
Retarded Protagonists

With Xu Feng flashing the "yeah sign" with his fingers, Brian soon came to a realization. 

It wasn't that Xu Feng was purposely stalling and striking a conversation to test him. Rather, Xu Feng had been deliberately manipulating the situation, especially the timing of the first two attacks.

They were not done to simply make him worry but also to gain information. 

However, Brian was positive it can't be just that simple. These two reasons were crystal clear on the surface, and not enough reason for Xu Feng to delay so much.

'Wait a minute…' Suddenly, a horrified thought popped up in his mind. 

Brian glanced at his messages and realized not a single one of the barricade group or the one in charge of the trap formation had replied to him.

"You've got to be kidding me, right?" He twitched one of his eyes as he opened the Guild List, only to notice they were all offline.