
Bitch?! No Time For Slice Of Life!

First things kid know that I can talk normally fine, not all chunky and all.

/W-Wah! H-How! I thought you were just a tool?!/

Bitch, did you just call me a tool?!

A-Ah sorry mister Golden Ring.

Second things second kid before we even start grinding monsters you call me Master I am your Master in life and even in Death! You server your Master first even if you're in front of the great King Yama{1},You server your Master first, even if you're carrying out the will of the Heavens!

(A/N: Chunni author strikes again! What will the next case be?)

Hehe that sounded badass, I should do that more.

Ok Master! But you do know I have a name right?

AHEM* AHEM* of course I know.

Shit, what was this kid's name again, something really unoriginal uhhh... God damn it I forgot all I can remember is Fate Prototype but why?!

(A/N: He could use himself to check the hosts status but shhhhh plot reasons)

Kid im your Master, I call you anything I want!


Uhhh... is this kid a oblivious airhead that has a badass side to him cause WHAT THE FUCK! He was doing cool backflips and calculative think a minute ago now he's some timid kid! Im really starting to wonder what kind of third rate novel im trapped in?

This isn't an anime, God!

(A/N: Correction it's a novel and yes this is the first trope I chose BUWAHAHAHA!)

Ok time to do this shit first I need to test the extent of the quest system cause if Im able to make a quest with an objective like dance or lick a lamp why would I need to grind I could level this kid up in a matter of seconds.

[Quest Creation Hud]

[Quest Type]

[Rewards And EXP (Max amount: 50xp or 1 Copper level item]

[Punishment On Failure]

[Quest Modifications]

Hmm it seems to be in Quest Modifications lets check.

[Quest Modifications]

[Objective (Must have a link to fate for example stealing a heavenly treasure unattainable by the previous self of the host)]

[Timer (can be turned on and off the shorter the time the larger the higher the amount of rewards, current multiplier 3x, 10 minutes, 2x, 30 minutes]

Ooooh niceeee this is good, but it's a shame that I can't give him pointless EXP it would be nice but maybe this is for the best he does still need to build up actual battle experience a powerful man that doesn't know how to fight is but a tiger without claws and fangs unable to bring out its full might.

Ok Arthur I have made a schedule for your grinding not much of a schedule, its just you killing monsters in the forest and plains behind the manor and then you sleeping and eating for the rest of the day and Sunday is your day off.

(A/N: Im not making a stupid calender for this world u guys are gonna forget 1 chap after its made >:3 )

B-But Master, I have a picnic with my friends today...


Waaaaaaaaah Im sorry master sniff* I'll train, please stop shouting.

Hmm good now are you allowed to train in the plains or forest behind the manor and I need to know the level of monsters compared to mortal beings (normal animals).

Well in the plains has extremely weak monsters like the Killer Hare it's not actually Killer but is named the due to it shining red eyes the have an eerie feel to them.

But its actual physical ability is compared to 13 hares its speed is about 1000 kilometers an hour (the speed of a Supersonic Car just search up ) I can probably kill it but its too fast I can only run at a speed of about 950 kilometers an hour ( Supersonic Car just a bit less)


Ok kid is there anything else I need to know other than killer bunny rabbits that can break the speed of sound?

No I dont think so...But maybe


{1} - In East Asian and Buddhist mythology, Yama (sometimes known as the King of Hell) is a wrathful god said to judge the dead and preside over the "Purgatories" and the cycle of afterlife the saṃsāra.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I made this chap short cus of no reasons just that I want next chap to be long and better if this was a normal chap I would have put in a slight part of the next chap but not this time next chap is gonna be hype

Pandoras_Actresscreators' thoughts