
Rekindled: The Red Thread of Fate

This is the story of four men, two of which live in the past, while two of them suffer in the future. One tragic accident haunts each of them through the years, tying them to one another by a single red string of fate. An unforgettable love with a regrettable past, what will happen to these four men as they try to rekindle a romance they once had?

Wujilan_ · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs

You Have My Word

Classes started the following week. All the good feelings of orientation were long behind Wei as he schlepped around with his heavy red backpack. He had his hair tied up in a red bow, Mian Mian had insisted he try to get his hair cut since it framed his face in such a feminine manner. As a compromise, he took the ribbon and pulled his hair from his face.

Wei's head was spinning from all the lectures. Because of his condition, he had to ask for accommodation in each class, so he had notes compiled by a notetaker and then his own notes. These he would have to copy, longhand, into his own style and create a study guide for the upcoming tests. Within the next few weeks, he had also heard that the seniors would make some sort of speech, though clubs had yet to start.

Wei had plans to meet up with Mian Mian and Nie in the library after their classes ended, so he quickly packed up his laptop and notebooks, bowing to his notetaker in thanks. As he walked swiftly to the library, he couldn't help but look around him, feeling as though he was close to something he was longing for.

Once in the library, he sat down at a table near the back, propping himself up in the corner. He dipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out his smartphone to open the group chat that he shared with Mian Mian and Nie.

"@WeiWuxian , check this out!" Read a message from Mian Mian.

Wei scrunched his nose and clicked the link, laughing out loud as it brought him to none other than Lan Zhan's Facebook page. He felt his breath stick in his throat as he was face to face with his page. Of course, there wasn't much there, it was as restrained and bare as the owner.

However, it was odd. Wei felt as though he had seen this man before. Or he felt like he had seen him before. It was enough to make his heart race in a way it had never back. He could feel himself get light headed, the further he went into Lan Zhan's profile.

Before he knew it, Wei Wuxian had slipped once again into sleep, his phone clattering onto the table as he landed face down.


"Do you ever miss it, Song?" The smaller of the two looked up at the other, hugging himself with his white robes, a slight frown on his lips.

"Miss what?" Came the response from his lover as he slipped behind him, hugging him as they stood on a wooden patio, tucked within the mountains.

"Cloud Recess. Being a disciple of one chose clan. Being-"

"Being normal?" Song Lan responded, peering over Xiao Xingchen's shoulder to look at him.

Xiao scrunched his nose, lightly flicking it with a finger as he thought. "Not normal, just...fitting in. No one seems to believe in the idea of building a sect based on shared values..."

"And? If we only have us in our family, is that so wrong?" Song murmured lightly as he surveyed his lover, lips pursed in a thin line.

Xiao Xingchen whined lightly as he poked the other's forehead. He huffed as he poked his tongue out at Song Lan, who smiled back lightly. "You never let me finish. I am only curious if you'll grow tired of me."

"Never." Came the immediate reply. Song Lan had never once been comfortable enough to touch another person like this, nor allow someone to tease him in such a manner. Xiao Xingchen gave him these opportunities, and he would remain forever greatly.

"And if something happens in this life?" Xiao pressed, nibbling his lower lip.

Song's brow raised. The idea of reincarnation or something of the like was not apart of his beliefs, it seemed silly to ask, though he could feel the anxiety of the other. He hugged him close, humming their song softly as he slowly nodded his head.

"Yes. I do believe we will find one another, even in another life."

"Even if I reside somewhere far away?"

"Do you plan to leave me? You know I will walk this Earth forever until I find you. In this life and if there be a next, you will be my only one. My soulmate."

"I won't leave, of course. Who else am I to grow old with?" Xiao chuckled softly under his breath before turning in his lover's arms. "Promise to find one another if there be a next life?"

"You have my word."


Wei snapped up, a tear rolling down his face as he struggled to catch his breath. It felt as though he were drowning. The conflicting emotions of happiness, anger, and sadness flowed through his veins like thick honey. He wiped his eyes quickly, looking around to see if anyone had caught him. Luckily enough, neither Mian Mian or Nie were there yet. He picked up his phone, half past 4, they would be there any minute.

