
Requiem For A Dream

"You will be sent back in time to ensure this calamity never comes to pass, you will not reveal to anyone that you have time traveled, the choice that you make will be your own to follow through with". ================ TIME TRAVEL fic, Sharingan op Naruto. Will contain small crossover with Bleach. NarutoxKushinaxMikoto ================ [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/Panta6666/13652287/2/]

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8 Chs

Chapter 8

An: The part of Naruto being related to Madara or Izuna or any of his descendent is NOT true, it was soul king's doing, the altering of his DNA, this will play a minor part in the story ahead . Naruto knows, him being related to Madara is not true, which is why he will never tell anyone that he is related to him willingly. The next part I want to clarify is that, the memories inside him are not of some real kid, they are all completely fake, no one from his memories actually exists. That being said lets jump right into the story.

'internal thoughts'

"Normal conversation"


"You are a descendent of Madara Uchiha" The hokage said.

There was silence in the office for several seconds, after which Naruto asked

"Are you 100% percent sure?"

"He is the only one with whom your DNA matches more than 30%"

"Damn!" Naruto cursed, 'how did I get related to Madara Uchiha' Naruto thought 'It must have been that stupid soul king's, handiwork'

"Isn't that a very small percentage?" Kushina asked.

"No actually -" the hokage started to explain but was interrupted but Naruto.

"Let me explain it, I can make her understand in easily anyway". The hokage just nodded and motioned him to proceed.

"You see Kushina, the DNA matching is a process in which a single strand of DNA is compared with another strand of different DNA." Naruto explained and looked at her, seeing her nod, meaning she understood, Naruto continued "Now, if the DNA matches the other DNA 100% it means that either the same DNA was matched against itself or the two DNA's are of identical twins, if it matched more than 50% then it means that the DNA is of a parent and their child and if it matches more than 25% it means that the two are related either as grandfather and grandson or Uncle and Nephew. Now the DNA matching which was done for me and Mikoto would have probably matched by around 0.05 %. If your and mine DNA's were to be matched, they would be around similar percentage as I am an Uzumaki and so are you and we all share that same small percentage of DNA." Naruto explained" do you understand now, while 30% is usually small but in this context it all but confirms that I am either Madara's grandson or his nephew. "

"Ok, I think that I understand it now" Kushina said noding her head at Naruto.

"Very well explained Naruto" hokage said, thoroughly impressed "its hard to believe that a 12 year boy is so knowledgeable, do you study medicine too"

"Is that really important now, " Naruto asked, as the sandaime got completely off topic "let's get back to the matter at hand old man. "

" I am not that old! " the hokage snapped.

" See, there you go again, completely going off the topic, is the old age finally getting to your head, have you gone senile?!"

" Why you little.. "

"Aren't we going off topic again" this time it was Kushina who spoke, Naruto just rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment while the hokage climed down from his desk on which he was standing, ready to strangle a 12 year boy to death. After coughing into his hand and sitting down on his chair, pretending like the last few seconds hadn't just happened . The hokage spoke again " so what will you do with this information."

"Nothing, I guess" Naruto shrugged "it's not like the entire village needs to knows about it, I'll just sit on it for now"

"And what will happen when you activate your sharingan and someone sees it, and knowing who your forefather is, you definitely will activate it" The hokage pointed out.

"I'll just kill him/her and blame it on Kushina" Naruto said pointing at Kushina who stared at him in shock.

"You will what? People will think I am a crazed murderer" Kushina screamed at Naruto.

" Don't worry, the hokage will cover it all up, people will never find out about it" Naruto replied nodding towards the hokage.

"He will never do that!" Kushina screamed.

"Oh dear Kushina, you really don't understand your political power do you, barring high treason, nothing you do will get you more than a warning and slap on your wrist and even if you do commit treason the most likely punishment you will get is being house arrested"

Kushina looked in shock waiting for the hokage to disagree, but he never did.

"And what happens when the entire village finds out about it?" the hokage continued.

Naruto answered with insanity in his eyes and a evil smirk "I'll unseal the kyuubi and let it destroy the village, hahaha" followed by evil laughter.

"Then, I'll have to kill you, here and now, before you destroy my village! " as he said that he slowly started to get up.

By now Kushina had started to shiver with fear in her seat, her eyes open wide and on verge of tears, her mouth quivering as she tried to speak but no words would come out, her hands were griping the armrest of the chair till they turned white.

"Bring it on old man" Naruto said with a smirk on his face.

Then, the sandaime bursted out laughing, and fell back on his chair. Kushina looked at him and then at Naruto, who was now rolling on the floor laughing his ass off, with shock clearly written on her face.

