
Power up and meeting

The Raza training room

Vergil pov

It's been about a month since we all started training haki. My theory was right about being able to use haki. Since aura and haki both come from the soul and soul is a major power in Remnant. By now everyone has awkened and trained bot arnament and observation haki to the beginner level maybe intermediate if their semblance helped them. My haki levels are both intermediate. I haven't awoken Conqueror's Haki. I think it needs some emotional push to awaken so I guess I just need to wait. In the training room me, Team RWB and Team JNR are watching yang and pyrrha about to start a match. I set the rules before they begin.

Vergil: Okay no semblances just weapons and haki try not to break any bones Im still making the med bay so I can't fix you just yet unterstood?

Yang and pyrrha nod.

Vergil: Alright 3

They move back and turn to each other.

Vergil: 2

Yang: Shifts into her gauntlets and gets into her stance, pyrrha leaves her shield behind and just gets into her sword stance.

Vergil: 1

Before I even said go they dashed to each other and started CQC fist and sword meeting creating sparks flying through the air. I move back to ruby.

They start picking up speed when suddenly yang got leg swiped and pyrrha jumps up and tries to stab her when yang barrel rolls out of the way and shoots a shotgun shell directly into her gut pyrrha get sent flying, but catches herself and land when the smoke disperse you see pyrrha standing perfectly fine and her stomach black. Looks like she's can perfectly control her armament haki. Pyrrha shifts her sword into a rifle and starts rapidly firing at yang. See this yang yang just runs straight to her. when the first bullet is about to hit her head, she tilts her head to the left and dodges it. She tilts left, right then side flips all while moving closer. When she gets close enough she raisies her right fist and it turns black shes going for a right hook. Seeing this pyrrha coats her sword in haki and tries to block but before they can hit each there other I appear and black both hits with my haki coated hands.

Vergil: Alright fight over dam I said don't kill each other yet you have pyrrha trying head shots and yang shots a shot gun at point blank range.

Yang: Oh calm down V my observation haki is at a high enough level to dodge bullets when I focus and I knew miss little spartan was going to block my shot with her armament so everything's fine.

Pyrrha: It's alright brother we just like having our fun besides I could never really hurt yang her natural armour is already high no think about her with haki.

Ren: I still can't believe there's a power thats not aura or a semblance that can be this strong.

Weiss: Yes, if anyone gets to grandmaster level I feel quite sorry for there enemy's.

Every one nods at that.

Vergil: Alright alright, now thats enough sparring you can all due what you want I im gunna leave i'll be back later I gotta go due something.

Ruby: When you come back lets go find new cookie spot please, most bakery already know my face and ban me for eating out there stock.

Vergil*whisper* I still don't know how your not fat with the way you eat.

Ruby gives a scary smile at me.

Ruby: Huh sweetie did you say something!

Vergil: What noooo!

Ruby gets closer and holds me down.

Ruby: Are you sure I could've sworn you said something about me being fat hmm no my vergil wouldn't say something so rude would he.

Vergil: No I wouldn't matter in fact I said I love you right guys?

I give them a begging look but all the girls are on ruby's side while ren and jaune look at me with pity.

Jaune: Ruby didn't you say you finished upgrading Crocea Mors I wan't too see it.

Yes I always new jaune is nice now he's even taking one for the team great man.

Ruby: Oh yeah we better get going so you can test it out while I make adjustments. I'll see you later babe next time watch you words women are never fat am I right ladies?

All the girls nod

Vergil: Okay okay im sorry now get off me I have plans today alright.

She smiles and kisses me and then gets off me to the forging room.

Vergil: Okay yang when I get back I'll help you upgrade Bumblebee ok.

Yang: YESS! I've been waiting for that ever since I saw your lotus I'll get started and wait for you.

Pyrrha: Bye brother I'll be in the training room to see Kassandra.

I nod and head to the docking bay to get my baby, the lotus. I hop on and open the gate. I ride out heading to tusken's book store.


I'm outside the bookstore and find out I got here before emerald and mercury. Good now I can save that guy. I know he's not important but I always thought he got short end of the stick and died for reason.

Walking in I see a short but muscular man, with big side chops that would put logan to shame. He looks up and smiles at me.

Vergil: Hi I would like to know if you have biology, programming and cooking books.

Tukson: Yes I do but if you don't mind me asking why those books it seems quite random?

He looks confused and I don't blame him. Im getting the biology books so I can make the medbay healing chambers I'm almost done but I need to see how the healing liquids will affect human and faunus alike. The programming is for me to get better at hacking just in case I get into an area where jarvis can't help me and cooking books for ruby so she can make her own cookies.

Vergil: cooking books are for my girlfriend and the other two are hobbies of mine.

He nods and ring them up for me.

Tukson: That'll be 50 Lien please.

I pay and give a little tip.

Tukson: Thank you for your patronage.

Vergil: Can I give you some advise.

Tukson looks at strange like but nods.

