
Relaxing in DxD

Just some guy who reincarnated in DxD with limited knowledge with a sacred gear that lets him summon characters from the gacha games he owned in his old life.

Byakkan_Byakkan · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

A Devil, A Maid and A Crocodile

A few days have passed since the grand opening. The café quickly gained popularity, and we've been hella busy. I say busy, but it's not that much work. People from all over came to eat our food and to see Yae and me. Turns out I was quite popular, especially among the older women.

With summer vacation happening soon, it makes sense that we were getting a lot of business. Which reminds me, I need to sign up/set up an account with a delivery service.

Right now, it was near closing time, the time we barely had any customers. I was planning on closing up early and going on a stroll with Yae, who was taking a shower, but a couple came in.

"Hello, are you still open?"

"Yes, we are."

"Are you sure? You seem to be cleaning up."

"I planned on closer early, but I forgot to flip the sign. So please, take a seat, I'll bring you a menu, or you can come up to the counter and order."

Those people seem interesting, and they look familiar. A man with crimson hair and a woman with silver hair. That's right, I have memories of seeing them at school. What were their names again?

I got it! Sirzechs and Grayfia. Oh shit, they were from were anime too. This could be bad for me. I hope Yae can sense something and doesn't come down. Wait, what if they can sense something, and that's why they're here. I'll just get them their food and drinks and hope they'll be on their way.

"Good evening. Welcome to Café Soleil. I apologize for before."

Sirzechs, the crimson-haired man, nodded and returned the smile. "No worries, and thank you for accommodating us. We've heard great things about your café and couldn't resist stopping by. We'll be quick, I promise."

"No worries, please, take your time."

They genuinely seemed to be here for food and drink, but I couldn't disregard the chance that this wasn't a coincidence.

"If you have any questions or need recommendations, feel free to ask," I offered, trying to be as professional as possible.

Sirzechs glanced at the menu briefly before setting it aside. "We'll have your specialty coffee and the chef's recommendation for the evening."

After a few moments, I returned to their table with their drinks, placing them in front of Sirzechs and Grayfia. "Here are your drinks. Enjoy. Your food will be done shortly."

"Thank you," Sirzechs replied, taking a sip of his coffee. "This is exceptional. It's no wonder this place has gained popularity so quickly."

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it."

Grayfia, who had been quietly observing our exchange, spoke up. "I must admit, I've heard some rumours about this café. People say it has a special charm, and the food is amazing. I must say they were right. This is delicious."

As I continued pretending to cook them a meal, Yae came downstairs, her hair still slightly damp from the shower. She glanced at me with a knowing look. It seemed she did notice something.

I subtly gestured for her to stay back and out of sight for now. It was best to assess the situation before involving her. Plus, I didn't want to risk any unnecessary trouble.

I approached their table, ready to serve their food. I was about to leave when Sirzechs placed his cup down and turned his attention toward me.

"Excuse me. I have a question for you."

"Of course. How can I help?"

Sirzechs leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on mine. "I couldn't help but notice, but you seem familiar. Have we met before?"

"No, I'm afraid not. But I used to go to Kuoh Academy, I and I think I remember seeing you there."

"Ah! Yes, that's right. I remember seeing you when visiting my Ria- my sister. Thank you, sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"No problem. Please enjoy your food."

Thankfully nothing happened after that. The two of them finished eating and left.

After Sirzechs and Grayfia left, I let out a sigh of relief. It seemed they were here just as regular customers after all. Still, I can't help be feel uneasy. I need to talk about this with Yae. They might not have been here for trouble, but others might.

Guess my plans for a nice night stroll are gone.

I quickly finished closing up the café and joined Yae, who had gone upstairs. She was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a cozy blanket, waiting for me.

"So, what was that all about?"

I sat beside her and told her who Sirzechs and Grayfia were. I had already told her about the supernatural. It turned out that the god who reincarnated me gave her the basics.

"Hmm, it does sound a bit suspicious. But I agree with you. Considering our circumstances, we should be more cautious."

Yae leaned in closer, her warm breath tickling my ear. "Don't worry~. I'll keep you safe."

-- Sirzechs POV --

After leaving Café Soleil, me and Grayfia teleported back home.

"Grayfia, did you notice it?"

"Yes. That young man isn't normal. He has a massive amount of magic power but seems to be unaware of it."

