

They said something to Zander, but at the same time, they didn't say anything.


Zander heard this noise in the background, as if they were trying to communicate with him somehow, but their mouth didn't move. They kept staring at him.


Most of the time, he would put back his golden mask and they would turn around and leave him alone, as if they didn't see him.


All this time, he wouldn't stand to not wear his mask for a few minutes, unless he was unconscious and sleeping, but right now, he pushed through. His mask fell on his feet beside him and he stared back at them.


"What do you want?" Zander asked again. His voice was raspy. He breathed raggedly, but when he closed his eyes and opened them again, there was a new resolution in his eyes. "Whatever you are going to do, do it now."


He was not sure how it could help Zade, but his instinct told him that everything was related to one another.