Vergil: You got caught the white knows where you area and coming, their mad you left the life behind.

Tukson suddenly jumps and grown claws and jumps at me to attack. I dodge effortlessly and kick him in his back sending him crashing into the book shelves. Dam I love observation haki. Before he can come back I use my semblance too lift him in the air and summon an aura blade to his neck.

Vergil: FU*K! calm down wolverine! I'm just giving you a warning so you can pack up shop and leave dam.

Tukson: 1 why would you help me. 2 why should I belive you and 3 where did you get your info from.

Vergil: 1 because I'd hate to see a good man die for no reason. 2 I can kill you right now if i wanted to and 3 Don't worry about my sources.

I let him down and look relaxed when really I pushed my OH into the 5 meter zone so I can sense if he is about to attack. He puts his claws away and nods.

Tukson: Thank you for the warning and sorry about before.

Vergil: It's fine anyway ill be seeing you later bye.

I walk out the store and go to my bike. I put the books into a satchel on the side of the lotus and ride into an alley way near the bookstore. I find a latter and climb on to of the building across from the store and wait for emerald and mercury to come.

Timeskip 2 hours later

Tukson already packed and left vale so I just wait it out. I hear foot steps coming and stare of into the distance to my right to see a dark skin girl with emerald hair and a white skin boy with silver hair walking next to her coming to the shop.

Em: You think he's still in town merc.

Merc: Yeah he should be not like he had a tip and dipped out before we could catch him.

They continue walking until the stop because the reached the place but when they look inside it looks raided and tukson no where to be found.

Em: Dam he knew but how nobody knew we were coming.

Merc: It might not be he knew that we were coming he probably thought it was some white fang gunts.

Em: Yeah your right lets just report to cinder, our first day of school is coming up aren't you excited *sarcastically*

Merc: Yeah I'm ecstatic.

Okay so tukson safe first step to the messing with cinder plan done. Before I feel as if someones watching me. I grab yamato to block a sword strike aiming at my back. I turn to see a man wearing a hood with a big double sided sword with a skull guard. I push him off of me to the air, he back flips and lands on a building across of me. I feel like I've seen that sword before and what is this feeling of remembrance I get from here. I feel yamato shacking like it's excited of something. I look at the stranger and see he's wearing a red trench coat and black pants and combat boots.

Vergil: Who are you and why did you attack me!?

He doesn't answer and flaps his coat open to take out a pair of black and white pistols. He starts rapid firing at me. Using observation haki I easily dodge the bullets. I turn and give him a smug look.

Vergil: You missed!

??? smiled.

???: I never miss.

Before I ask my instincts flare and kick into over drive. I turn and see the missed bullets hit themselves and ricocheted back to me. I grab yamato and twirl it around in a circular motion cutting all bullets in half. But suddenly I was punched an launched onto the pavement. I see ??? lunge at me but before he can contiune I blast him with an air bullet and run to the lotus so I can lead him to the forest where theres not so much people. He dodges but sees me riding off he calls his bike and rides after me.

How the hell does he have bike locator tech I mean I know its not that hard to make but usually nobody does. I grab blue rose and just start fireing at him while dodging traffic. He swerves and dodges every bullet I put out. Suddenly a tuck comes out of nowhere I Swerve and take a right at an alley way. ??? sees it but its to late to turn so he speeds up and jumps off his bike backfilpping into the air. He smiles at me while in the air his bike leans and slides under the truck on the other side it comes out and regains normal positioning and ??? Lands on top and speeds to the forest after me.

When he arrives he sees me in the middle waiting for him. He gets off his bike and just stares at me.

Vergil: Since you want to fight so bad lets do it here so innocents don't get hurt.

He nods and takes his sword form his back while looking closely I see his sword shacking too.

Vergil: Wait let me clear the field.

I summon winds around yamato and swing in circles and wind slashes get sent everywhere cutting all the trees and stumps out of the way now its only me and him in the middle.

I start to walk towards the middle he follows suit. Then he unsheathe yamato and he grabs his blade off his back. We start to jog at each other. Then break out into a full born sprint. We charge at each other and swing. Sword on sword clashes you cant see our hands or blades just hear steel on steel and see sparks fly he tries to kick my side but I block with my knee and send an aura slash his way. He back flips and starts shooting each slash with aura bullets. dam he can use aura transfer too. I don't know but I start to smile I feel my blood start to boil. I start to fight harder dashing in I Swing yamato horizontally trying to cut off his head but backs up and bends leaving yamato to pass right by his nose. Giving him no time to recover I spin and send an air slash his way. His next action caught me off guard. He copys my move but sends a fire slash my way Is he a fir bender dam. We both dodge the slashes and start running side ways shooting at each other. I punch my fists foward in a repeated motion shooting air blast. He copys the same with fire. We cancel each out. He stops and does a leg swipe sends a layer of fire at me. I jump up take a deep breath and blow it away. I use yamato and air trick next to him to cut his arm off but head buts me and throws me off off him I drop my sword and get thrown away. He grabs my sword and chases me. He catches up and does an over head swing, I do a hand stand swipe my legs sending out air waves he flies and the sword on his back falls infornt of me I grab it and charge at him he lands seeing me smiles and charges at me. We both lunge at each other and stab our chest. I could have dodged using observation haki but I feel that he doesn't have any bad intention for me and plus I really enjoyed this fight I don't want to use a skill he doesn't have. We both stabbed each others chest and fall to the ground smiling. After a couple seconds both of us rise and pull out the swords in our chest. Our chests heals and we throw our respective weapon back to the rightful owner. Swipe the blood off and sheath our blades.

