
Letters from the Khorasan War (1-2)

Dear Anya,

I hope, you get this letter at least. This is the 5th letter, I'm writing to send you. The first three, I tried sending you, went to ashes with the cargo planes that went down near the mountains. The fourth one got destroyed on the ambush on the convoy in the mountains as well.

No wonder, the locals call those mountain ranges, "Devil's Picket Fence." Cause they say the devil's house is on the top of the highest peak of the mountains. But on the factual side, thee mountain valley is littered with anti-aircraft guns and snipers. And to make it worse, last week. A tank company took control of the main highway that runs through here and Samsud. That's not the worse part. The worst part is that the commander of that company is no other than Esmail Amjad , he is the Khorasan's answer to Erwin Morrell. The Khorasani's have a nickname for him, "Zulfiqur". The name of the sword used by the legendary Sargonian swordsman, Saladin that can cut through everything even a mountain. That's one guy, I hope. I don't get the opportunity to meet.

If this letter gets to you. I want you know how much I miss you. When ever I go to sleep, I dream of your sweet embrace. I, dream of you being with you and our child. And I got some good news, my CO told me my tour is going to end early. Isn't that something? If my good luck doesn't run out. Which I hope, doesn't. I will be able to be beside you just in time for your baby shower in September.

I hope, to be there in time to witness the birth of our child. Love you, Anya

Yours always,



Approved for Public Viewing,

By the Foundation for our Fallen Warriors


Dear Mom & Dad

I pray that the Almighty bright god has ensured you both good health. He, has ensured my good health as well.

So, I have never tried doing this. Sending a letter to you. I thought, why not send one to you guys. I'm missing you guys here. But gladly, I have not been feeling homesick. Who could feel homesick after looking at the beauty of this country. I can't get enough of the country-side and the people here, are not bad as well. When I came here, I thought they would be hostile to us. But they're actually very friendly. A elderly couple in a nearby village, where I am posted invited me and my patrol team to supper. We gladly got the permission from the HQ, to go to their invite. The food was delicious, Ernie was the biggest eater out of us all. He ate like he hadn't eaten in a month or two. While, Michelle felt a little upset by the spiciness of the food. But she liked the desert they gave her. When I asked, the couple why they invited us, you know what they answered? They said it was the tradition of their culture to welcome foreigner and travellers with to their home. I have read a little about Khorasani culture. They actually invite strangers to their home for food and even let them stay in their house without question. How generous is that!

Shame, I'm here to fight a war. I would've loved to live in peace with these people and their rich history and culture.

My tour ends towards 30th of this month. So, it'll take about the 1st of September to get back to the Isle. I'll tell you more about Khorasan when I get home.

No more today, Love you mom and dad. And Dad, I hope you been taking your medicine. I'll be checking your health reports when I get home. You better not be skipping on your medicine.

Your Beloved Daughter,



Approved for Public Viewing,

by The Foundation of our Fallen Warriors


I wanted to expand my means of telling a story. So, that’s how these letters came about.

Ethos493creators' thoughts