Hesitantly opening his phone, he gazed upon Lan Zhan for a moment more. Though he had an interest in him, he was scared to approach him any more than this. The way he looked as though he were searching for someone was eerie; it somehow mimicked exactly his own feeling, even though it seemed stoic. Wei saved a few photos to his phone before closing the page, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

Mian Mian just then came running up from behind, breathing hard as she held onto her cute pink backpack straps. She was humped over, hands on her knees as she caught her breath. Wei couldn't help but chuckle; it made sense why she decided to be in the theatre club.

"Can we please go look at handsome men?" She said once she caught her breath.

Wei's eyes narrowed almost immediately. "Do I have any choice?"

Mian Mian batted her eyelashes and shook her head as she dragged the other out of his seat, tugging him by his hand. "Not at all! Are you coming or not?"

Wei laughed and picked up his phone, slipping it into his back pocket. Tugging the strap from off the back of the chair, he nodded his head, hoisting the bag onto his shoulder. "Let's go, let's go."

Around 5:00 pm, Nie Huaisang, and other people trying out for the fencing club, walked into the indoor field. There were some basic moves you were to know or something, Mian Mian and Wei weren't entirely sure, but they knew there was a test.

Mian Mian sighed as she watched Lan Zhan and the other senior teammates walk around surveying the freshman. Wei Wuxian couldn't help but fidget. There were many people here in the bleachers, though he thought this was nothing more than an elimination round.

"So many people, right? You probably don't know, we have made it to the nationals before, so we are really representing two teams! It's exciting, right? Which team do you think Nie will make it onto?" Mian Mian was looking all around for Nie until she spotted him stretching among a group of freshmen in the corner. "Nie is the best!" She cheered as she took pictures of him.

Wei laughed heartily, nearly forgetting this weight in his stomach before his attention is immediately drawn back to none other than Lan Zhan, who had donned the University Jersey. He saddled up to the co-captain, Jiang Cheng, and muttered a few words.

Lan Zhan, standing at 188cm, was a giant compared to many of the others. His long legs were framed well by the fencing gear he wore. He really did look just like a prince. Jiang Cheng couldn't help but tease.

"Lan Ge, how is it you look so beautiful every day? I swear I'll fall for you." Lan Zhan glared at Jiang Cheng, nodding his head in the direction of the freshman. Jiang Cheng chuckled and shook his head. "Yes, I know. I will start. The first two to land five points on me in the shortest amount of time will get to be on our national team, the next three will be subs."

As Lan Zhan turned to look around, feeling a pair of eyes on him, Wei Wuxian couldn't help but panic, trying to hide behind Mian Mian. It was a ridiculous sight, a man of his stature (186cm) trying to huddle behind her petite frame (175cm) as though she could protect him. Lan crooked a brow but turned to focus on the tryouts.

Mian Mian hadn't noticed the exchange, cheering Nie on as he finished, clocking in at 1:25 seconds.

Nie stumbled off the field, minutes later, rubbing his gut as he approached his friends. Both Wei and Mian Mian ran up to congratulate him.

"Wow! Placing in one of those two spots. Very impressive." Mian Mian cooed as she pinched both of Nie's cheeks. Standing on tiptoe, she looked around him, her lips puckered.

As if reading her mind, Nie jabbed a finger over to the locker room. "A bunch of girls chased the handsome prince and Jiang Cheng off to the locker rooms."

"I'm not asking for me! Wei was staring so intensely at Lan Ge earlier..."

"What!" Damn, Wei cursed, so she had noticed. He cleared his throat, scrunching his nose as he scratched it with his fingertip. "I wasn't worried about him at all...where are we eating at, huh? We need to celebrate."

Nie and Mian Mian were easily distracted, thank the heavens, and shouted in unison, "Shabu Shabu!"

Wei chuckled and nodded slowly as he tugged them both along, trying to put as much distance between himself and Lan Zhan as possible. "Sounds good to me. Let's go..."

"You know it's going to be like this all the time now? Treating me to meals and such. I'm gonna be starving after each match." Nie fanned himself dramatically, causing Mian Mian to lightly flick his forehead. They continued to bicker as Wei walked behind them, trying not to look around.

Lan Zhan, who had made his way out of the locker rooms, watched as the trio walked away. His chest was tight, and a tear was slipping from his right eye. An odd sight to see on such a stoic face, yet you couldn't look away.

"Uh...are you good?" Jiang Cheng asked as he waved a hand in front of his friend's face.

"Dust." Lan Zhan would respond as he rubbed his eye, turning his back on them as he headed off in a different direction with his backpack, and Jian held tightly in his hand.

"You have my word..."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Wujilan_creators' thoughts