

"Let's move back a few more meters," Xu Feng whispered to Zhao Kai, who was clearly frightened.

The adrenaline rush from earlier had dissipated. Thus, he was now filled with fear when required to confront the Shadow Wolves at nighttime. 

Others might not know, but Zhao Kai had recalled his previous battle and counted he had missed a lot of shots. 

If it hadn't been for Xu Feng's subtle assistance, then he would have turned into mincemeat already before even having the chance to come to the Shadow Wolves' habitat. 

Sometime later, the two distanced quite a bit and Zhao Kai began muttering, "We should just wait till the sun rises, Feng. My aim is really not that good. The pressure is too much."

He finally relented and revealed his inner thoughts. The fact that Xu Feng placed such high hopes on him was actually giving him a lot of pressure. 

As much as he wanted to believe himself as a sharpshooter, he knew the truth was far from it.