He kept repeating "did you see her face" while rolling on the floor, Kushina finally realized that she had been punked and she was not happy about it, at all. As Naruto was still rolling on the floor laughing, he never saw Kushina get up from her seat, or how her hair started to flow up looking like nine different tails or how her pupils turned to slits. The sandaime saw this and immediately shut up, he tried to warn Naruto of his impending doom but was too late.


Followed by that shout, was the sound of bones creaking and wood breaking. The hokage's guard immediately sprung into action and bursted inside the room with weapons drawn, only for them to see a huge hole in the center of the room with Kushina glaring down at it and the hokage taking cover behind his chair, noticing them he immediately came out from his cover and signaled them to stand down, pretending like he wasn't just hiding behind a chair just now. He coughed in his hand to get back their attention.

"I think we will be needing a medic" He said looking down the hole" and a good one at that"

'You think!' everyone present thought.

When Naruto opened his eyes again, he noticed that he couldn't move his arms, legs or even his head. Looking up at the white ceiling and the smell of antiseptic in the air he concluded that he was in the hospital and it was mid afternoon. Naruto closed his eyes to remember how he got here and quickly remembered that he had teased Kushina a bit too much but remembering that face Naruto couldn't help but start laughing again, even doing that seemed to hurt alot. He heard someone walk in but couldn't see who it was.

"Fractured skull, broken nose, broken jaw, fractured spine, 8 broken ribs, cracked pelvis, fractured arms and legs" the figure spoke, it was a female judging by the voice and he seem to recognise it from somewhere "There's nothing in you that isn't broken" the figure informed. "What did you do, jump off the hokage mountain?" As Naruto was about to answer someone else walked in.

"You alive in there Naruto?" by the voice it sounded like the hokage, Naruto didn't answer but when he knocked on the plaster, which he was covered in from head to toe, Naruto couldn't help but groan.

"What was he doing sensei?" the female, he now recognized as Tsunade, asked.

"He played with fire and the fire burned him" hokage replied "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, eh Naruto?" he said to Naruto, again knocking on his plaster. Naruto just groaned in pain and finally replied "totally worth it"

"I hope it was, else the giant hole in my office would be for nothing"

"He did that?" Tsunade asked, remembering the giant crater in his office.

"Oh no!" Sarutobi replied with a laugh "he was the one that was blasted through it"

"I am surprised he survived that, it looked quite dangerous, that hole"

"Yeah, I am surprised he is alive too, after he took that punch and landed 2 floors beneath, that too without any defence on his part."

"Impressive" Tsunade said, any other 12 year old kid would have died instantly on the first impact.

"I know right" sandaime commented.

"Can you two please leave me alone, I would like some rest now" Naruto groaned, even speaking hurt.

"Sure" both of them walked out but sarutobi returned. "oh i almost forgot, I told everyone that you are an Uchiha, you know I can't keep something like that a secret, the backlash of it, if it came from someone else would be catastrophic. But don't worry I have not informed them of your parentage, that's your story to tell not mine", with that said he quickly walked out.

Naruto just groaned and closed his eyes to rest. They next time he opened them, it was dark outside and someone was sitting besides him, and from the red hair, he already guessed it was Kushina, he groaned to signify that he was awake, 'man, Kurama's healing would have been extremely helpful now.' Naruto thought. Kushina immediately got up and came to his side, tears falling from her face

" oh god, I am so sorry Naruto, I didn't mean to hit you so hard, I just got so angry and i couldn't control myself. Please forgive me" she said crying.

"Its alright" Naruto groaned "it's just a flesh wound, I'll be ok in no time." Kushina paused her crying for a second and looked at his plaster covered body "Yeah, a flesh wound", she muttered under her breath.

" The hokage explained why you were trying to make me angry, it was to test the strength of my seal wasn't it?" Kushina asked, by now having stoped crying.

If she could see his face, she would know how surprised he was, 'I was not trying to test any damn seal, I was just being an ass and making fun of her, good thing sandaime thought of a good reason for our childish behavior'

"Yeah, don't worry about it" he muttered.

"I'll make it up to you, here I bought some food for you" after that she proceeded to feed him, now, Naruto felt really bad for being mean to her.

The next morning when he woke up, he could feel Tsunade checking his body for improvement, after completing her checkup she replied, " You have healed from most of the broken bones, you should thank your lucky stars that you are an Uzumaki because of your strong life force and natural regeneration most of the damage was healed within a single week, most people would have either died or been crippled for rest of their life. You would just be able to leave after 2 more weeks instead" Naruto just groaned hearing that. "Anyway, there are some people here who are eager to meet you" Naruto just sighed.

