
Toddlerhood 3

*2.5 Years Later*

Jay now is almost 4 years old where he can cultivate. He and the tiger cub which he name Bella formed a blood pact. The blood part was taught to him by his mother, so he could keep her if he didn't his mother threatened to kick Bella out. So him and Bella got closer because she loved him a lot for some reason, even before the blood pact. Bella would always sleep next to him in bed. Jay had decided he would do anything for because she loves him so much. Bella also had grown quite big in these past few years. She could literally wrap herself into a ball shape and have him in the center to keep him warm at nights.

His parents were also busy trying to help him learn about the world because he showed his intelligence by accident and even though he wanted to act like genius, he thought it was to early to show off at 2 3/4 years old. He was reading a book when his mother walked in and started shouting he was a genius all around the house. So his parents decided to start teaching him about the world.

It was litterly a parallel universe of Earth that was way more advanced and had cultivation in it. The world had cultivation practitioners a long time ago too but the qi of heaven and earth ran out a long time ago about 1000 years ago but suddenly about 10 years ago the qi came back but it's more than 1 million times denser than at the peak when the first practitioner started his cultivation. They know that because the first cultivator is still alive but his life span will be ending within the next tens of years, if he didn't get to the next realm soon.

Now Jay beggs his mom to bring him to the library, so he could collect books. Seeing his pouting and him pointing towards the library, she decides to take him there. On the way to the library his mom gives him kisses and talks about there family business.

As he learned that his family collected original books because his family owns book stores around the world and they sell copies of all the original books they have. Jay became really happy that his family collects books because of his library could help him compile perfect manuals if has enough books for the subject.

*1 hour later*

A servant came to the library to get his mother because of an emergency.

"Ma'am could you come quickly, there's a matter that needs you attention immediately!" Said the servant in an hurried tone.

"I'll be there right away, get a servant to bring Jay back to the room." Said Olivia while looking at the servant then walking out of the room.

"Yes ma'am, right away." Said the maid and calling for another maid to bring Jay to his room.

*Jay's Room*

'Compile alchemy apprentice books' thought Jay excitedly, compiling books for the first time.


Name: Unnamed

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader the list of all low-trier mortal ingredients for alchemy and gives a complete understanding of all low-tier mortal ingredients.


Jay is excited thinking about how he can just compile books and learn the subject others took years to learn. Because once he reads a book in the Library of Heavens Path, he instantly memorizes the knowledge.

'I shall name this book Alchemy Gods Art Path I' thought Jay because the series of compiled books could make him the god of alchemy.


Name: Alchemy Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader the list of all low-trier mortal ingredients for alchemy and gives a complete understanding of all low-tier mortal ingredients.


It updated as he though about the name he wanted to give the book.

Next he compiled the singing arts books and decided to not read the compiled books until he compiled most of them.


Name: Singing Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader the basics of singing and helps them tune their voice to match the tone of a song. Also teaches the user some basic songs and vocal exercises.


He then decided instead of doing them one by one to just compile all the occupations at once.


Name: Acupuncture Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader the where the meridians and arteries are and basic acupuncture to help others relax.



Name: Cultivation Gods Art Path I

Level: Body Refinement Realm Peak

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader how to cultivate the body up to perfection and makes all imperfections go away.



Name: Painting Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader about the equipment used in painting and about some kinds of brush strokes.



Name: Sword Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader about swords and how to practice with them right and be able to obtain a sword path(a sword path is a path which the user focuses Ex: Speed Sword path or Defending Sword path[ A person can have only two sword paths])



Name: Spear Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader about spears and how to practice with them right and be able to obtain a spear path(the same as the swords path)



Name: Mace Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader about maces and how to practice with them right and be able to obtain a made path(again just the same as the swords path)



Name: Fist Gods Art Path I

Level: Apprentice- No star level

Flaws: 0

Description: Teaches the reader about how to use their fist to fight against others.


He thought of the many books that he still didn't have in the library because every day the library grows with more original books and he can't wait to get more occupation books. As he is falling asleep Bella curls up around him and sleeps with him.

*Olivia's Office*

"Why would anyone sneak in here?" She asks to nobody and continues to look around in the room.

She finds that her sales documents were stolen by whomever sneaked in here. She sees the documents as no importance but then she remembers a book they bought that used to belong to a rich family that had become fallen nobles. The book was there last keepsake from their ancestors and on that sales document had who bought but a copy of it.

'They must not know that it was a copy and was trying to see who bought it' thinking like that she went over to her husband's office to tell him about it.

"Tomas! Remember buying that book from the fallen nobles?" She asked in an hurried tone.

"Yea, I remember buying that book. What's wrong?" He asked in a worried tone because of the face she is making.

"Someone broke into my office and stole the sales document including the sales of the books copy!" She said in anxious tone while looking at her husband for what to do.

"Contact the person who bought the copy and inform him he might be in danger! Also get the police here now, we need to get to them before they can cause any harm!" He said in a rushed tone and he moves to his hologram computer and looks up the document for the copy sold and looks up the number to call.

To be continued...

I write most of this in school. There might be chapters later today but thank you for reading my story. Also make suggestions for occupations he should have. Give a description of the occupation too if it is an exotic one. Once again thank you for reading my story. Also if you see any errors or mistakes please point them out.

Kronos_God_of_Timecreators' thoughts