???: Wow I've never had a fight like that you my friend are very skilled.

Vergil: Same to you man I've never seen a person wield such a big sword and act like it weighs like nothing when i carried it. It was heavy as hell.

???: same with your sword.

Vergil: Okay enough suspense who are you? I know you just wanted a fight since I didn't feel any murders intent off you.

???: Well your right about that how bout I just show you.

??? takes of his hood and I see his white skinned face simmalar to mine and his long white hair reaching up until his neck with some white chin hair on his face. I see he has blue eyes. He's basically me if I had blue eyes let me hair down and like the cowboy type of vibe. Omg he's

Dante: Names Silvers D Dante in other words your brother.

Vergil: WHA---

He cuts me off and pulls me into a bro hug than strats rubbing my head

Dante: Hey squirt I've been looking for you for a long time brother.

I snap out of it and push off my hair. I fix it

Vergil: Dam it man do you how hard it is to keep my hair like this.

Dante puts his hands up in defeat but smiles.

Dante: Oh right sorry my bad I've just been looking forward to meet you baby brother.

Vergil: Baby? Im 15 How old are you.

Dante: 17 Which makes me older.

Vergil: Dam.... Wait! what the hell we just stabbed each other into the chest how are we still alive matter in fact how the hell is there no scar.

Dante: Oh that's because were half demon.

Vergil: Oh that makes since half demo... Wait demon! those are real.

Dante: You have so much to learn brother this world is so big and you have only seen a small part in this side of the globe, Grimm are the major enemy or monster here but in different countries across the globe there different enemy's, powers and people.

Dantes words shocked me. I know I asked god for rwby to be bigger but this is crazy. I asked for vergil sword, looks and memories I dint think he would grant the blood line specifically since I have the silver eye blood line. Wait how do i have both.

Vergil: wait how am I half demon? where did you come from since you talk as if your not from remnant and if im half demon where did my silver eyes come from since you dont have them brother.

Dante: Wo Wo Wo! calm down vergil thats alot but ill answer. 1 your demon half comes form our father legendary dark knight sparda. 2 I come from another country and our mom had the silver eyes blood line but only you got it while I just had the half demon blood.

Vergil: But if our family comes from somewhere else how does our mom have that bloodline.

Dante: Our moms full name is Silvers D Eva originally she came from here and was apart of the silvers clan ally's of the rose clan another clan that has silver eyes.

Mind shocked again I have a clan here and ruby does to, I have to rescue summer soon we have alot to discuss

Vergil: Okay I get that but my question is why are you here now.

Dante: well thats a long story but simplified version is mom left you here when we were young so you can stay safe while she took me with her to help dad in his world. I was supposed to stay with you and the clan but I wanted to help and wouldn't take no for an answer. But when we were about to cross over into dads world mom stopped me from coming saying its to dangerous. She said find you and one day when were strong enough well be able to get her and dad then knocked me out when i came to, I found my self in an orphanage with a bag. Inside the bag was my sword rebellion, 2 necklaces and a note saying find you stick together and give the other necklace to you. So I spent my years getting stronger and slowing coming to remnant. The reason why I'm here is to find you, get stronger, figure out what happen to our clan, save remnant from the grimm since this is moms home and go back with you when were strong enough to save dad and mom. Also here the necklace is yours.

After digesting everything he just said he throws me a a blue amulet necklace matching his red one. I put it one and instantly feel my self being complete like as id my demon side and human side that were fighting against each other now fused into complete harmany.

Vergil: Wow and you said that was the simplified version.

Dante: Yup long version has a lot of theory's and ozpin nonsense.

Vergil: Wait you know ozpin?

Dante: Yeah 1 he let me into beacon as a transfer and 2 is He knows something about moms friend summer rose disappearance.

Vergil: Mom and summer knew each other.

Dante: Yeah the both attended beacon together mom was apart of Team STEQR beacons first ever 5 man team.

Vergil: Well that makes things alot more complicated.

Dante: How? Do you know summer?

Vergil: Well I don't know her but I do know where she is and im kinda dating her dauter.

Dante: Oh i see your dating ---- YOUR DATING HER DAUGHTER I knew you were my brither look at you ladies ma.

Dante wraps his arm around my shoulder and laughs.

Vergil: Don't be so happy cause it's my turn to explain my story to you.....