
Rejected Hearts

A young girl is fighting through her past of trauma to overcome and become a country rock star.

GizmoRevo2024 · Prominente
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Chapter One

"Once upon a time

A few mistakes ago

I was in your sights

You got my alone

You found me

You found me

You found me

I guess you didn't care

And I guess I liked that

And when I fell hard

You took a step back

Without me

Without me

Without me

And she's long gone

When she's next to me

And I realize

The blame is on me" I started off. 

Making eye contact with the women in the booth, I stepped back from the microphone taking a breather as we were working on getting the vocals for the new track of mine. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair as I tried to focus on getting this done. This song wasn't for my album I was releasing soon, this song was just one of many singles I planned to drop in the coming weeks. Looking up from my feet I watched the three women leave the booth and walk over to me, this usually wasn't a good thing.

In the leather jacket was the woman who encouraged me to record more than just an album before making plans for a full out tour. The woman in plaid was the brains behind producing all of my music being I didn't have a label, all of this was out of pocket. With them was the woman I was calling my girlfriend at the moment, she was only here because she didn't want me to flirt with the other two women I work with. "What's the damage this time?" I asked.

As they stopped walking, the woman in the leather jacket started to explain what she was thinking. "You have such a powerhouse voice, that I don't think this specific song you are going for will show off your range. You are a very talented young woman and you should throw out everything you have in you to make it work," Demi expressed. She had helped me through a contest where she was the coach of the section I was in. We became close friends, that is mainly why she was helping me now.

"Demi is right about the song choice. You wanna put out a single that is going to make people want to hear more from you. Give them something powerful, something strong," Krystal explained. She has been producing music for a long time, she was also my childhood best friend. I trusted her to make my music sound better than it was.

Sighing, I didn't wait for Sam to say what she needed to, I jumped right in to explaining to them why this was the song I had to release as my first single. "If you would have let me run the song all the way through, you would hear in it all the power and talent that I have. This song is a part of a bigger story, it's a powerful yet emotional song. Let me show you both that this song can and will be a single," I replied. I wanted them to hear the whole song, to get a feel for the story I am trying to tell to the world.

Glancing at each other both of them gave a nod of their heads. "Alright, fine. Show us everything this song holds. Give us the story," Demi said. With that the two of them went back into the booth. That left me with Sam, who didn't seem happy with this.

"Why don't you listen to them, Zevs? They are professionals at this.They know what they are talking about when it comes to singles," Sam questioned. She wasn't really a part of the whole music industry other than writing a couple songs for people.

Sighing, I got into place again before responding to her. "They may know what works out in this world of music, but this song means everything to me. I know you hate being here while I work, but please, I do know what I am doing," I responded. I didn't like how she would treat me when it came to working.

Sam sucked her teeth which was a sign that she was not happy having to be stuck here at a studio all day long. "You recording this song isn't going to get you anywhere. I'm sorry, Z. But, I can't sit around all day watching you do nothing but record songs. I'm going to go find something else to do. Call me when you are ready to head home," she said. With that she turned on her heel and left the studio. 

Pain suddenly filled my heart. I had wanted her to stay while I recorded this, but she always hated spending all her time watching my record songs. Glancing to the booth, I noticed Demi and Krystal watching me as if they weren't sure I would still work on the track. "Play back the track please," I said into the microphone. I needed to prove them wrong about this song and it was all I cared about doing. This song was something I've been working on for a while now, and it was to allow me to cut ties with Samantha as soon as possible.

Placing the headphones over my ears, I could hear the track playing in my ears. I stepped forward to the microphone as I prepared to start singing the lyrics I knew by heart.

"Once upon a time

A few mistakes ago

I was in your sights

You got me alone

You found me

You found me

You found me

I guess you didn't care

And I guess I liked that

And when I fell hard

You took a step back

Without me

Without me

Without me

And she's long gone

When she's next to me

And I realize

The blame is on me

'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So shame on me now

Flew me to places I'd never been

'Til you put me down, oh

I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So, shame on me now

Flew me to places I'd never been

Now I'm lyin' on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh

Trouble, trouble, trouble

Oh, oh

Trouble, trouble, trouble" I sang. Every bit of my soul was pouring out as I made eye contact with both of the women inside the producer booth.