He heard three people enter after Tsunade left, he recognized 2 of them immediately as they came in his line of sight, one was ofcourse Kushina and the other was Mikoto. The third was a middle aged man with distinctive Uchiha features.

"Good morning Naruto, my name is Kagami Uchiha and as you already know this is my daughter Mikoto Uchiha, and this one must be your guest" he said nodding towards Kushina.

"I am the head of the Uchiha clan and I would like to ask you few questions if you don't mind." Naruto just groaned, assuming that as a yes he started with his questions

" First, how did you get so badly injured, were you fighting someone?" although he noticed Kushina stiffen at that, he didn't think much of it.

"Sealing accident " Naruto wheezed out,

"In the hokage's office?" Kagami continued sceptically.

" I was showing him some prototypes" Naruto answer "and they may have backfired on me" Kagami nodded in acceptance, believing him for now.

"And what is this I hear about you being an Uchiha?"

"Did you hear it from the hokage" Kagami nodded "then he must have told you my story, it was validated by a Yamanaka too. I didn't even know about it till he himself informed me"

"Who were your parents, where were you born, do you have any siblings?" Kagami asked in rapid sucession. Naruto just groaned "just go and ask the hokage, as you have noticed I am not in any condition to answer so many questions"

"I already have, I just want to hear it from you."

"Then go and ask the Yamanaka, he was in my head, he knows it too"

"Did that too, the story checks out, I even saw the lab results and made them redo it using new DNA samples, they too prove that you are an Uchiha"

"Quite a doubtful one, aren't you?" Naruto remarked with a small laugh,

"One can never be more careful"

"Touché" Naruto replied.

"Now, if that is all, my jaw has started to hurt with so much talking"

"For now, this is enough, come meet me when you get better" with that, Kagami walked out. Leaving him alone with the 2 girls.

"So how did you really get injured?" Mikoto inquired.

"Kushina punched me really hard because I was teasing her", there was silence in the room before Mikoto started laughing and walked out of the room saying "fine then, keep your secrets".

"I'll give you some tips Kushina", Naruto started as soon as Mikoto left, "here's the first one, if someone asks for the truth, tell them the truth first followed by lies, that way they won't be able to figure out which ones the truth".

"You are quite talkative for someone with a jaw pain" Kushina remarked.

"What's some pain, if i get to talk with you" Naruto replied in a teasing manner, not seeing Kushina turn red or hear her say "baka".

The next week passed by fairly quick with Naruto's classmates visiting him to wish him good health and such. But he didn't waste time just sleeping on his bed, he had started to train his chakra to get it denser so that his techniques would become more potent. He did this by accessing his mindscape, which had transformed from a sewer to a huge white mansion which had many rooms in it. By using his knowledge of chakra and human psychology he had discovered that the state of the weather around the mansion reflected his state of mind, if he got angry then there would be hard winds, if he got sad then it would rain, if he was happy then it would get sunny. The mansion itself represented his will, his dreams and his ambitions while the rooms in it represented a piece of himself. The only rooms he had really checked were the library, where his knowledge was stored, a large room with a huge screen where his memories could be replayed and the hall, most of the other rooms were still locked and those that were open showed him a part of himself which he was not yet ready to accept. So the only place he stayed was the hall which contained a huge fireplace the size of a small house, there were vents which branched out from the fire place and spread across the entire house, he had guessed that these vents were his chakra pathways and the fire itself was his chakra. The flame burning was very huge but it was not spreading in a erratic manner it looked like a flame of a candle in an closed room, calm and controlled, just like his chakra was. Naruto theorised that the state of the fire represented his chakra and since he had excellent chakra control, the fire too was controlled.

Using his will and his mind, Naruto had started to compress his chakra, and it showed in the fire place too as the size of the flame slowly began to decrease but it's brightness and the heat it gave off didn't, it increased instead, signifying increase in his potency of chakra. He had to be very careful in doing this exercise, as applying too much force would cause his chakra to go out of control and too little will give no result.

He had managed to reduce the total size of his chakra by one forth in turn he gained more potency and control of his chakra. This was all he did in his time at the hospital, which was 3 weeks.

Sarutobi and Kushina had come to meet him on his day of discharge, they were all siting in Tsunade's office as she gave him a final checkup.

"This is weird" Tsunade remarkedwith a frown on her face.

"Is something wrong with him? " Kushina asked, worry evident in her eyes.

"Your chakra its..." he didn't let her finish,

"You noticed? " Naruto asked her in a suprised voice.

"Of course I noticed, I am a medical professional" Tsunade replied "do you notice anything different with his chakra?" she asked the other occupants in the room.

