
Requiem For A Dream

"You will be sent back in time to ensure this calamity never comes to pass, you will not reveal to anyone that you have time traveled, the choice that you make will be your own to follow through with". ================ TIME TRAVEL fic, Sharingan op Naruto. Will contain small crossover with Bleach. NarutoxKushinaxMikoto ================ [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/Panta6666/13652287/2/]

MisterWho · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Sorry guys, I uploaded the wrong chapter, my mistake. I have made a few changes as the previous chapter had lots of mistakes. Thanks for understanding.

'internal thoughts'

"Normal conversation"


"Naruto Uzumaki vs Minato Namikaze"

Minato steped into the field and came to stop in front of Naruto.

"You seem to be a genius Naruto" Minato started "so knowledgeable in theory, an expert in ninja tools and very well-versed in hand to hand combat too by the looks of it, really a true genius of the art" he further praised Naruto.

"I am genius of hard work, everything I have is gained through hard work and persistence." Naruto explained

"That's is quite commendable of you, it seems you are fit to be my rival" Minato exclaimed

"Sure" Naruto laughed " just don't let my other rival find out about you, she will challenge you for that spot" with that said Naruto got in an taijutsu stance followed by Minato.

"Begin" sensei announced.

None of the combaten moved from their place, both waiting for the other to begin. Naruto, gotten tired of waiting around, decided to start by dashing forward with a chop to the back of Minato's neck.

"I have already seen you use that move, it won't work on me" Minato spoke in a smug voice as he caught the attack with his right-hand .

"I know" was all he got in return, after which Naruto used the elbow of the blocked arm to hit him on the head, followed by a chop to his throat, causing Minato to hold his throat in pain, not giving him any time to recover, Naruto quickly sweeped his legs from under him and twisted his arm behind his back, causing him to fall face first in the dirt.

"Yield" Naruto asked, but Minato still tried to struggle, so he twisted his arm more causing Minato to finally yield. Naruto finally relented and eased the pressure, then with the same hand helped him up.

"You weren't the only one watching the matches, I watched yours too and while you are definitely fast, if I knew if I didn't give you enough time to build your momentum, I could defeat you" Naruto explained Minato why he lost.

Minato just rotated his shoulder to ease the pain "Now that I know that, I will beat you the next time for sure" Minato said with convection in his voice.

"Good luck with that" Naruto replied while turning his back to Minato "I'll be waiting", with that said the sensei announced Naruto as the winner and the final bell rang, signifing the end of the lectures for the day. Naruto quickly packed his bag and headed home as Kushina must have returned from the sealing and would probably be hungry, so after finishing grocery shopping Naruto returned back to his apartment, kept the bags inside and made a clone to start making food and headed next door to meet Kushina.

After knocking a couple of time Kushina opened the door.

"How was the academy?" Kushina inquired after letting him inside.

"It was ok" was his lame reply "how was your sealing"

"It was ok" came the same lame reply from Kushina.

Naruto just stared at her with a deadpan expression, "really?"

"Hey! you started it, not me"

"OK then smart ass, I was going to make food for both of us but since the sealing was "ok" then i dont have to worry about you, do I?" Naruto replied, trying to act angry at her.

"Nooo, I was just kidding alright, the sealing was painful at the start but the pain slowly faded away, then all I had to do was sit there till the sealing was over"

"And Mito-sama? "

"She passed away as soon as the sealing ended" Kushina answered with a sad smile but quickly perked up again.

"But, she taught me this cool technique with which I can restrain the nine tails" as she said that, multiple golden chains made out of chakra protuded from her back.

'I had heard that she had this ability but seeing it in person is quite different' he thought while observing the chains.

"Can I touch them?" Naruto asked, wanting to know how they felt.

"Sure, why not"

As he touched the chain, he could feel his chakra getting restrained in that entire arm.

"It is completely nullifing the chakra in my arm" Naruto stated " no wonder with several of these chains you could possibly restrain even the nine tails"

Kushina just swiped her nose and puffed up her chest "Aren't I so awesome"

"Let me see the seal" Naruto suddenly requested. Kushina was a bit confused at first but soon relented and picked up her shirt to show him her stomach.

Naruto stared at it for a while then started explaining it to Kushina.

"It's an eight trigram seal, it is made using 2 four symbol seals. The seal is made in such a way that it uses the users own chakra to seal the beast within themselves, but it is so basic that if the user looses control of the beast even once, it can take over the host and escape, killing him in the process." Naruto explained Kushina the working of the seal.

"I would suggest you not to use the kyuubi's chakra till we can make a better seal which won't depend on the users chakra"

Kushina looked down onto her stomach where the seal was with worry.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me" Naruto assured Kushina. "You have another problem to worry about anyways" Naruto continued, pulling down her shirt and getting up.

"Wwhat problem?" Kushina asked, scared that something was wrong with her.

