

She was actually surprised. She thought Rowan only wanted to be a spectacle. She didn't know what his end game. He neither helped her nor stopped these generals from tarnishing her name, but he attacked one of them for threatening her.


"My king, I didn't aim you…" Xander tried to explain himself.


Xander immediately knelt in front of Rowan, so did the other two generals. They could be very fierce with their displeasure in front of the king earlier because Rowan didn't say anything and listen to their grievances, but when the moment Xander acted impulsively and drew his sword in front of the king, it had turned into different matter entirely.


"My deepest apology for my misconduct, my king."


Zaya felt awkward now. Even though they were kneeling down for Rowan, but because the man was standing behind her, it looked like they were kneeling down for her, while she was sitting comfortably on the seat.