
Reincarnation: The Story Of Onyx Delphir Ambrose

After the loss of his parents he has tried to live a sincere and honest life yet has found himself subjected to cruel abuse from relatives and peers after enduring years of maltreatment and Misfortune he suffers an unfortunate accident however instead of greeting death he finds himself reincarnated into his favorite book only to realize that he wasn't the male lead or an extra but the Misunderstood cannon fodder villain will he follow the plot of the story? Or will he find the determination resolve to change his destiny? Even if it means resorting to being the bad guy everyone made the original out to be.

Rory_Belladonna · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Truths And Friendships

Onyx's heart pounded in his chest as he stood before his father, Duke Ambrose. It had been years since they had last seen each other, and Onyx couldn't shake off the fear that gripped him. But he refused to let it show, hardening his gaze and clenching his trembling body.

The headmaster of the academy, where Onyx had recently been enrolled, cleared his throat and addressed the duke, "Yes, as I was saying, your grace, since young Onyx is now under our guardianship, it is our duty to protect him until he graduates. We have the same responsibility that we had when young Gabriel attended our esteemed establishment. Therefore, I'm afraid I cannot permit him to leave without your consent."

The duke's eyes bore into the headmaster with a menacing intensity, his teeth clenched in frustration. But then, just like a switch had been flicked, his expression softened into an almost kind smile. "Oh, I understand," he said smoothly. "Then I shall bid you farewell, Headmaster. Come, Gabriel, let us leave."

As the duke passed Onyx, their eyes locked, and a chilling whisper slithered from his mouth, "Well played, son. But let's see how long your luck lasts."

Onyx's body shook uncontrollably as the door closed quietly behind his father. Without realizing it, he had grasped the hem of Leo's shirt. Startled, he quickly let go and whispered apologetic words. Leo was astounded by the whole interaction, but it was the duke's parting words that sent shivers down his spine. Onyx, now alarmingly pale, seemed on the verge of collapse.

Then, unable to stand on his own, Onyx's knees buckled, and he began to fall. Leo reacted instinctively, reaching out to catch him just in time. "Get Olivia," Onyx's weak voice murmured before he slipped into unconsciousness. Leo carried him to the nurse's office, a mix of worry and confusion clouding his thoughts.

With Onyx safely in the nurse's bed, Leo requested that Olivia, a classmate and trusted friend of Onyx, be called to his side. As they waited anxiously, Leo took the opportunity to observe the red-haired boy's face more closely. His long, dark red eyelashes framed peaceful closed eyes, and his small, freckled nose matched the constellation-like patterns on his cheeks. Leo couldn't help but smile, captivated by Onyx's innocence.

When Olivia finally arrived and questioned what had happened, Leo explained how Onyx's father had appeared with his older brother, causing this sudden distress. Olivia reassured Leo that she and Onyx's uncle had already researched the school's rules and laws, ensuring Onyx's protection until graduation. Leo felt a wave of relief wash over him.

Realizing that she had accidentally revealed too much, Olivia quickly covered her mouth in shock. Leo, understanding the gravity of the situation, kindly reassured her, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Relieved, Olivia expressed her gratitude and apologized for the trouble caused. Leo interrupted her with a gentle smile, "It's alright. I hope things get better for him; he seems like a good kid. Since you're here now, I'll head back to the classroom. Let me know if he needs anything, or if you need any help." With one last look at the sleeping Onyx, Leo quietly left the room.

Alone with Onyx, Olivia reached for his hand, holding it tightly. "Onyx, don't worry," she whispered, almost like a prayer. "You're safe."

The sun had set, and the moon began to cast a soft glow upon the grounds of the prestigious academy. Onyx stirred in his sleep, his mind immersed in a world of dreams and uncertainties. He had always felt like an outsider. Being reincarnated into the world of a book had left him feeling somewhat alone. Even with his childhood friend and Uncle Felix.

But tonight, Onyx's dreams would take a turn he never could have anticipated. As he navigated a mystical realm filled with enchanted forests and soaring dragons, he came face to face with a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows.

"Hello, Onyx," a voice whispered, sending a shiver down his spine.

Onyx's heart raced as he studied the figure before him. The person's features were obscured, leaving only a sense of intrigue and danger. "Who are you?" Onyx managed to stammer.

"I am the Guardian of the Forgotten," the figure replied, a hint of sorrow in their voice. "You possess a power within you, young Onyx, a power that has been hidden from the world."

Onyx's curiosity mingled with fear as he listened intently. The Guardian continued, "Your mother, the duchess, has gone to great lengths to protect you. But her soul cannot shield you forever. The Seal is slowly releasing, allowing your power to leak through. Now, it is time for you to embrace who you truly are."

He awakens with a start, his body covered in sweat as his chest heaves for air, trying to shake his anxiety. Onyx's red hair clings to his forehead, and his eyes, usually full of determination, are clouded with uncertainty. He remembers his promise to Uncle Felix, the man who had taken him in when no one else would. He had promised to carve his own path in this world, free from the burdens of his past life.

Time passed quickly, and Onyx's undesired encounter with his father had left him shaken. The memory of their confrontation still lingered in his mind, but he found solace and protection under the watchful eye of the headmaster. He had been his mentor and guiding light since he arrived at the prestigious academy.

One sunny afternoon, Onyx and Olivia sat by the tranquil lake enjoying their lunch. The soft breeze whispered through the tall trees, and the water sparkled under the golden sunlight. It was a moment of peace in their otherwise eventful lives.

As they laughed and shared stories, two figures approached them, their presence commanding attention. The first was Marcus Asheville, a year older than Onyx and Olivia. His shaggy blonde hair and slim build made him appear gentle and approachable. But it was his ruby-red eyes that held a captivating mystery. Marcus exuded a sense of trustworthiness and warmth that drew people to him effortlessly.

Walking beside Marcus was Emily Blanc, a complete contrast to his calm demeanor. Her vibrant blue hair seemed to dance with every step, matching the fierce determination in her dark eyes. Though petite in stature, standing at only 5'2", Emily possessed a fiery spirit that made her seem larger than life. She was quick to fight for what she believed in, yet her compassion and loyalty shone through her every action.

It didn't take long for Onyx, Olivia, Marcus, and Emily to form an unbreakable bond. Together, they faced magical challenges, honed their unique skills, and discovered the depths of their potential. Amidst their adventures, the academy became their refuge, a place where they finally felt a sense of belonging and security.

And with that their first year at the academy had ended and there summer vacation would begin.