
Escaping the Dungeon Pt.I

[Wave 3/5]

[Spawning Wave Monsters]

I looked from my safe spit at the dozens of goblins that were spawning out of nothing, and let out an exhausted sigh. I had already grown bored at the sight of the goblins. I then looked at Enma who was just had his hands folded and his eyes closed, mumbling a few words. I believe humans called it 'Praying'.

I didn't really understand much about it, but there were these things called 'Gods' in the world. Apparently they created the world or something. I was interested in them, but to the extent of praying to them? Nope. Never.

When he was done, he came over to me then crouched, observing the goblins like I was.

"So what the plan?"

I asked him.

"Well, since you want to get out of here, and I want to get out of here, there's only one plan really."

I waited on his answer, drinking a slime.

"We make a break through the goblin spawn."

I ended up spitting out all the slime on his face. My throat hurt and I was making weird sounds with my mouth. My first cough?

"You stupid?"

"No I'm not stupid. It's the only way."

"But… there too many!"

"Yeah, but Dungeon Waves don't end until you've killed every single monster coming your way."


"You got a better plan?"

"… Let us go."

I said with a defeated sigh. He let out a cocky grin, then picked up his staff.

We both jumped down then began to fight off the goblins, easily taking them down, but minding our health and stamina points. Apparently, we had gotten really close to the exit. Only a tiny distance more and we would be out, and then this happened.

[Dungeon Event <<Green Day>> Mini Boss 1/3 <<Goblin Tanker>> has spawned near you]


We stopped running and only stared in shock. The biggest goblin I had ever seen stood in front of us, clad in iron armor from head to toe, and with red violent eyes, it sneered at us.

"Crap. What the hell is this thing doing here?"

Enma cursed.

"Why? It dangerous?"

I asked him.

"Not really. It just has really high defenses. And in our current states, defeating it is sort of like a pipe dream."


"It's going to be really hard, ok?"

I understood what he said, but I still felt like going on, so I charged furiously at it, bouncing off from wall to wall, increasing my velocity, then I slashed at the Goblin tanker's armor with <<Green Eater>>, but only managed to leave a scratch on it. The fat goblin reached out to grab me, but Enma smacked its hand away with Lori's staff. I jumped out of the way, then charged right back at it. I tried to cut it from in between its legs, but it brought down its hand before I got there, creating a dust cloud.

I used my tail to fan the air in another direction so I could see, but when I looked up, the goblin tanker wasn't standing there anymore.

'Huh? Did something happen to it?'

I asked myself, looking around, but I couldn't see anything suspicious.

"Oi! Watch out!"

Enma scram at me. I could see a shadow looming over me. The goblin tanker was still alive, and I wasn't going to make it. I was too tired to try to run away and I was on my knees. I closed my eyes in anticipation for the attack, but then the hit didn't come.

"What… Are you doing!? Get out of here already!"

I heard Enma's voice say.

I looked up to see him holding up the punch. He was struggling under the weight of the fist.

"Why are you here?"

"To save you obviously."

"Eh? But I wouldn't have done the same for you."

"Now isn't the time for this."

"Hmmm… I can't move."

"What do you mean you can't move?"

"Like I said. I can't move. I'm out of stamina points."

"Huh? I'm running low on stamina too."

"Then leave."

"Shut up!"

"You're one stupid monkey."


Enma began to roar. I saw his body glowing faintly again. He was using his aura. He managed to push the arm away, then grabbed me and jumped away. He then began to run away with me in his arms. After we got to a certain point, he dropped me off and fell on his knees, coughing out blood.

"Stupid monkey. This is why I told you to leave me."

"Shut it."

"Why didn't you leave me?"

"I don't know. Now shut it. My head hurts like hell."

"Result of overusing Aura?"


"Hey! Before you pass out, get me above ground so the goblins can't get to me or point at the exit so I can leave."

"Shut it!"

He roared again, before smashing his head against the ground.

"Oh no. Monkey, at least throw me to higher ground. Don't leave both of us to die."

He kept on smashing his head against the wall till he just stopped, unconscious. Then I heard the ground rumbling.

I looked up and saw red eyes staring at me and a yellow fang-filled grin staring at me. It was the Goblin Tanker.

"Oh come on!"