
System Lottery

After they have returned back, Roland asked the chef to prepare a meal for Anna while he returned to his room. Inside his room, Roland opened the system shop, after looking around the shop. Roland was both surprised and depressed at the same time. There are many items in the shop however they are too expensive. The 100 points that he have received from saving Anna was not enough for most of the items in the shop.

When Roland was about to close the shop, he spotted a banner on the bottom with the word Lottery on it. Roland did not know that there was a lottery in the system, he hurriedly opened the lottery and saw a wheel with multiple section. There are 5 sections, starting with the smallest section labelled Skills, second smallest labelled Consumable, third smallest labelled Weapons, fourth smallest labelled Items, with the biggest section labelled "Try again next time".

One try would cost Roland 100 points.

Roland hesitated for a moment before deciding to try his luck to spin the lottery wheel. With his 100 points deducted, the lottery wheel started spinning. Roland was praying in his heart that hoping that the wheel will not stop at try again section. When the wheel finally stopped, Roland felt like he has waited for years. Luckily for Roland, the wheel stopped at the smallest section, which is the section for Skills. He received a Beginner Witch Cultivation Skill book from the system.

Based on the description, this cultivation skill book will help witches to cultivate their power, improving their control over their power as well as improving the might of the power. Roland was quite disappointed despite hitting the jackpot because he did not have the ability to sense or control the power that witches could control, therefore Roland was unable to make use of this skill book.

However once he get over the initial disappointment, he was still quite happy to have the skill book as he could let Anna to learn the skill book and improve her power. If Anna power gets an upgrade, it would be beneficial to him as Anna is his follower.

At night, Roland went to Anna room to find Anna. He passed the skill book to Anna and told her to practise according to the book. Although Anna was surprised to see Roland handing her a book, what truly surprise Anna was that she didn't know there was such a book in the world that could guide witches in cultivating their power.

Anna was really grateful to Roland and she made a vow in her heart that she would follow Roland forever, she would be Roland' sword and shield, protecting him and ensure that his path will not be blocked by anyone.