
reliving the events of naruto

if your eyes hurt and you find it not of your liking or whatever then please do me a favour and stop reading this, no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time. I just want to create a good FF for myself. I am not a professional writer just passing time and it is also my first time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. [ The above part about my views is kind of copy-paste from another author because it matches quite a lot with my views and I wasn't able to find proper words about it.]

Sirsniffs · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs


We now skip 4 years Naruto is age 4 and has just moved into his apartment.

Naruto POV

'Back to square one well I guess I will just have to start early' Naruto thinks with a smile as he walks into his apartment "thanks Jiji I appreciate it" Naruto said, "no worry's Naruto it is the least I can do" the third Hokage said 'yea it is the least you can do' Naruto thought "bye Jiji" Naruto said "bye Naruto" Hiruzen said as he leaves.

a couple of minutes later

"well I guess I could start training now I can only train my body for now because I can't unlock my chakra very easily and I can't get ninja tools so I guess it's back to the good'ol pushups," Naruto says with a smile.

A few hours later

"guess I should take a shower" Naruto said as he gets up takes and takes a shower.

after the shower

"ahh that felt so good not being under threat so much I know those villagers are too scared to kill me," Naruto says to himself 'well I guess I should eat something and go to bed' Naruto thought 'I never had a wife or anything in my past life so I guess I could try that this time' Naruto would think again "well whatever I can think of those things later" he said as he went to sleep.

sry for the short chapters just nothing to interesting and as you can see naruto is different thats because stuff actually had an effect on him so he may be scheming at some points but anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter

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