
ReLife In Fake Twilight

Keath Sunstone, an average and unremarkable man experiences a tragic death before being given the opportunity to be reborn as a Nephalem with a few wishes in a not so Twilight world. ------ This is an Alternate Universe of Twilight and Seven Deady Sins [Do NOT assume the information you know about Twilight to be correct in this Fan-Fiction] Warning: Strong mc --> Overpowered mc --> Super Overpowered mc Warning: Two love interests Update schedule: This Fan-Fiction is a side project for me so updates aren't stable. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs


Author Note: For those of you who hate a short mc, don't get your panties in a wad, Tristan will get taller later on in the story.


Alice Cullen, the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen. She could be described as a very beautiful, cheerful, giddy, charismatic, and fashionable woman. She's petite, the shortest of the Cullens at 4'10, with small pixie-like features, has large eyes and long delicate eyebrows while her hair is cropped short, spiky, and inky black in color.

But besides her appearance what was so special about her? What made me so entranced by her? I myself wasn't sure what made her special. Maybe it was the way she made me feel, or perhaps it was the way she looked at me, shoot maybe it was the way she walked, I really didn't know.

"Who might you be young man?" The black haired woman I identified as Esme asked with a smile as she looked at me, she obviously knew that neither I nor Alice knew how to initiate the conversation.

"Tristan... Tristan Swan." I said regaining my bearing mid sentence.

"Swan? Are you perhaps one of Sheriff Charlie's children?" Esme asked curiously with a smile.

"Yeah." I replied looking at Esme while trying to keep my eyes off Alice, I was unsure about how to feel right now, the sudden interest I gained in her was weird and unexpected.

"I see, my name is Esme Cullen and the one you were having a staring contest with is my daughter, Alice Cullen." Esme said with a sweet smile.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." I said.

"Will you be attending Fork High?" Alice asked me with a curious look on her face that I found dangerously cute.

'Holy shit.' I said internally understanding that these feelings were the real deal, I was extremely interested in Alice, abnormally so.

"Yeah, I start tomorrow." I replied to the little vampire who let a smile.

"Mhm, I see." Alice said before continuing.

"What year are you?" Alice asked.

"Junior." I replied before asking a question of my own.

"And you?" I asked although I already knew the answer.

"Senior." Alice replied.

After answering my question the both of us fell into silence everyone but us would find weird. I didn't care though, I was trying to understand my own feelings, I'd never felt like this before so I had no experience in this field.


My phone rang loudly pulling me from our odd staring contest.

"One sec." I said as I pulled my phone out and saw that I had a text message from dad.

[Come on home, dinner will be ready in a few.] The text from my dad said.

"Looks like I've got to get going." I said as I looked away from my phone and back to the two women.

"That's quite alright honey, have a good rest of your day." Esme said with a smile.

"Goodbye..." Alice said clearly full of reluctance to see me leave.

"Bye..." I replied with the same reluctance unknowing as I walked away from the two women.

'Jeez.' I said to myself as I walked out of the shop and got into my car.

As soon as I got into my car I started it up and began my drive home and now that I was alone I had some time to think of my interaction with the 104-year-old vampire. Yup, I had nothing. We were weird, just staring at each other with dazed eyes and blatant interest.

"And here I was thinking I would be a spectator..." I said before releasing a sigh.

'And what about Jasper? How would he feel if he knew about what just happened between the two of us? It didn't seem like much but it definitely was, the bond had formed at that moment.' I said inwardly before continuing.

'Maybe there isn't a mate bond between us and I'm just really interested in her.' I said internally thinking I could be right.

I fell into an intense session of thinking while driving home and after a bit of driving through the small town of Forks, I successfully arrived at my house.

"Sup shorty." Bella said from the kitchen after I walked in.

"Sup." I replied not caring about her words.

"Huh?" Bella said surprised I didn't have a remark

"Dad!" Bella shouted to the man who was in front of her.

"Jesus Bella what?" Dad replied slightly annoyed that she yelled when she was so close.

"Tristan didn't respond when I called him shorty!" Bella shouted.

"I know... I was here the entire time." Dad said before he went back to eating.

"You don't get it, Dad, Tristan ALWAYS replies when I call him shorty." Bella said as if there was some kind of mystery behind the situation.

"Bella... Leave you brother alone." Dad said to Bella before taking his empty plate to the sink.

"*Sigh* Fine." Bella said before going back to her food.

While those two were talking about me like I wasn't there I was making a plate of food, today we were having spaghetti with garlic bread, simple yes but it was an amazing dish nonetheless.

"Thanks for the food." I said before sitting down at the table and devouring my dinner.

