
Slots Bidding War

As soon the timer hit zero, Carmen expected the bidding for the first 5 slots to be rather slow. After all, these people had barely been given any time to slowly absorb the information and ponder over their actions.

However, reality revealed a different story from her expectations.

Through the screen, Carmen's eyes widened in shock and surprise when she saw the bidding price had already gone to 10,000 dollars in a short 1 minute.

"Are there many rich people in the third-grade city?" Astonished, Carmen couldn't fathom why so many were willing to bid for the slots so readily. She had to rub her eyes a few times to see if she was imagining things.

And sure enough, when she rubbed her eyes, the bidding instantly went up by a few thousand.

Meanwhile, a similar situation was happening on Wei Xing's side as his mouth was left agape.