

King Rowan looked at Zander in the eyes, he looked so calm when he delivered the heavy words, yet the other king was unfazed.


"You are too fast to judge the outcome of it." Zander took a step closer toward king Rowan. "A fight in a battlefield is easier than the one behind the close door, because you didn't know what kind of surprise that would be waiting for you. In the battlefield, your option is only two; whether you lived, or you died, but in this kind of battle, the options are vast and vary."


Zander made this conversation very light and easy, as if they were talking about the weather or the alcohol that they preferred for a party.


"I am not an easy target king Rowan." Zander smiled behind his golden mask, but the other king could see that from his eyes. "When you played with your sword, I have become the king of this continent." He reminded him that he was the youngest king in the history.