
Reincarnation of the Yujiro hanma in MURIM

Yujiro Hanma strongest creature on earth, died after 450 of living, the entire world was watching the last moments of Orge. Even though he's a godlike being but he still isn't able to break the limitations of the world. With sadness in his eye, he closed his eyes but at moments he woke up in the body of a baby, in the strongest cult the heavenly divine church ** *** *** patreon.com/Fanfictionstudios

Ancient675 · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 17. Ancient formation

At Midnight everyone in the army woke up and began to circulate the qi, they continued it till the morning. A demonic soldier what..... Why has the dark energy in this place become so rich... What happened...it is a holy place, and he also noticed the confusion his comrades faced but they didn't want to lose this opportunity and began to absorb it, the same goes for higher-ups. When dark energy entered their body it didn't damage them even due to it's higher quality as ancient formations doing both purification and control adjustment work. The higher realm of energy makes their median and bones stronger, and they can experience the pain of breaking and repairing their body immediately.

At day, everyone lower than the divine being realm was promoted to a new rank and above it gained benefits from it but how..... What was that? I can still feel the energy similar to a head elder in the whole castle which is the heavenly demon bloodline and aura in my body more purer and of a higher state. After a lot of effort,

they heard that the first elder and cult leader left the base yesterday evening and returned mid-light and installed an ancient demon formation array. But they need a life force to keep it working so how..... One of them said energy stone. But even when we absorbed them directly it did not have such a big effect.....if they installed the core of a demon king or above...yea that's a possibility but.......one of them said the cult leader had given us the blessing. We should kill more demon beasts to repay his kindness and by becoming more stronger so we can help him.

When yujiro woke up, after small confusion he noticed the rich aura that is roaming in the base. What... Is this..... When he heard about ancient formation of divine church, he felt relieved, next the elder gave him the a black core, size of palm, and yujiro immediately understood that it was the core of that monstrous beast. Elder said while smiling great work now get rest . Yujiro gave the core back to install it into the formation as he got to know that the previous day cult leader killed a demon god, few demonic beast at the beyond realm and installed their cores to provide benefit to whole cult. Moreover, the energy in the current base was 200 times richer compared to thousand mountains of murim. Moreover, in the past few days the people of demonic cult sending energy stones to back to the cult. No one was really worried about the safety of cult as head elder was there and before coming here they sent informant to indoor cultivation masters about the energy stone's. In the thousand mountains... In that world they use stones to store energy instead of dantian, not only it but they also installed the ancient formation by using cores of so called god and chaos demons. The head elder really wants to go there and witness it all with his eyes. So he called his disciple to call the second grand elder aka the blood demon from indoor training. On the demon world, they noticed that one out of ten kingdoms was destroyed over night. No only the chaos demons but also demon god killed there.. How?? They were shocked.... In this universe who posses such powers... So they immediately ask for a meeting. Back to thousand mountain, there was a loud roar, then a figure sent flying in the air, around 50 meter in the sky.. .and he said with a loud voice... Who fuck**g dared disturb me from my training, how dare do commit such a crime. In martial arts world it's tobbo to disturb someone especially a highest level master indoor training and then he fly in air and grabbed the person and send you dared..... But he immediately said it is.... It's first head elder who ordered. At that said what's the matter? Did murim alliance attacked??

No... What happen??? Disciples said I don't but head elder is waiting for you in heavenly garden.. Okay, now go after that the blood demon head toward the garden. After reaching the garden he said what happen?? Why did you call me? You should give me a reasonable reason or I'll fight with you all what I have. At that the head elder said you have to take my position temporary and protect the sect. At that blood demon sad give this annoying task to you're first disciple or to other elder. No one worthy is present here , either they is one war or in close door training. War.... Said blood demon.. With whom, and bring all the demons along, how great is the force, then head elder explained the current situation. Hahaha hahaha its blessing ahahahaha reopening of ancient array and 200 times richer dark energy compared to the thousands mountains the home of demons. Next, blood leader expanded his senses and he saw the huge black portal in the air, the eyes of second grand elder began to glow red hahahajjaa. I'm going and he disappeared, the head elder was just watching him ahh the responsibilities are quite hard to deal with... Well it's not like there lack of extreme masters in this demons domain but I don't want to trouble them more.

In base of divine army , after killing 2 million devils , first elder decided to do a soul search on a captured demon king, he got to know about the secret of spirit and magic and it was quite simple to use and was quite good but at later stages it can even destroy an entire country like tenth class magic. So he began to write the theory about magic and sent it to the demonic soldier after getting the approvals cult leader, as everyone in the demonic cult possesses a heavenly demon bloodline so they can use magic just like devils perhaps even better. Everyone immediately began to practice fire magic as they are demons so fire is their closest comrade. It was pretty for them as they can use up to 5th class spells, it took tow days for all the people in the demonic cult to become a magic swordman's. Moreover, addition of ancient array mad them fearless as it can heal them instantly. So they began to use deadly attack to fight each other. Even when arm is cut of it will regrow without a second. But the shocking thing was when one of disciple the head of his partner after a second it grow back. At that time, they only become more proud in their sect. But first elder thought, if it was murim world this ancient array won't be able grow a head back due to lack of energy but this magic world with addition of ancient array, hmmm their process become much faster, currently they are one in a hundred years genius. And they are growing at each passing time while absorbing this pure dark energy. Hmmm the future of divine cult is too bright.. Hahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah

At Murim Alliance, why.. Did there is no news about the destruction of divine cult, Were they that much stronger compared to us next , person come and began to read the letter, the more he read the letter, the more fearful the leader of the justice factbecamecome so they treated the invasion of Devil's as a test for the younger generation and without any causality the new generation won. What the f**k. Next, they heard that more than one hundred thousand demons entered the portals and began to transform the energy crystals but in dark color and much bigger compared to this world. Soo instead of destroying the demonic cult we gave them a place where they can become more stronger... Sigh...