of the mirror with what looks to be Ellie inside.'

'Ellie deep in thought as she cannot move' "Is it happening again... the ooze just couldn't let me have this chance at redemption in the past, could it..... It hurts, it feels like it is burning me alive"

-My lord.... what the hell is that... 'Devon sounds worried'

-I am not quite sure 'As Dante gets closer to the cocoon he hears groaning that sounds like Ellie'

'The cocoon begins to crack open from the side as blood begins to pour out onto the floor as well as Ellie sliding out. However, Ellies hair is now as black as obsidian and her eyes have taken on a demonic shade of scarlet.'

'Ellie begins to awaken and weakly reaches out to Dante, blood trickling from her eyes and each of her orifices' -My.... Dante.... 'Ellie says before passing out again'

-Call a doctor now, Devon! 'Dante shouts'




-Ellie..... Ellie 'she feels something poking her cheek and looks at the culprit and begins to pout'

'Ellie sighs' - Do i really have to appear in front of the King, Dante..... I look hideous.... and I am scared that I will be kicked out of Flondor and accused of being cursed.

-Yes, the ceremony certainly activated in your bedroom somehow 'Dante shakes his head' I really have no idea what is happening but perhaps a Royal sorcerer could give some insight in your new appearance as well as the situation with the mist.

-Hmph 'Ellie turns to look out the window of the carriage and sighs'

'Ellie Deep in thought' "After the incident in my room I have since been sleeping with him.. N-n-n-n-not that anything has happened. I just... really don't understand what god meant when they said that I will have another chance. My hair... and eyes... are looking like that of a demon now. Somehow after I passed out from the cocoon I only slept for a couple hours peacefully. Dante won't tell me what happened during that time but I remember being covered in blood and I woke up clean. Maybe if I visit a church then god will speak to me again."

'Dante pats her head' -Don't worry, no matter what happens I will be here beside you. Also, as much as I enjoyed your white hair you look just as beautiful.

'Ellie blushes' -So... Dante, I need to talk to you about something...

-And what would---- 'As Dante attempts to finish his question, the carriage suddenly comes to a halt'

'knock knock'

-My lord, you have arrived at the Royal court.

'Dante holds out his hand to escort Ellie' -We can discuss it after we deal with this situation. Come...

-Fine... 'Ellie sighs' ...Lets get this over with quickly, I would like to go back to rest some more. "I have things to figure out and maybe if I cancel our engagement I can protect Dante... but for some reason my heart hurts when I think about that. I am just so unsure about this life as it has already skewed from my previous life.


-AH so she has finally become my daughter.... So beautiful, her silky hair and jewel like eyes are just like her my wife. She finally has the power to protect herself...