Kushina just shook her head in negative while the hokage took a closer look at him " his chakra seems to have decreased" he finally answered" but i just assumed it was due to his long stay in the hospital".

Tsunade replied "that's true in many cases but not in his, with how damaged his body was, his chakra must have been in overdrive for a week or so to heal the worst of his injuries, which should have caused it to increase as it was worked so hard, not decrease."

"Is it harmful to him" Kushina asked worried.

"Well no, his chakra seems to have increased in its potency, and his control over it should have also increased, it's almost as if he was doing-" Naruto interrupted her

" Chakra control exercise"

"But wasn't he in a full-body plaster" Kushina asked Tsunade "don't you need your entire body to do these exercises, like trees walking and water walking"

It was again Naruto who answered "That's not true, those two are the basic exercises, as your control over your chakra increases over a certain point these exercises don't help any more, in short, the more control you have the less physical the exercises gets" he explained.

"What I was doing these past two weeks was an advance form of chakra control exercise, all it needed was my mind "

"That's really very impressive " Tsunade said

" and it's not exactly easy to impress me, say brat, if you want to learn medical ninjitsu my doors are always open for you"

"I'll keep that in mind" with that said Naruto, Kushina and the third came out of the hospital and made their way to their apartments.

"Naruto, I had decided to promote you to genin rank, the teachers at the academy agreed with me on this too" the sandaime started "but that would make me seem partial to you, so I have decided to conduct an early exam in the academy, only 3 students will be qualified to become genin in it, they will also get a choice as to who becomes their teacher and will be trained by them personally but the exams itself will be very difficult and will be conducted by my students"

"Cool, when will the exam be held?" Naruto asked.

"In 2 days, the students in the academy had been informed two weeks prior so that they could prepare" Sarutobi had expected him to explode with anger but all he got from Naruto was a shrug and a "seems fair". With that Said, the hokage went on ahead. Kushina informed him that the hokage had forbade her from telling him about the test, Naruto just nodded and replied that it would have been useless for him knowing about it anyway since he couldnt move his body at that time. They both went back to their apartment to prepare for the exam.

Two days had passed and the time for the exam was near, Naruto had mainly trained his body for the past two days, to get back in his top shape. As he reached the place where the exams were being held he immediately noticed the future sanins.

The rules of the exam were explained explained by Orichimaru, Naruto resisted the urge to kill him right there but he couldn't as Orichimaru had not gone on his destructive path yet.

The exam was time and points based and consisted of 3 segments. The first was a written test consisting of 20 multiple choice questions conducted by Tsunade which would be of 20 points, 1 point for each right answer , the second was target practice which was of 30 points conducted by Orichimaru and the last test was of ninjutsu conducted by Jiraiya for 30 points where the students had to show 3 different ninjutsu other than the academy thought ones, the remaining 30 points were to be given based on how much time they had required to finish the test meaning, less the time more the points, making the total of 100 points.

Sitting on his desk waiting for the first test to begin, Naruto looked around him and saw everyone getting nervous for the test. Few minutes later Tsunade entered and passed closed envelopes to everyone with the help of chunins, who would monitor the time of individual students from start to the finish and note down their target practice scores.

As soon as Tsunade shouted "begin", the timer was started and students immediately opened thier envelope and started thier exam.

Naruto completed the first part of the exam fairly early, ie, in 2 minutes. The next part was completed in 5 seconds, as he jumped in the air and shot his shurikens in such a way that they bounced off of each other and hit the bullseye on each target, even the ones which were behind cover, and finally, for his final test, which also took 5 seconds, he created 2 shadow clone who each did a single hand sign and shot out a ball of compressed air and a fire ball of his height in the air above, while the original used a rasengan on a training dummy completely oblitering it. His final time was 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

After he finished his exam, Naruto stood outside for few more minutes, 'The test was not that difficult, for someone with prior experience in being a ninja, this test would be too easy but considering its for academy students with no real experience, it was fairly difficult', he thought, soon Minato came out, following him closely were Kushina and Mikoto. Kushina immediately came to him followed closely by Mikoto, they talked for a while after which Mikoto informed Naruto that her father had asked to come visit him after the exams, blushing the entire time and not making any eye contact, before he could ask her about her weird behaviour, the rest of the students came out.

Soon, following them out were Tsunade and her teammates.

Without wasting any time Tsunade announced the resultsm

"Naruto Uzumaki 100 points, time 2min10secs, Minato Namikaze 85 points 5min20sec, the third one is a tie between Kushina Uzumaki and Mikoto Uchiha, 75 points 5min35sec, the rest of you have failed, try again in the original exams"