"No apologies

She'll never see you cry

Pretends she doesn't know

That she's the reason why

You're drowning

You're drowning

You're drowning

And I heard you moved on

From whispers on the street

A new notch in your belt

Is all I'll ever be

And now I see

Now I see

Now I see

She was long gone

When she met me

And I realize

The joke is on me, hey

I knew you were trouble when you walked in (oh)

So shame on me now

Flew me to places I'd never been

'Til you put me down, oh

I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So shame on me now

Flew me to places I'd never been, yeah

Now I'm lyin' on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh (yeah)

Trouble, trouble, trouble

Oh, oh

Trouble, trouble, trouble

And the saddest fear

Comes creepin' in

That you never loved me

Or her

Or anyone

Or anything


I knew you were trouble when you walked in

So shame on me now

Flew me to places I'd never been (never been)

'Til you put me down, oh

I knew you were trouble when you walked in (knew it right there)

So shame on me now (knew it right there)

Flew me to places I'd never been

(Ooh) now I'm lyin' on the cold hard ground

Oh, oh

Trouble, trouble, trouble (oh)

Oh, oh

Trouble, trouble, trouble

I knew you were trouble when you walked in

Trouble, trouble, trouble

I knew you were trouble when you walked in

Trouble, trouble, trouble" I finished. It felt as if a heavy weight was just lifted off my chest, as this song was about wanting to leave a toxic relationship that felt completely one sided as it kept going on. As the music finally stopped, I took off the headphones before noticing I was crying. I had never shown to them how much emotion I could throw into music before. Now, I was sure they would understand why this song had to be my first single.

Krystal stayed inside the booth as she was turning off the track and saving all the data needed onto the drive. Demi had left the booth and made her way over to me, but she pulled me into a hug. As I hugged her back I could feel as if she understood the meaning of the lyrics and as to why I needed this song to be my single. "That song is definitely going to blow the minds of all those label heads that keep trying to sign you. But, is this song about trying to leave someone who is hurting you," she expressed.

Sighing, I pulled away from her to set the headphones down and pick up my water bottle. "Demi, this song is about the emotional abuse I am receiving from the one person I thought loved me. I feel she is using me, I need to get away from that. I have an idea how, but that requires me to release this song and then another one right after," I replied. My songs all told a story, and if it took me using songs to get away from how toxic Samantha was, then I was going to do it.

Krystal finally came over to us holding the flash drive with the song saved on it. "When do you wanna lay down everything for the next song? I'm free all week, we can power it out now or we could meet up again tomorrow," she suggested. She always made sure her schedule remained free when I needed to work on stuff.

Demi seemed interested in helping out. "How about we meet up here tomorrow morning? I can pick you up from your place cause I can bet Samantha will be using your car again. You really need to get those keys back or when she moves out she'll take it with her," she said. She was concerned about my well being, she always was.

"I kind of don't wanna go back home until these songs are ready to be released. Could we maybe stay here and work on the next track? Demi you are fantastic on the piano, I could use your help with this one. I already know how it should sound. Maybe we could order in some takeout," I replied. I didn't want to be anywhere near Samantha until these songs were ready to be released, something I was just gonna randomly do using the one thing every person on the planet seemed to use; Youtube.

Laughing, both of them took off their jackets tossing them onto the couch where I had left mine. "Well, let's get to work then. We can work on the instrumental track before getting any food," Krystal pointed out. She always wanted to lay down all the instruments before I was ever allowed to throw in the vocals, but she didn't know that I had most of the instrumental tracks done on a separate flash drive.

Smirking, I pulled a blue flash drive from my pocket and held it out to her. "I already have the drums, bass guitar and a couple other instrumentals already done on this. I just need to do the piano, the main guitars and vocals. So, if you want, how about we get Max or Jax to grab us some food," I explained. I have an at home studio that I work out of usually, but this studio had the producing stuff that I didn't have or I would be a completely independent artist.

Holding out her phone, Demi already was texting Max about a food run. "Tell him what you want, same with you Krys. Then we can get to work. If need be, Zev, you can come over to mine tonight to get some space from Sam," she informed. She was definitely my best friend in this world even if she did start out being my mentor. After I put in what I wanted, I handed the phone to Krystal before going to my bag I always had with me.

