

[CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT!! ] (At least read the first fifteen chapters before tossing it aside) . Anna Sui woke up from her drunken state to see her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend on the eve of their wedding. Anna was so heartbroken that she ran out of the house, but due to an unfortunate turn of event, she had a one night stand with a complete stranger. . EXCERPTS, "Anna where are you I've been trying to call you for hours now, why are you ignoring my calls?" Her frown deepened. "Leave me alone Mack you can keep being with Nari I don't care." She yelled. "Oh please stop it Anna. You're my girlfriend and I demand to know. Don't tell me you're with another man Ann. Did you forget today's our wedding" Before Anna could say a word her phone got snatched away from her. "She's mine now. If you call or disturb what's mine from now on, be ready to rot in hell." He hunged up and tossed the phone aside. . (IN THE CUPID'S QUILL COMPETITION. Support book by adding it to library, voting with power stone, gifting golden tickets and normal gift.)

Kourtney_Sspears · Urban
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357 Chs


Gina and Anna walked quietly through the silent corridor as they were headed to her grandfather's room. Anna was tensed cause of where they had left of the last time she was here.

Her grandpa had said the moment she stepped her feet out of the door she was no longer a member of their family. But now he wanted her back.

"How long has grandpa been sick Gina?" Anna asked. The last time she was here the man was in the best condition, how did he just fall sick all of a sudden?

"It's been three days Anna. Your grandfather hasn't been himself since you left." Gina said and Anna nodded. She hated to lie to her little miss but she was instructed to. They all just never thought Anna would come here with that scary man.

Gina could not begin to imagine what her aunties would do knowing someone was here.

"That man in the lounge."

"Noah?" Anna turned to look at her housekeeper and the woman nodded.

"Is he really your boyfriend miss. Have you really ended things with Mr Yong." Gina asked harmlessly.

"Yes." Anna responded. If only she could tell them Noah wasn't her boyfriend but she was now married to him. She'll wait till her grandfather recovers before telling him about it.

Gina frowned her her little miss words. "Miss Anna that man looks dangerous."

"He is dangerous." Anna responded with a smile. He had been the stranger that she had slept with that unfortunate night and she couldn't be more happier she was married to him.

Gina couldn't tell what her miss was thinking about but she prayed and hoped God saved her. If anything bad geta to happen to her little miss, the Sui family will be over. She could see why the general wanted his granddaughter married quickly so that she could produce other heirs to carry the family name.

When they reached the door of the room, Anna held her breath as Gina opened the door. "Miss Anna is back." She announced to the people in the room and they all turned to look at Anna.

The general was laid on the bed while her aunties sat next to him.

Her aunt Kathy and the general maintained a calm demeanor as they stared at Anna but Gracie had a surprised look. They had all been talking and wondering the condition their niece and granddaughter would be in.

Gracie had not been able to sleep at night knowing her niece was somewhere in the country suffering. But the girl standing before her didn't look like someone that has been suffering one bit.

She was even in a new limited edition customized dress worth millions of dollars.

"Anna." Gracie hugged her niece. This girl has been a headache to them since a child. Just like their late brother, Anna was stubborn. Though so humble, she was as stubborn as her father yet with the calm nature of her mother.

"How have you been?" She placed her palm on her baby's cheek.

"I've been great auntie." Anna responded with a smile.

"That's enough Gracie stop being all sweet, just because she's been gone for days doesn't mean we're not mad at her. Anna has embarrassed our family too much." General Sui suddenly sat up from where he laid.

"Do you have anything else to tell me Gina?" He asked the housekeeper who still stood by the door.

"Yes, we have a visitor. Miss Anna's boyfriend." She said with a bow and the general smiled.

"Mack is here?" The old man asked.

"It's not Mack it's Noah." Anna responded this time ignoring the glares from her Aunt Kathy.

"Noah. I haven't heard that name before." The old man remarked trying to search his now old memory for a name like Noah. The person he has always known with his granddaughter was Mack Yong not Noah.

"That's because you haven't met him." She responded calmly and then went on to say, "I heard you were sick Grandpa are you okay?" She asked switching the conversation back to the reason she was here.

"Is that the man you cheated with?" Her aunt Kathy suddenly asked with a frown ignoring the smart attempt by her niece to change the conversation.

"I thought you would at least get smarter when you left but it seems you got dumber." Kathy spat.

"I already made it clear I don't want to be married to Mack anymore?" Anna responded to her.

"Not when you never gave us a reasonable reason why. Unless the reason being that you cheated on him you little whore." Anna clenched her fist at her aunts words. She didn't like that her auntie would take the word of a stranger over hers.

"So you believed Mack?"

"Is there anything not to believe? He said those things before you. You never denied it." She said.

"He lied."

"Lied? Why didn't you say so that day?" Kathy scoffed staring at Anna in disbelief. When did her niece get so unreasonable? She didn't raise Anna this way, what have they been doing wrong?

"I... I was going to say something but I couldn't." Anna confessed. She had been so shocked with everything that was happening around her that she had the strength to speak of defend herself. Plus her aunt was always ready to slap her for the little thing she did.

"Mack cheated with Nari. I had woken up to them cheating. She even confessed to be pregnant." Anna finally confessed. She was tired of staying silent, it's time her family knew what Mack has done. She wanted them to know she and Mack will never be a thing.

"But you were drunk, what if you were only imagining things?" Kathy asked.


"We're not fools Anna. That is not enough excuse to breakup your engagement with the Yong's. Your grandfather has already spoken to Mr Yong and your marriage is happening." Kathy stated.

"What?" Anna was confused at her words. She frowned. Did this people not hear that she was not going to marry Mack. She gave them a clear reason why.

"He told her he didn't love me and was only agreeing with the Marraige because of my inheritance." Anna confessed.

"What do you take us for Anna?" Gracie was the one who asked this time. She was the kindest to Anna, but today she didn't like that her niece was boldly lying to them just because she did want to be married to Mack.

"Stop with the lies already. Mack has put up with so much of your bullshits that your lies are now ridiculous." Grace said.

"But I'm not lying..."

"Stop Anna." Kathy interrupted. "The Yong's are one of the biggest families in the city. Saying Mack is only getting married to you for your inheritance is stupid when he's a rich young man too. It's clear you were drunk and was seeing things like Mack had said." Anna couldn't believe their words.

Even after her explanation they still choose to believe Mack's words over hers.

"Get ready for your marriage with Mack in a week." Kate said standing from where she was sitting.

"And who's the man you brought? You better tell him whatever you both have is over, cause you'll be married soon." Grace added.

"Grandpa." Anna called her grandfather but the old man said nothing to her. She wasn't even expecting him to say anything. She gritted her teeth.

"I'm not getting married to Mack no matter what you do." Anna stepped out of the room.

"Come back here you insolent child." Kate and Grace ran after their niece leaving their grandfather alone with Gina.

"Who's the man she came home with?" General Sui inquired from his housekeeper.

"I... I have no idea sir. I only know his name is Noah." She said.

"Noah." The man repeated. Judging from who his granddaughter is, she could even pick a random stranger just so she wouldn't marry Mack. He sighed.

He had no idea what has come over Anna, she used to love Mack so much and she always spoke about their wedding together.

"Prepare dinner, I want to speak to this man."

"Yes sir." Gina left at the old man's words.