
Reincarnation Pill: The Retired Assassin

Before the nuclear war of the 21st century, a vampire named Voltaire took a pill for him to escape the troubles of the dystopian reality of our apparent world. Then, the pill made him dream about his life-long reincarnation to a post-apocalyptic world, where time became medieval again, in a fantasy-like world. Then, he meets his past-self from the current era, as they converse and travel together as one soul but different people, bounded by fate.

KleiNightwriter · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Cause Of Effect Pt. 2

Then there's this guy who claims to have reincarnated from another world. By being summoned by a bad magician by accident as a "familiar". Then, that very familiar has a rusty talking sword for some reason.

And most of all, so many people claim to have reincarnated. Such as that one rogue merchant who has the magical ability to steal someone's underwear. With a child girl having a wizard hat and a staff on his back after every quest they do. I always see every girl causing massive overpowered explosions.

That part also has a useless member of their group who claims to be a goddess, some goddess she turned out to be. But wait! There's more!!!

There's also this psycho who turned a princess into a childlike state, and you know what happened. Disgusting! After breaking her fingers one by one, by the Celestials!

Not only that, but another one claimed to have reincarnated from another world, and it was a talking puddle of goop. They claim to be a child with a dead-end job, killed by a robber, which in this world we call bandits.

And last but not least, some cute girl with an impenetrable shield and plot armour no matter what you do, but her attacks do no damage.

Then I realized I woke up sober from drinking too much wine, all because I was trying to save myself from stressing out too much. Maybe that dream was influenced by the things I've been watching on my phone. Let me charge this with my mastered level of "Spark" that I studied in college back then.

While the Hunters Guild is too busy making big buster weapons twice their size, other new weapons and armour use the scales of the wyverns they kill. They seem to have a good job of paying, slaying wyverns and sometimes hitting them enough. But not to the point of killing them, but to capture them for later use for whatever reason their gathering hub has such intentions.

Maybe it is for later study for the mages at the Hunter's Guild. Back then, the Hunters Guild only hunted animals and announced contests and bounties on who could hunt the most dangerous creatures. Most of them used bows and arrows, and they were mostly Sun Elves.

But ever since the wyvern crisis, a lot joined for better payment. Some new aspiring adventurers used to be city guards who wanted to do more than just do nothing but stand around all day inside safe city walls. Perhaps they haven't had a good bandit raid for moons or winters.

Some youth become young adults, and they can finally have a good reason to go out adventuring because they are old enough to be responsible for themselves.

Back then, bounty hunting criminals were a thing. Now every bounty hunter would dare join the Hunters Guild to fight off the wyverns just for better gold and equipment.

I dare say, their new wyvern-made armours and weapons are fancy and sturdier too. I was shocked once at how sharp they've become. I could see that mortals nowadays are advancing and evolving. Wait… they are evolving… no wait, this isn't right! This isn't right at all! If they evolve further, they will become lazier and cause self-destruction because of utter stupidity!

This is bad.

I must find a way… what if I take over the world and take things under control as the way they are now? Yes! I must find the young Draconian adventurer and turn him into a vampire. It is a way to redeem my demonic soul! And enter Nirvana!!!

After doing some research at the library and stressing myself out all day and night without sleep, I even forgot that my vacation was due and that I must return to work as a city guard. I finally found the cure! I must go speak to this priest that can cure vampirism. He is the priest known for worshipping the Dominant deity back in the ancient era. So, I took my sweet time riding my horse to the port, paid my fine for a ship, and travelled away from the continent of Arcadia. I even had to send a farewell message through a courier for my wife, Pratha. I will miss her dark-toned skin, for she is one of the races in the southern region.

I remember her leaving the southern region of the continent of Arcadia as she told me her tale. The first time I met her was when I was exhausted from all the troubles I'd been through. I let out my sorrows to her as I was drunk, swimming in too much wine. Then, she took me into her room inside the inn as she asked her mother, the innkeeper, to let me stay. I don't know what happened next, but the first thing I saw once I woke up was her ivory beauty.

Her tale from her homeland was all about the war and the politics around it. She never wanted to get involved, as all men and women are mandatory to train for the war to protect their homes. Yes, they may treat women as equals to men. But that's the wrong side of it. They are treated as severely as a man would treat another man. It's unfair, and I thought the northern Norsemen were terrible. They are all the same no matter what political war is going on.

So, she left with her mother, but her father stayed in the southern region, all disappointed and full of anger. Abusing them with domestic violence is just because women are equal to men there, and you are expected to be as emotionally strong as men in the central city of Shaitan.

However, the way Norsemen treated women was inferior. They protect them, but at the same time, they are misogynistic, but a twist of chivalry.

That is why I partake in no side of the war.

As I finally reached the unknown lands of the new world, I did not care about the aesthetic views of pink flowering trees the midday. I so envied spring and its grassy plains of green, wishing I had such a lovely place on my mainland. The new world itself is by the east, the very furthest.

No one would even believe me that the world is a globe and not flat, as I told the ship captain to take me to the west to reach the east world when I made it to the west region of Arcadia. Making them laugh at me, thinking I was dumb. The earth is not flat! The land itself is a round globe. When you go the furthest, it will just take you back to where you came from! Damn it! I ignored them. My travelling fees and supplies were drained as soon as I returned to the east port.

So, I finally made it to the cathedral. They called it a church, and I finally met the priest. They call him "Bishop" and will kill anyone who uses magick in sight, for it is against the will of their deity.

I asked the priest to cure my vampirism. Then, he took a closer look into my eyes and called the doctor for any symptoms of vampirism. And then, they told me I was okay. I was never a vampire, to begin with. I was shocked and confused, and then I told them my tale.

They told me the Devil deceived me and that Voltaire himself lied to me all this time. He made me his thrall, making me believe and do anything he said. But the goodness inside my heart motivated me to fight him and finally end him. He only wanted me to do all the daylight work just to make him the new tyrant of the world.

And I am glad that I've killed him. Yet, I felt like all I've done on that part was nothing. I just put myself into a lot of trouble, getting myself almost killed every time I head out on an adventure. Every quest I've done was all for nothing, just for some evil madman to take over the world…

I was such a fool. Then, they blessed me to cure my enthrallment from his vampirism. Then, everything else turned crystal clear to me! Every single thing that happened in my whole adventure, they never happened to begin with. It was all mind control by the vampire Voltaire!!!

So, I headed back home to my non-existent wife, non-existent job as a city guard, and my non-existent home… where do I go now? I sighed in utter despair. Then, a courier came to me.

"I've been looking for you!" He says, "Got something supposed to deliver. Let's see here… a note. I guess that's it! Got to go."

"Wait!" I said, "I need to know more, is there anything else?"

"Sorry, nothing."

I sighed once more. Although, it's good that the people everywhere here are incredibly kind to me.

I lay down onto the stack of hay and slept, for it was the only bed they could afford me to have. Well, it's better than nothing… at least they are welcoming and kind.