
EXP Buff

With the revelation of the Honorary Elder rank and how it was even higher than Guild Commander, Lightning Blade nearly fainted on the spot.

Not from shock, but from fear. After all, he had to report to someone in that high of a position. 

Who wouldn't be frightened? It was the equivalent of the big boss of your boss wanting to see you. 

And this was knowing the fact that he was in trouble because of his damnable cousin. 

"I swear that I'm going to thrash that son of a motherfu—" Lightning Blade paused and didn't complete his sentence, given that it was pointless to talk about it.

Instead, he turned to his two guild mates and said, "I'm afraid that I'll need to be away for a while and can't grind." 

"No worries." FreeLancer understood the situation and didn't mind delaying the grind for a while.