Opening the bag, I pulled out a folder with the song title on the cover. I walked over to Demi as I opened the folder. Inside was lyrics and of course sheet music for the piano. I handed her the sheets as it would be easier for her to get the tempo right if she could see the words. "While we wait for the food, we can do a run through on the piano and guitar to make sure it sounds right," I suggested. That way we didn't have to stand around waiting for food.

Her eyes scanned the lyrics and then they scanned the sheet music. "Holy shit, Z. This is pretty brutal, are you sure this is the next song? Like I know from things you have told me she does to hurt you, but this seems very toxic compared to what you have told me," she stated. She took her phone back from Krystal and sent the large text off to her bodyguard. She never left her house without Max, and she instructed me to never go anywhere unless with someone or with Jax.

Krystal glanced at the lyrics and the music sheet before looking at the flash drive in her hand. "This looks to be a bigger tempo song than the last one was. Are you sure you want to jump into something this bold for a single after picking the soft first one," she pointed out. She was concerned if I bounced between pop, rock and country that I would lose myself in my music.

"Krys, the vibe of this song doesn't mess with the kind of artist she wants to be. Hell, I can't wait to hear her belt this one out. It's still in her range of country and rock, just more towards rock. I think she can handle this one. I'm a rocker now myself, she can handle the divide, I couldn't anymore," Demi stepped in. She was all about protecting music these days, or at least the people that wrong the songs.

"I wrote these two songs, I Knew You Were Trouble and Strange with the same mission, I can not take it anymore. Samantha mentally abuses me, and she has physically abused me as well. This needs to end before she ends my career.For obvious reasons I can't just go to the cops about it because I don't remember everything she has done to me, just what I have seen when I wake up in the morning. Why else would I never agree to wear skirts or dresses or anything without sleeves to hide the bruises," I explained. I had to get out of this relationship before it actually killed me.

Sighing, Demi took a step closer to me resting a hand on my shoulder. "I knew she was verbally abusive with you when alone, but you never told me she was physically abusive as well. You can't stay with her anymore. Using music is a good way to do it, but are you sure she won't come after you with her own songs? I mean she is a writer after all," she expressed. She and Krystal both only ever knew about how Samantha would speak to me behind closed doors. I was afraid of showing them my arms, especially my wrists.

Krystal pulled out a laptop from her own bag that was nearby. "I think this needs more than just you releasing songs, no one else needs to be treated the way you have been. We need to have a restraining order in place, get your car away from her and your apartment. I agree with Demi, you need to stay with her tonight," she said. She sat opening her laptop as she spun the flash drive in her hand.

Running a hand through my hair, I let my thoughts run as I let what they had said to me sink in. They were right, I couldn't just rely on music to end things and I was going to have to start talking to a lawyer and possibly cops to get her out of my life. "Would the two of you be interested in coming with me to the police station tomorrow? I don't think music will be enough to get me away from her. I also don't want to risk her following me once a tour is set up," I asked. I was willing to even have someone take photos of all the abuse she did to me, but the worst abuse she has done is to my mind. Mental abuse would never be fixed just by getting police involved.

Demi checked something on her phone before making eye contact with me. "I am completely free tomorrow to go with you. Max even said he will drive us to the station, Jax will be there too after he makes sure to get your car keys and house keys from Sam. Your safety is our number one task," she replied. She put her phone into her pocket before putting her arm around my shoulders in a side hug.

"Zevia, I am behind you all the way tomorrow. That bitch shouldn't even be allowed in your house tonight. I know someone that could change the locks before she even gets there, but then we wouldn't be able to get your car from her," Krystal sassed. She was always good at coming up with ideas, but then again she probably wouldn't be able to stop Samantha from stealing the car.

Sighing, I moved away from Demi as I thought about the car I always let Samantha drive. It was a jet black Cadillac sedan that my parents had given me when I turned eighteen. "You both know that I have a different car than the one she uses, right? That Caddy is so old now, that I don't care if she keeps it. I have a car locked away in a storage shed at my family's ranch. The Cadillac was just more space for everything I carry around with me," I explained. I indeed had a classic candy red 1989 Chevrolet Camaro locked away in a shed at my family's ranch. It was a car I never used unless I wanted people to know who I was.

Demi smirked and touched her chin for a moment. "You mean to tell me, you don't even care about the Cadillac because you have a second car you never showed us?" she inquired.