"No problem." Dad said before continuing.

"There's a lot in there since I know you eat a lot, so eat as much as you want." Dad said before making his exit.

"Great." I said happily as I continued eating.

I eat a lot and everyone in my family knows that so they always prepare a ton of food so that when everyone else is done eating I'll still have plenty for myself, pretty nice of them if you ask me.

"How can you eat so much and not get fat? I barely eat and gain a pound..." Bella said with a huff.

"Exercise fat ass." I said with a shiteating grin.

"Fuck off..." Bella said as she rolled her eyes.

"So, what was that earlier? I could tell something was on your mind, spill it." Bella said with curiosity in her eyes, she's always been so nosy no matter how much I tried to stop her.

"I was at the thrift shop and met a girl." I said not bothering to hide it, it wasn't super important anyway.

Bella didn't respond instead her face shifted from one of curiosity to one of pure and utter shock, the girl was clearly at a loss for words.

"Why're you looking at me like that?" I questioned before taking another bite of my spaghetti.

Hearing me speak again seemed to knock the protagonist of Twilight out of her shock.

"You... and a girl?" Bella said cryptically.

"Yeah..?" I said questioningly and slightly confused at what she was getting at.

"Wow... to think the little ice prince of Phoenix High would actually gain interest in a woman, an unprecedented occurrence, truly unexpected." Bella said as if something truly wonderous had happened.

"Oh my god Bella, don't call me that, you know I hate that nickname, we don't live in Japan." I said with a disgusted expression, I really hated the nickname I received in my previous school.

There was no hiding that I looked exotic in the eyes of everyone, I had Heterochromia with my left eye being bright green and my right eye being bright blue and if we combine that with my white hair and face that outclassed any human and vampire, I was obviously eye-catching and with that being said I was unfortunate enough to receive the nickname 'little ice prince' in my previous highschool.

"Yeah, yeah, so who's the lady?" Bella asked after brushing my words off.

"Her name's Alice Cullen, she's a senior at our new school, Forks High." I said as I got up from the table and made another plate of spaghetti.

"I see, I don't know her." Bella said with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"Obviously, we just moved back." I replied with an 'are you serious' face.

"True, well we'll talk about it more later, I'm gonna take a shower." Bella said before making her exit.

"Damn kids." I said before releasing a sigh.

"Your a kid too fuckface!" Bella shouted from the stairway.

"No cursing you two!" Dad shouted from his room.

I didn't answer and instead decided to eat the rest of the spaghetti which I smashed in less than two minutes then proceeded to clean up the kitchen before heading up to my room.

Upon entering my room I quickly grabbed some clothes before entering my bathroom to take a shower. I could use magic to clean myself but sometimes I like to take a shower regularly, I like the way warm water feels after a long day.

'Sleep sleep sleep...' I said inwardly after jumping face-first onto my bed and drifting to sleep.

I usually train my magic at night but I didn't feel like doing so tonight, I just wanted to sleep. Yes... maybe I was excited to see Alice tomorrow, but who cares?! I just wanna see her, nothing else.

~ The next morning ~ 

Morning time, a time dreaded for any race, and a Nephalem isn't excluded from this. I hate waking from my lovely sleep, and although I don't need to sleep I love sleeping so I do it anyway. 

Floating into the air I quickly shifted the magic on my body and created a new outfit for me to wear. Yes, the clothes in my closet were just for appearances, I didn't actually wear any human-made clothes, I used magic to create my clothes, and whenever I wanted to change I would simply imagine the clothes I wanted, and bam, I was wearing the clothes I wanted.

For today's school wear, I wanted to keep it simple. My upper garments consisted of a black Champion hoodie with a white T-shirt underneath and my lower garments were loose cargo pants and Air Jordan 1s.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"You ready to go Tristan? Dad's waiting to tell us the directions." Bella's voice sounded from the other side of my door.

"Yup." I said as I stopped floating and opened the door.

Seeing me open the door Bella turned and began walking downstairs, Bella wasn't a morning person either.

The both of us walked downstairs and were greeted by our father who was wearing his police uniform.

"Alright you two, all you need to do is drive down the street until you see Rosewood Road then take a left and continue down that street until you see Forks High." Dad said before continuing.

"I'll be home late tonight so you can order food if you want, there's money on the table, love you two." Dad said before walking out the front door.

"You drive in front of me." Bella said as she opened the front door that had only closed a few seconds ago.

"Yup." I replied as I walked out of the door Bella had so graciously opened.

Walking down the driveway I soon arrive next to my car before getting in and begin waiting for Bella to get into her car as well.

