
Requiem For A Dream

"You will be sent back in time to ensure this calamity never comes to pass, you will not reveal to anyone that you have time traveled, the choice that you make will be your own to follow through with". ================ TIME TRAVEL fic, Sharingan op Naruto. Will contain small crossover with Bleach. NarutoxKushinaxMikoto ================ [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/Panta6666/13652287/2/]

MisterWho · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

This is a rewritten story, the concept is similar to the original story just the grammar and punctuation are corrected.

Note - Only the first two chapters are in the first person after that I will change it to the third person.


'Why did it have to come to this?' this was the question I kept repeating to myself as I lay on the ground beside him. Neither of us could move, we fought for hours, throwing our strongest techniques at each other, we fought till both of us had almost no chakra left, still, we kept on fighting with our fists and our weapons, till even they ran out.

Now I was known to be a stamina freak, but even I had my limit and I was reaching it soon.

And how could I not? I fought the reincarnated shinobis who had unlimited chakra, unlimited stamina, and could regenerate from even the most lethal of the wounds. Then I fought the incomplete ten tails jinchuriki Obito and then I fought Madara Uchiha. Yes, Madara freaking Uchiha, and then, of course, l lost.

The nine tails was ripped from me and as a result, I died.

Well, technically I was dead for a few minutes but I went to the other side there I met "The sage of six paths", the original rikudou sennin.

He asked me a few questions and gave me his history of how Kaguya, his mother, ate the forbidden chakra fruit, how the ten tail was woken, how she went mad because of the power, and how he had to seal her away on the freaking Moon and how he defeated the ten tails and became its first container.

Apparently, he created the Biju(Nine-tailed beasts) from the chakra of the ten tails and his rinnegan, which gave him the ability to create anything from chakra. He did this so that no one would unseal his mother and bring destruction upon the planet as the ten tails were the key to unsealing her.

After the history lesson he asked if I still wanted to return and keep my promise of bringing peace, giving him my obvious answer he passed on his sage of six paths chakra to me, well mostly his yang chakra as I was the reincarnation of Ashura, his son. He then revived me with the task of sealing the ten tails and preventing the resurrection of his mother.

After I woke up, I realized I was too late, Madara had sealed the ten tails within him and had already completed his ultimate plan, his end game, The infinite Tsukuyomi, his plan for bringing peace.

At first, I was surprised how I wasn't affected by the Tsukuyomi but then I noticed the telltale signs of the Susanoo I was within. So he had survived, Sasuke, and he had saved me. I had hoped that he did it out of the kindness of his heart but apparently, he too had a chat with the sage, the sannin had given him the yin half of his chakra as he was the reincarnation of Indra, the Sage's oldest son, and also the rinnegan which was in his left eye.

Together, we both fought Madara for almost a week and were proving to be an even match for him but then The Black Zetsu shoved a hand through his back and out of his chest. We were as surprised as Madara was. As he fell forward to the ground face first, black Zetsu revealed who he truly was, as we had first assumed, he was not an extension of Madara's will but Kaguya's. He explained how he created a wedge between the sage's sons in the hope of unsealing Kaguya as only those with the power of the sage could unseal her but he proved to be unsuccessful. So instead he waited for an opportunity that presented itself in the form of Hashirama and Madara the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra, but he failed again as Hashirama refused to continue the cycle of hatred.

So instead, he led Madara astray as he still held deep hatred within his heart since he had lost his brother, Izuna, in the war against the Senju's, using this as his opportunity black Zetsu manipulated Madara to do his bidding for years and used him to release Kaguya.

And by the looks of it, he had succeeded in doing so, as Madara had somehow transformed into Kaguya. The ensuing battle raged for another week or so. Though I was the one who was mainly doing all the fighting while Sasuke was supporting me as best as he could because even with the power-up given to us by the sage, he still did not have the required physical endurance to last so long after fighting Madar for a week.

We had used all of our destructive techniques and created some new ones on the go, but they were never enough to put her down. So we had tried to seal her away back to the moon but after she realized what we were up to, she destroyed the moon, the Freaking MOON!. We truly had lost hope after that but we still needed to fight her, not for ourselves but for those who gave their lives believing in us.

