Ordinary day, ordinary life, that is until, I found myself getting stabbed to death by my fellow student for reasons unknown to me. Then some kind of holographic window prompting me to reincarnate appeared while I was busy drifting through the infinite darkness of the void. Of course, I pressed yes, it’s boring here, then found myself to be a dungeon master… As a fucking monkey no less…
"So, what are we gonna do now?" Prixais asked as she held the spear in her hand tightly. Her snake-half was slithering on the green grass, making sounds as she moved.
"What we are going to do is…" I said with a hum, my eyes scanning the area around us, before settling it on a sizeable tree large enough to make for a good spot for a fort, providing we have the materials on hand. "Hold up in an area and wait for the time to pass."
"But, isn't there a ring that will slowly shrink towards the center?" Prixais stated, forming her doubts about my plan.
"And we'll use that to our advantage." I said, recalling the memories of battle royale games back on Earth. How the Gods managed to come up with this incredibly familiar challenge was anyone's guess. Actually, maybe they pried out of some reincarnees' memories. "Most of the Dungeon Masters would probably rush into the center of the arena just to run away from the ring to lower their chances of disqualification."