Krystal looked shocked at this, so I laughed before unlocking my phone to find the photos of the classic vehicle I built with my own two hands at sixteen. "This is my other car, my more trusting car," I said. I held out my phone to both of them.

Demi instantly was in awe seeing the images of the classic muscle car, while Krystal was just utterly speechless about it. "Wait, there is a tarped vehicle next to it in each of these pictures. What is it?" she asked.

Krystal was examining each photo now. "Please tell us there is an even better vehicle under that tarp. Cause if it is what I think it is, you definitely do not need the Cadillac back," she pointed out. She handed me back my phone.

Sighing, I opened a new photo gallery album that showed exactly what was hiding under the tarp, a vehicle I never wanted to let the world see as it was a rare model. I had never let anyone see this car before, not even my parents had seen it. This car was given to me by someone I lost years ago as it was left to me in their will, the only thing they left for anyone. "This car I never plan on driving as it has sentimental value to me," I expressed. I held out my phone again watching their mouths fall open in shock of the rare Lamborghini that not very few people could afford.

Demi was now completely speechless as was Krystal. The only noise that came to our ears was Max as he brought in the bags of food for us. I just let it sink into their minds about the Veneno Lamborghini that I had just showed them, it was even in mint condition.The paint would remain silver as it was iconic to my new brand colors for my album. "How in the fuck do you have a car like this?" Krystal suddenly asked.

"That is a story I don't feel comfortable sharing with you. All I will say is that I own this because of someone who didn't want it to be auctioned off after they died," I explained. I didn't want to go into detail of how that beast of a car was mine, hell I didn't even want them to see it in person.

Demi just stayed quiet like she knew who I was talking about. The person who gave me the car had encouraged me to try out for singing competitions until I found my way into the music industry. That person had left everything else to charity while leaving me their car before they took their own life. Together we all sat with the food taking the items out of the bags. I fiddled with the straw in my drink as I let thoughts run through my head.

As we all picked at our food, I suddenly felt the need to play around with the music again. "Krystal, can I see the sound pad?" I asked. I wasn't trying to skip out on food, but there was something playing in my head I wanted to fiddle with.

Krystal looked confused but she passed it over to me as she and Demi continued to eat their meals. As I turned on the sound pad, I started to tap on different buttons a few times creating a loop. Both girls were now watching me create something completely different from my own sound. I continued to work with the repeating loop as I kept adding more and more layers of looping sounds. Smirking, I suddenly looked up at Demi as she was watching my fingers closely as if realizing what song I was creating just with the sound pad.

As I kept adding more and more layers, Demi was suddenly humming as if she knew all the words, cause she really did. I was blending together all of her songs into one mega song just by using the sound pad. Krystal was even grooving out to the mix as I kept going. My eyes staying on hers as this was something I was good at doing. Something deep inside my chest wanted nothing more than to be completely alone with her but we did have work to do. As I got to the last layer of buttons, Demi had locked eyes with me as she was amazed at what I could do in just a few minutes. "I might just have to do that on tour with you, Z. That is so crazy, I obviously would need you to gather enough people to sing all the layers together properly," she expressed. She was done with her food as was Krystal. Mine had been boxed back away for later as I was more into playing around with music to worry about anything other than the coffee I was sipping on.

"Only if you let me sing as well. Your music is why I wanted to be a singer in the first place," I replied. I handed the sound pad back to Krystal for her to save the mix onto a new file so we can record all the vocal layers another day.

Laughing, Krystal opened up the track I needed to finish as she handed Demi the newly saved flash drive file of her new mega song for the tour. "Alright, how about we finish up our drinks as we listen to what you have for this track so far. Then you two can power out the rest of it before we all part ways for the night," she said. She hit play on the track allowing the unfinished track to fill the room using her bluetooth speaker. She closed her eyes listening to what the track had already as I rose to my feet.

My feet took me towards the electric guitars as I listened to the track trying to decide which of them to use to complete the track with. I knew Demi would most likely use the keyboard instead of the piano, so I moved along the guitars trying to imagine the sounds in my head. My eyes suddenly landed on the ESP Hex-6 v-shaped smoky guitar. My hands felt the strings as the track was coming to end in the room. I lifted it from the wall as I walked over to be near the keyboard noticing that Demi was not in the room anymore and Krystal was heading for the booth.