
Deaths Beginning

I was once an angel in God's Oasis called Heaven. Me and my fellow angels bathed in tranquility, we laughed, celebrated and Praised God because he was our heavenly father. I was a tall slender angel; my name was Lucifer. I wasn't like Micheal, a war angel, I often envied him because he was always in Gods Favor. I decided to make a plan to overtake God and be the ruler of heaven and earth but unfortunately, I got caught and I was punished.

God was so angry stroke me so hard he sent me to a place below earth. A place of misery, a place of death, "Hell". In Hell I had my own subordinates. They were called demons, The most evil and wretched creatures in both heaven and hell. God had stripped the name Lucifer from me and gave me a new sinister name. All the humans were afraid of me, in one mention of my name everyone knew it was something related to evil they called me Satan. 

Humans were so frail and so unmighty. So, I decided to toy with them. I tricked them, I stole from them, I took their crops, I caused famine and starvation. I killed and killed and killed. I took baby's, I caused them to commit murder, I caused them to sin and insult God. And when they were angry, they would say " Oh my God", They committed blasphemy. They sinned so badly God flooded the earth. He only left a few humans alive and the animals and sent the afloat on the ark. Even after that some of them started to praise me. They called themselves "Satanists". Since they worshipped me, I used them to mess up the world.

They call me Satan.