"Since so much of your chakra is interacting with the nine tails to keep it restrained, it is causing severe fluctuations in your chakra flow and the added chakra of nine tails is not helping you any in controlling it"

Kushina just looked at him with understanding and replied with "ooooh", while she didn't understand a word he said.

Naruto sighed and explained it in simpler terms.

"Kushina, your chakra control is shorted"

"What?" she asked, still not quite understanding what he meant.

"Just try to create 5 clones" Naruto requested, trying a different approach.

She did as she was told and created 5 clones

" What the hell!, That took five times as much chakra and twice as long to create them!" Kushina exclaimed.

"That's what I am saying, since your chakra control is busted, you will require more chakra and more time to perform any technique", she was quite for few seconds then asked, "What can I do to overcome it?", coming straight to the point

"Your chakra control will never be the same again as the fluctuations from kyubi's chakra will cause it to disrupt regularly, All you can do is reduce the power and frequency of the fluctuations using chakra control exercises" Naruto explained, "You will have to start back with tree walking and water walking exercises and build up from there".

"From tree walking! " Kushina exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it won't be so difficult to master again, you can use the shadow clones to accelerate your training" Naruto explained "I'll show you how to do it this weekend"

"Thank you Naruto, you look out for me so much" Kushina replied with a small smile, "I don't know how I'll ever repay you"

"Don't worry about it, let's go and eat, the clones have just finished cooking"

Kushina just nodded and followed him out.

After having dinner, Naruto gave her his study material saying that he didn't really need it anymore. He sent her back to her room to study after that, so, she won't lag behind everyone in the class.

Naruto decided, he needed to advance his fuinjutsu level, reading those kido related book, which he couldn't even use right now, would be a waste of time, he could use that time to learn something new instead. So with that in mind Naruto made 5 clones this time and gave each a book on advanced fuinjutsu and instructed them to dispel once they have finished reading it, While he practiced some new seals he had tought up in his free time. It was only 8 in the evening now, he still had 4 more hours to go till midnight, that's when he had decided to sleep.

The next day Naruto woke up early, and followed his same routine from yesterday, only this time with Kushina present. Her introductions in the academy didn't go exactly as good as his, as she had, in her nervousness blurted out that she would become the first female hokage and gain everyone's acknowledgement for mocking her. 'God!, she is exactly like me when I was a kid' Naruto thought, smiling at her.

Once her introduction was over she came to sit besides Naruto, blushing the whole way, many girls were shooting her jealous glares but she just ignored them, thinking it was due to something she must have said.

"First female hokage huh?" Naruto teased.

"I panicked alright, I said the first thing that crossed my mind" Kushina whispered.

"Hokage Kushina Uzumaki, it has a nice ring to it. Tell you what, I'll support you if you really want to become the hokage" Naruto offered with complete honesty. Kushina just smiled at him and nodded, thinking how lucky she was to have a friend like Naruto.

By the breaktime, Kushina had figured out why girls were glaring at her, it was due to her close proximity to Naruto, she had quickly come to understand that Naruto had become a sort of celebrity in a span of one day due to his good looks and extreme talent for all ninja arts.

During the breaktime, some girls had cornered her and were teasing her for her round face and her red hair, she had looked at Naruto for help but he just shook his head and stood in his place.

Finally, after having enough of the girls teasing, Kushina took matters in her own hand and handled it the only way she knew, with violence. Due to this incident she was came to be known as The red-hot habenero.

"Why didn't you help me Naruto?" Kushina asked, with hurt and betrayal in her eyes.

"I don't want you to be dependent on me, had I helped you there, they would have just bullied you when I was not present, I will always be there to help you, but I won't fight your battles for you." Naruto explained "Do you understand, you have to learn to stand up for yourself, because girls like them will be everywhere and they weren't bullying you because they hated you "

" Then why were they bullying me, I didn't even do anything to them" by now Kushina was openly crying. Naruto quickly wiped her tears and hugged her.

"Its because they are jealous, they have no distinct features which makes them standout in a crowd, they are jealous of you because you have such beautiful red hair and a cute round face"

"You think so?" Kushina asked wiping her tears and looking up at Naruto.

"I know so."

Naruto let her go and asked her to go and wash her face while he waits for her in the practice area.

The rest of the periods were uneventful, with Kushina proving to be in a constant tie with Mikoto for the third place, with Naruto still coming 1st with a perfect score followed by Minato.

Even during their practice match, they seemed to have knocked each other out, while Naruto still managed to defeated Minato.

After the lectures were over, both of them went home, had some food and were just relaxing, when a messenger dropped by, asking them to visit the hokage. Not knowing what it was about they both made their way to the hokage office.

Now sitting on the chair facing the hokage, who was watching them with a stern face, "It has come to my attention that Kushina here is going around beating up girls, their mothers are being very pushy and asking for your suspension" Kushina instantly widened her eyes with an apology ready in her mouth "sorr-" but she was cut off before she could finish "That's bullshit" Naruto muttered, "Naruto i-" she was cut off again "no need to apologize to Kushina" Naruto replied looking at the sandaime " he can't suspend you, even if he wants to, much less at insistence of some stuck up ladies, you are a jinchuriki and an royal Uzumaki, as such you are still not a Shinobi of Konoha but a citizen of Uzu, if he is to suspend you, he will lose any power and control over you and in turn, over the nine tails." Naruto explained.

