What happens when a dungeon mob gains sentience? Absolute chaos is what. This is the story off a special dungeon mob that gained sentience and is now trying to survive in the new world.
'Oi, oi, oi, don't shit with me. T-this guy!'
The fox cursed, looking at the creature with disgust.
"S-sorry, b-but I can't-"
"You can't? You promised."
The fairy said as it pulled out its dagger. It glared at her and licked the weapon.
'T-this shit! Is he threatening me right now?'
"Hey, listen here. T-there are some wishes I can't-"
She tried to reason with it, but it was too late for that. The creature wasn't going to listen to her.
"You promised."
The creature drew in closer pressing his dagger across the fox's neck.
"I take promises very seriously, you see?"
It grinned, showing off its yellow fangs.
'M-Maybe if I just run away right now, he won't be able to catch up to me. He didn't seem fast enough back there. Y-yes. I'll just run awa- OW!'
Just as the star fox was about to flee, she felt a pain in her tail. When she looked, she was surprised to see the creature stroking her tail.
"OW! My tail! W-what are you doing to my tail!?"
As if just realizing that she was standing there, the demon responded to her with an uninterested expression while feeling up the fox's fluffy tail.
"Huh? I was just touching it. I didn't know it bothered you this much."
"I-it does! Please stop."
The fox begged and the fairy looked at it, then grinned. It kept on stroking the fox's tail, watching it moan and squirm all around.
"S-stop… please… eah… eugh… p-ple-eugh… please."
The fox let out heavy breaths. Trying to resist the feeling flooding her brain. Was it pain? No, it was something better. It was more like she was deriving happiness from the pain, but she was too embarrassed to admit it.
"Kekeke, I like your tail. As your master I will stroke it every day."
It declared.
"W-what!? No! Please!"
The fox begged, but the demon didn't care.
"Shut up."
Enma's eyes snapped open and he sat up quickly, breathing heavily. He had a weird feeling of déjà vu as he looked around himself. Trees, grass, sunlight, birds and flowers. He couldn't help but think he had been in a similar situation before.
"Shut up!"
He turned his head to see two creatures bickering. One was a fox with a red star on its head and the other was a slender black furry creature, about his size with tiny horns growing on their fore head. Its eyes were a blood red and its fangs, yellow. It wore pants and wielded <<Green Eater>>, which drew Enma to one of many conclusions he had.
"Is that you imp?"
"What's that supposed to mean stupid monkey?"
The creature left the fox and turned its attention to Enma.
"Ok, it is you then. What is that behind you?"
He pointed at the fox.
"This? She is my new pet. She is a star fox."
Enma looked at the fox, observing its features and finally coming to one of his genius conclusions.
"Imp, that's not a star fox."
"It may look like one, but it isn't. It's actually a fox made to look like one. I think it's a nine tailed fox instead or an illusionary fox. One of those two would fit best here, but if it were an illusionary fox, I wouldn't have been able to see pass its disguise, which means it is a nine tailed fox."
'Eek! This bastard monkey!'
"Nine tailed fox?"
"Yea, foxes with golden fur and nine tails. By the looks of it, it's a new born. Definitely under a hundred years old. And considering it hasn't killed you yet, it was most likely born in this year."
Enma kept nodding his head, feeling extremely smart at the moment because of how the demonic fairy was staring at him guffawed.
'Huh?'(Star fox)
"How do you know?"
"Kuku, it was a method of simple deduction by a process of elimination. Everyone knows that star foxes are long extinct. Any fox that says that it is a star fox must be an immature nine tailed fox."
'T-this monkey! He… he is very stupid. What an insult! To think he would refer to me as a measly nine tailed fox. Still, it's better if they don't know.'
"I see, I see. Enma you are actually smart."
"Of course. Saru taught me well."
He cockily responded, stroking his chin like a wise sage.
'Oi, oi, you two stop being stupid.'
"Is that true pet?"
The demon turned its attention towards the fox, making her cower in fear.
"W-well, my mother always said I could be whatever I wanted."
"Huh? So you want to scam us you little fox?"
Enma got up, still dizzy from the effects of the snake's poison. He almost fell over but, the demon fairy caught him to make sure he didn't get hurt. He didn't know what he would do if he lost Saru's valuable soul fragments.
'This imp… he really must think of me as a friend.'
"Don't worry Imp. I'll be your older brother from now on."
Enma whispered, but the black furry creature heard him.
"What the hell are you saying?"
"Nothing important. Anyway fox. Like I was saying. Were you trying to scam the imp?"
"N-not really."
The fox denied.
"Eh, it doesn't matter. It is now my pet."
'Bruh.' (Star fox)
"Let's go pet."
"Want to die?"
The demon asked with his dagger and a scary grin, putting fear into the poor fox's heart.
"Coming master!"
The fox trailed after him.
"Hey, don't just switch your mind like that."
Enma said.
"Hey fox, where are we going?" (Demon Fairy)
"I don't know dear master. It depends on where you want to go!"
"In that case, take me to a bakery!"
The creature suggested something quite unorthodox considering its origin, but it was due to the fact that the souls he consumed were starting to impose on its own soul. This was why Rank 1 souls couldn't consume more than 2 souls at a time.
"A bakery!?"
"A bakery?"
Both asked, completely surprised.
"Yes! A bakery! I want to try out their food."
He said while moving on. The fox went back to the monkey man and began whispering to him.
"Oi monkey. Is he being for real right now?"
"I should think so."
"Doesn't he know what humans do to our kind?"
"Our kind?"
"Sorry, I meant the actual monsters. That black creature and I."
"Eh? You make it sound like he had been living in a cave his entire life."
"I should think so."
"Oi, don't tell me you brought him out of that cave."
"I did."
"Eeek! A-are you stupid?"
"Is something happening over there?" (Black demon)
"Nope. Nothing master."
"Why are you saying I shouldn't have brought him out?"
"That was his cave."
"You know… that guy."
"That guy?"
"Ugh, I can't mention his name for certain reasons, but you should know him."
"I should?"
"Ah! Forget it! You are stupid."
"Hey! Don't go insulting my intelligence like that."
"Oi pet! Stop wasting time and get over here!"
The demon ordered, but the fox wasn't in the mood so she snapped back.
"Shut it you black furball. I have a name and it is not pet. Call me Reze."
"Shut up pet. You are my pet and I will call you whatever I want to."
It threw the dagger, stabbing the ground right in front of the fox, making her weary.
"Y-yes master."