
Knocked Out

Xu Feng nearly lost his composure when his buddy and a trusted friend started doubting him in actually letting Brian escape. 

From start to finish, he had declared his motive already.

He wanted all the equipment of the Lethal Corp, and Brian was the leader of this ambushing group. 

Just how many delicious and good equipment would he have on him? 

As if he would let such a fat sheep escape from the clutches of his hands when they had personally delivered themselves to him! 

"Huh? If you're not letting him escape, then why didn't you even make a move?" Zhao Kai frowned deeply. 

He then rambled on and took this opportunity to judge Xu Feng. "Are you trying to look cool and impress the ladies here, because it's honestly not cool. No, it wasn't just that, but you look very cringeworthy for always acting calm and collected. You have no expression or emotion. You're just a bland and boring character."