We had taken to fight her one-on-one as both of us were exhausted after three weeks of almost nonstop fighting, we would have no time to rest if we didn't. This was when we noticed it, She was slipping and making mistakes, I had assumed it was just overconfidence because we couldn't defeat her or seal her as she had destroyed the sealing container .i.e. the moon, but it was happening far too often to be true.

Both of us retreated to plan a strategy and came up with an idea that could take her down. Sasuke theorized that she is slowly losing her mind, similar to the time when the sage had fought her, a little push could finally make her go over the edge and go insane again. It was a bad idea, we knew that but fighting an intelligent and calm enemy is harder than fighting a crazed one.

The plan was that I would distract her long enough till Sasuke creates the moon again through his rinnegan and seal her.

The only problem was that Sasuke didn't have enough chakra to create something as big as a moon and neither did I. So we came up with another, more dangerous plan, seal her within me then give enough chakra to Sasuke to recreate the moon. I still had the eight trigram seal which had store the Nine tails within me, it could probably hold her just long enough for Sasuke to recreate the moon again.

With our course of action decided, we called upon our summons to assist us in the fight and end it once and for all.

We fought for a couple of hours, mostly using hit and run tactics to make her agitated enough so we could capitalize on it. And our moment came when she was a little too focused on me and the summons, for Sasuke to land a decisive blow on her which we all capitalized on, through lots of struggle and sacrifice of our summons, we were able to seal her within me.

Now, have you ever had that feeling when you eat something too much too quickly and your stomach feels like it is bursting but contracting at the same time. I was having that feeling, only a thousand times stronger.

Through sheer will, I forced down the pain and started transferring the chakra to Sasuke who immediately started to recreate the moon. But in doing so an enormous amount of land was needed so we had no choice but to crack the elemental nations apart and use that land to recreate the moon.

After the moon was created, we began our sealing process, it took several hours to seal the Jubi's husk and Kaguya back in the moon.

After the deed was done I was left extremely tired so I laid down on the ground looking at the moon in the sky, Sasuke stood beside me doing the same. We had won, we had finally done the impossible, we had defeated Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the progenitor of chakra, mother of the sage, it bought a smile on my face, but then I remembered the cost of doing so and the smile was immediately gone. There was no one left, no Sakura, no Kakashi sensei, no Hinata, no one was alive for us to celebrate. Everyone had died when the Infinite Tsukuyomi was cast, they were absorbed into the giant god tree, anyone who had chakra was pulled into the tree,

'It must have happened when we were fighting Kaguya' I realized then, what we had done to create the moon. We had crushed the remaining population and sent them into space.

We had not won, no one was left alive, everyone I knew was dead. We had failed, I had failed. When I realized the true extent of the damage done, I couldn't help but close my eyes and let myself cry. I laid there for few minutes, mourning the loss of my friends, when l opened my eyes l could see Sasuke still standing near me, looking at the moon. "We lost," I said, he didn't reply, at first I thought he didn't hear me but when he looked down and finally spoke l couldn't be more shocked "You have to die," he said with a stoic face, "what?" l muttered, "One of us has to die for there to be peace"

"Why?", I asked.

"The two of us have a different definition of peace, if we both reconciled and worked together there will come a time when we won't agree with one another, it will be small at first but it will start to escalate and there will come a time in the future when we will have to fight again, it is better for us if we just do that right now".

I couldn't believe what he was saying, after all the battles, after all that we had lost, after all that we had been through, he still didn't believe that we could achieve peace. "We will find a way, we will bring true peace" I argued.

"As I said, your idea of peace and mine aren't the same, while you would go about preaching peace and harmony, I on the other hand plan to rule over the nations and see to it that there is no more conflict, by force if necessary, but you would never agree with that, you will oppose me and we will bring chaos in the world again, we will continue the cycle of hatred. So, for everlasting peace one of us has to die, our ideologies just differ too much from one another".

"it doesn't have to be this way!" I shouted, his reply was a solemn " I have made up my mind". With that said we both started our fight.