I didn't have to wait long as Bella soon entered her car and honked the horn signifying that she was ready and with that I began my ride to Forks High. The town of Forks was small so it didn't take long to arrive at our destination.

Bella and I drove into the school parking lot grabbing the small town people's attention. Ignoring the random humans Bella and I found two open parking spots next to each other and quickly parked our cars before getting out

"They sure do stare a lot..." Bella said as she stood next to me obviously disliking the looks she was getting.

Bella was able to talk and joke with me easily since we've been close for so many years but other people are an entirely different thing. Her shy and awkward nature persisted no matter how much she and I communicated, other people really weren't her cup of tea.

"Yeah." I said in agreement as I began to walk in front of Bella who was doing as she always does in public, hide behind me.

Bella was 5 foot 4 (or) 162cm, so she was one inch shorter than me and even though the difference was not noticeable at all she would use it to her advantage in public, I was her shield from the humans who sought to disturb her peace.

Still ignoring the random people Bella and I entered the school before entering the front office which was directly in front of you once you entered the school building.

"How can I help you two?" The woman at the front desk said with a smile.

"This is our first day and we need to get our schedules." I replied to the woman.

"Ah, I see, what are your names?" The woman asked.

"Tristan and Isabella Swan." I replied.

"One moment." The woman said.

A minute of waiting later the woman handed Bella and me two papers each, one was our schedule and one was a school map.

"Here you are, I've marked your first periods on the maps, I hope you two enjoy yourselves." The woman said with a smile before resuming the work she was doing before we got here.

"Thanks." Bella and I said as we walked out of the front office and stood in the hallway looking at our schedules.

"We've got gym and math together, but that's it." Bella said before releasing a sigh, her shield wouldn't be there all day like I was in Phoenix High.

"Man up little lady." I said with a smile before continuing.

"I've got English class first so I'll see you at lunch." I said as I walked away.

"Okay, see you later." Bella said as she began walking to her first period class.

Following the map the front office lady had given me I made my way to my first period class and whilst doing so I heard many people speaking about me. Some people said good and bad things about me, the boys said things along the lines of 'great another pretty boy' with contempt in their voices while the girls said 'that guy's hot', it was either they liked me or they didn't.

Knowing it was better to tune out the voices of random humans I did just that, tuned them out, and continued on my way to my first class of the day.

'Should be this one.' I said internally as I matched the number on my paper with the one above the classroom door.

Entering the classroom I made my way to the teacher who was already looking at me.

"You must be Tristan Swan, right?" The teacher said with a welcoming smile.

"Yeah." I replied while nodding my head.

"Good, well Tristan my name is Leroy Bateman, you can call me Mr.Bateman, I'll be your English teacher this year and if you have any questions please come and ask me." Mr.Bateman said with a smile before continuing.

"The seat by the window is free so you can sit there." Mr.Bateman said before sitting down at his desk.

"Okay, thanks." I said before walking over and sitting down at the desk he pointed me to.

After sitting down at the desk the bell rang which meant people would be filling the classrooms soon and this room wasn't an exception to that.

Over the next few minutes, the classroom filled up to the brim with people of varying appearances, but regardless of how they looked, the new student all caught their eye, I caught their eye.

"Hey." A voice said from beside me.

"Hello." I replied as I looked at the girl next to me.

"What's your name?" The girl asked curiously.

"Tristan." I replied.

"Nice to meet you Tristan, I'm Jessica, Jessica Stanley." The girl said with a smile.

'I know.' I said inwardly knowing my opinion of Jessica wasn't very good, from what I knew she was the basic white chick who liked to talk shit about people behind their backs, not the type of person I wanted around.

"Yeah." I replied before looking away from the girl and continuing to read the book I brought to school with me.

'Daniel X, an overpowered guy if he uses his ability correctly.' I said internally as I thought about Daniel's ability to create stuff with his mind.

Hearing my response Jessica seemed to notice I didn't want to speak and decided to leave me alone, perhaps she wasn't so bad after all.

"Yeah, but he's pretty stuck up though." I heard Jessica whisper to the person on the other side of her.

'Maybe not.' I said inwardly.

I read my book throughout English class since Mr.Bateman said this was a free period and soon enough the class ended and with that, it was time for the second class of the day.

My second and third classes of the day didn't have anything to take note of. My second and third periods were the same as my first period, I introduced myself to the teacher and sat there either reading my book or listening to the teachers lecture, but now it was time for gym and I knew that not only was Bella in this class but Emmett as well.

'Hopefully this class will be more entertaining than the other classes I've had so far.' I said internally as I entered the gymnasium.

to be continued...