"Hmm? He tried hiding it, but he was wary of us. He must have instinctually noticed something. If he did, he must be very sensitive to the supernatural if he could notice something off even with us hiding our power."

Grayfia nodded in agreement. "It's possible he possesses some form of spiritual awareness or sensitivity. It would explain his reaction."

I crossed my arms, deep in thought. "We need to investigate this further. He could be a potential peerage member for Rias."

"Shall I begin gathering information on him?"

"Yes, start by looking into his background, his connections, and any potential magical heritage. Also, find out who or what that other signature was. It was strong."


With a nod, Grayfia left the room to start her investigation. As I watched her go, I couldn't help but wonder about the young man, the owner of Café Soleil. His hidden potential and the presence of another powerful signature. Maybe this could be the key to helping Rias.

Even if he doesn't want to become a devil, I can help him become a magician. That way, he would owe me a favour. I could have him form a contract with Rias. She needs all the help she can get if she wants to free herself from Riser.

-- Orochi POV --

Pocari Sweat after a bath just hits different. After seeing Sirzechs and Grayfia, I needed to relax.

Ding! Oh shit, my sacred gear did something.

Meet an Important Character - Done!

Nice! A new game is unlocked, and I got a roll.

After drying off and changing into my pyjamas, I sat with Yae on the sofa to watch some t.v.

"So~ Are you going to summon someone or not?"

" I don't know. I kinda like it being just the two of us."

Yae chuckled softly and leaned her head against my shoulder. "Well, it is nice to have some alone time together. But don't you want to meet more of your favourite characters?"

"Well, I mean... it's not that I don't want to. I don't feel the need to summon anyone else at the moment. Besides, I don't want to rush things. I want to savour every moment with you, Yae."

Yae smiled at me. Her eyes were gentle and with warmth. "That's sweet of you. I'm glad to hear that you're happy with me." She snuggled closer, "But don't be stupid. You have that sacred gear because you want to see and summon us. So do it."

"You're right. Sigh. I'll do it. We do have another room. Why not use it."

"Hehe. Are you going to go for Genshin again or Arknights, was it?"

"Arknights, I choose you!"

Excited by the idea of summoning a new character, I quickly made my way to the spare room in our house. It was a cozy space, furnished with a comfortable bed and a desk with a gaming setup. The room was decorated with posters and merchandise from various anime and games. It was a gaming room, this body set up. But considering the time I came from, I don't see myself playing any of these.

"I'm excited to see who you'll summon this time. Anyone, in particular, you want to see?"

"Hmm, there are a few characters, but I'm open to anyone."

"Well, let's not keep them waiting then. Summon away!"

I took a deep breath, focusing my energy and intention on the summoning process. I clicked the recruit button, and the room began to glow.

The light faded, and standing before us was a young woman with dark green hair and gold-yellow eyes. She wore a dark green jacket over a black crop top, a pair of black shorts and knee-high boots.

She had a confident and determined expression on her face. I recognized her immediately.

"You look really do look different. Tch! I wasn't the first one you summoned."

Gavial crossed her arms and glanced at Yae, a hint of competitiveness in her eyes. Yae chuckled and shrugged.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. "Well, you know how it is. But hey, I'm more than happy to have you here, Gavial."

Gavial crossed her arms, still looking slightly annoyed expression. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Yae chimed in, trying to diffuse the tension. "Come on, now need for that. You know he 'loves' you. No need to be jealous."

With a slight blush on her face, Gavial looked away. "Shaddap. I know... I was just hoping I was first."

Yae giggled. "Oh, m~ Aren't you cute.."

"Oi! Don't call me cute."

Gavial huffed and turned her attention back to me. "Whatever. Just make sure you take care of me. I didn't come here to be ignored."

"Of course! I'll make sure you feel welcome and appreciated. I love cuddling."

Gavial's eyes widened, and she looked flustered for a moment before regaining her composure. "I... I didn't mean it like that! I meant... um, just... never mind."

Yae burst into laughter, clearly enjoying Gavial's reaction. "Oh, I am going to love teasing you."

Gavial shot Yae a glare. "Don't you dare. I won't hesitate to give you your shots, fox."

As the night grew late, Yae and I made our way to our bedroom, ready to get some rest. Gavial ended up really enjoying video games, so she was more than happy staying in the guest room.