" And if by any chance he does suspend you on insistence of some ladies and Uzu finds out, they will order the leaf to return us back to them, then probably break ties with the village and they can't afford to do that with a war on the horizo-I am an Uchiha!" the last part was said by Naruto with as much surprise as he could muster.

" Now, how do you know that Naruto-kun?" the sandaime replied with a serious expression, while first it was set in mock sternness now he was in his business mode. "No one knows about that besides a few people" after few seconds when Naruto didn't answer he continued "I am waiting for an answer"

"Well, when you mentioned about suspension, I knew something was up, because Kushina here could kill an entire class and walk away with nothing but a slap on her wrist, that's the power her status grants her".

"Naruto that's not true, they'll probably throw me in a prison or much worse, execute me."

"He is telling the truth" Sandaime intervened, still looking at Naruto, Kushina just widened her eyes and looked at the third "with war on the horizon, we can't lose our best weapon or our alliance with Uzu "

"As I was saying, Kushina is untouchable, so you wouldn't have called us for such a bullshit reason and that only left me, so I quickly scanned your desk for any documents or reports regarding me, then all I had to do was waste enough time till I read something useful"

"How did you know there would be a report? " sandaime asked, impressed by the boy's intelligence.

"Well, you are a hokage, you can't really point fingers at someone without any concrete evidence, much less at someone from a foreign village", Naruto answered.

"Now, I already know that you took DNA samples from my bathtub" he continued,

" First of all eeww, and secondly, that's a breach of privacy. But, I still dont know what made you to take my DNA test in the first place."

"So you don't have all the answers, do you?" the hokage asked with a smug look.

"No need to sas me" Naruto replied with a pout on his face.

"During one of you matches, someone commented that you and Mikoto Uchiha shared a striking resembles to one another, it was overheard by one of the guards appointed to protect you, he reported the similarities between you two and suggested a DNA test, I did compare your photo, side to side with hers and I too noticed the similarities myself. So I decided to run a DNA test." the hokage paused, letting the tension build up.

"And?" Kushina asked, not able to handle the stress of not knowing.

"And" the hokage finally answered "his DNA matched with that of Mikoto, her mother and her father, but the percentage of matching was very low, meaning, while they were related to each other, their familial ties were like comparing to you and any other Uzumaki" he said pointing at Kushina " since they are of the same clan they would share a percent of their DNA with one another, so we had to run a cross reference of your DNA with every alive Uchiha clan member and none of them were close to a percentage as to provide to whom you were related to, so we increased our search parameter to the deceased Uchihas as well"

"Don't you people have anything else to do, wasting time like this when there Is a war on the horizon" Naruto remarked in a chastising manner. But he was ignored, the sandaime continued "Do you know who your parents are Naruto?"

"Well I knew my mother, she was an Uzumaki, since she had red hair and all, but I dont remember much of my father, since he died when I was three due to a diseases" Naruto replied with a shrug.

"Are you willing to let a Yamanaka check your memories? " hokage continued.

Naruto panicked for a second, then he remembered that the soul king had guarded his original memories, so he shrugged again and answered "sure why not?"

The hokage pressed a button and a blond haired man entered the office.

"You weren't giving me a choice in that matter, were you" Naruto accused, he turned to Kushina and said "after seeing this willy old man, do you really want to be a hokage?". The hokage winced at the loss of respect in the child's eyes but didn't say anything.

"Hey, you look like inoichi" Naruto remarked while motioning to the man.

"Yes, he is my son, I am inosuke, he talks a lot about you" Naruto just grunted and motioned for him to start while he laid his head on the back of the chair, where inosuke touched his temples "clear your mind", after a few moments they both went stiff.

"You like him, don't you? " the sandaime suddenly asked Kushina "You don't have to answer that" he continued " if he is related to whom I think he is, then you are gonna have a lot of competition, better snatch him before someone else does or you will regret it for the rest of your life, believe me I know" he said thinking about his students.

"Did you too-" Kushina started, "heavens no!, I married the love of my life. I have just seen many people lose their chance because they waited too long, it's a friendly advice, take it or leave it, its your choice."

After a few more moments both Naruto and Inosuke relaxed and opened their eyes.

"He is telling the truth" That's all inosuke spoke.

"OK, you are dismissed" after that he quickly left the room.

"Soo.." Naruto started.

"So the maximum percentage we got by tracing your DNA with the deceased Uchihas was, with Madara Uchiha". Both Kushina's and Naruto's widened their eyes.

"Meaning" Kushina started.

"I am" Naruto continued

"A descendent of The Madara Uchiha" The hokage finished.