I started with my most preferred technique, The shadow clones, they quickly surrounded me and we moved as one to attack Sasuke who was till now standing still, we all jumped on him with a Rasengan in each hand but I noticed something was off and decided to back off a bit, my intuition was correct, as the clones converged on him a massive fireball fell from the sky dispelling them all, "You are not the only one who can use shadow clones" he taunted, I created five more clones and got into a taijutsu stance as Sasuke leaped on me. The fight was going well so far, I had long since learned a way to counter the Sharingan by using feints and tricks, the clones seemed to be doing a fine job of distracting him. Still, he was dispelling them too quickly for my liking. I created more clones and sicked some of them on him while I and the others prepared for our Rasengan barrage.

As we all pounced on him shouting our attack's name, he was to be ready for us by the time we reached him, he had surrounded himself with spikes of the unholy flames that, the Amaterasu. The flame impaled all the clones, dispelling them, it was only because of my chakra shroud, which I activated at the last second, that I didn't get stabbed.

I dashed forward to his face but he blocked it using the skeletal arm of Susanoo. Using that hand he pushed me away, the Susanoo started to grow bigger as muscles started to form around the skeleton structure, it did not stop there, the muscles grew armor then wings, when he was finally done he was as big as a mountain.

To match him, I began to enter the nine tails chakra mode, it was then I came to a terrible realization. I remembered that I no longer had Kurama in me for the tailed beast chakra mode since for the transformation an actual nine-tailed beast was needed to be sealed within oneself.

For now, I could only use the shroud from the sage of six paths mode to match him, ' it is better than nothing ' I thought.

As I activated the sage of six paths mode my body was covered with fire like golden chakra, my whisker marks morphed into three black bars, the whole sealing array became visible, starting from my stomach and spreading throughout my body in thick black lines, I also gained the truth-seeking balls which hovered behind me in a vertical circle. By the time my transformation was over, Sasuke's Susanoo had formed a crossbow and was shooting an arrow at me. I quickly motioned the truth-seeking balls to intercept the arrow.

The explosion that followed shook the ground I was standing on. I quickly flew up and threw the giant Rashenshuriken I had formed using the claws provided by the chakra shroud, for once not need a clone to help me. The Rashenshuriken hit the Susanoo in the chest and expanded outwards taking a huge portion of it out in the explosion.

Now, a normal Rashenshuriken could not do so much damage to a Susanoo of this level but add the sage chakra to it and you have an S-rank technique capable of dealing heavy damage to even the complete Susanoo.

As the giant hole in the Susanoo filled up by the chakra provided by Sasuke, I flew up to attack him using the truth-seeking balls as make-shift rods. By the time I reached him, he was already slashing his ethereal swords of the Susanoo towards me. I dodged the first one and blocked the second one in a crossguard. Giant cracks appeared on the sword from the point of contact.

'My truth-seeking balls cause severe damage to his Susanoo, at least I am not at a complete disadvantage.'

Trying to end the fight as quickly as possible, I combined the Rashenshuriken and the truth seeking balls together and threw them at his head, he tried to fly up to avoid it but he was a little slow as instead of hitting his face the Rashenshuriken exploded on his stomach, the explosion this time put the earlier one to shame. The entire Susanoo was caught in the explosion and this time nothing of it remained.

I had used most of my chakra for that attack and was now running on fumes and it seemed that Sasuke had survived by reinforcing the Susanoo with as much chakra as he could, without that, I doubt he would have come out of that explosion alive.

The final fight between us ended the way it always does, a Rasengan vs a Chidori, but this time none of us pulled back, we were fighting on fumes, we didn't have enough chakra to perform even the basic academy techniques, this was our final clash, I could feel it, we didn't stop our attack even when both ours hands started to bleed, we pushed on. At last, both our techniques ended, not because we wanted them to but because we had both lost our arms and couldn't continue. We stood there staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity but it couldn't have been more than a few seconds, then, Sasuke smiled, not his arrogant smirk but an actual smile as he closed his eyes and fell back to the ground, I followed soon, falling beside him.

"So this was your plan" I managed to mutter.

He didn't want to rule the world as he had said he planned to, he just wanted to end his suffering, to let go. " Bastard", I grunted as I gazed at the moon above. Sasuke had died the only way which I had never thought he would, with a smile on his face. I took a last look at his face and closed my eyes.