
reincarnation:my sister is phycopathic

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22 Chs


{combine the 6 yearly gifts}

[Ding the 6 yearly gifts have been combined would you like to open it?]

{Yes}I couldn't contain my excitement on what thing I will get for my 6 years of waiting.

As I watched the gift box open I found what was inside.

[Ding you have gained a 6th star item ,a red katana{please choose the name of this katana}]

{Hoo it seems I have gotten a weapon from that gift box and it is a 6th star item which is way better than the items I used to use, since the most powerful item I even used in my previous life was a 4 star item which was considered invaluable at that time }

{But now I have a 6th sar item and a 5th star item which is a pair of black half gloves]

{Although I wouldn't use this items right now but I will use them as a emergency item which could save life if I use it right at the moment of danger,but Today I must sleep well since tomorrow is a day I have been waiting for years for it to come,a hunt for monster's}

Suddenly I felt something coming from the door as I immediately got in a dagger in my right arm for protection.

Knock knock knock hello are you awake.

I heard a small cute voice as I realised who it was based on her mana ,her being 4ft and her having such a small voice.

"What do you want, Lia?" I spoke in a calm voice, careful not to wake up the others in the house.

"Oh, you're awake!" Lia exclaimed, her voice carrying a hint of mischief, as a chibi version of herself bounded into my room, followed closely by the maid Hannah, who looked somewhat distressed about my disrupted sleep.

"You don't need to worry, Hannah," I said in a stoic voice, though a little sympathy crept in for the maid who couldn't rest peacefully due to Lia's intrusion.

Lia looked up at me, her eyes wide and innocent as she spoke, "All I wanted to tell you was that I hope you have sweet dreams." With that, she darted out of the room, leaving behind a trail of giggles and mischief.

I watched her go, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. Lia had always been like this—full of energy and unpredictable, yet her heart was always in the right place. She was a constant reminder of the innocence and joy that could be found in the world, even in the darkest of times.

As I settled back into bed, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in my life. Despite everything we had been through, Lia's unwavering kindness and optimism never failed to lift my spirits. I let her words sink in, hoping that they would indeed bring me sweet dreams.

I could see Hannah being quite confused on Lia's behaviour towards me as she never speaks with respect or kindness to anyone else's other than me ,but she is also a little relieved that there is someone that can make Lia act like that.

Hannah, you can close the door and also get some sleep in your room," I instructed, concern for her well-being evident in my tone. Tomorrow, we will be going on a monster hunt, and I don't want my personal maid to be completely drained of energy.

"Yes, young Master Max," Hannah replied, bowing to me respectfully. She closed the door quietly and made her way to her room, which was conveniently located just beside the right wall of my own. I hoped she would rest well and be ready for the challenges that lay ahead.

As I lay in bed, I could sense the presence of the guards lurking in the shadows, their watchful eyes scanning for any potential threats to our safety. Despite their vigilant presence, I chose to ignore them, trusting in their ability to protect our home.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, the events of the day fading into the background as my body succumbed to exhaustion. I knew that with the upcoming monster hunt, I needed to ensure I was well-rested.

The next morning, I awoke after a deep and restful sleep, feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. My body, still young and growing, required more sleep than the average person, and I made it a priority to get at least nine hours of sleep each night to ensure I was at my best.

After waking up, I decided to use the magic skill Hannah had taught me to clean myself. I focused my energy and cast the spell.

"CLEAN," I muttered the incantation, feeling the magic surge through me. In an instant, a gentle wave of energy enveloped me, and I could feel my body being cleansed from head to toe.

For a brief moment, my entire body felt cold as the magic worked its cleansing effect. However, the sensation was quickly replaced by a feeling of refreshment and revitalization. I marveled at the power of magic, grateful for the skills I had learned and the ways it could improve my daily life.

I decided to don a nightgown for our family breakfast, opting for something comfortable yet elegant. As I stepped outside, I was greeted by the sight of Hannah, my devoted maid, patiently waiting for me.

Hannah's light brown hair cascaded down her back in silky waves, a perfect complement to her shining green eyes. Her features were delicate, with high cheekbones and a gentle smile that never failed to brighten my day. Dressed in her maid outfit, she exuded a sense of grace and elegance that was truly captivating.

"Where is Arnold?" I asked Hannah, a hint of confusion in my expression.

"Shouldn't he be here with you? I thought you two were inseparable," I added with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

Hannah's face took on a panicked look, and I noticed sweat beginning to bead on her forehead. "No, Arnold has gone to get the needed equipment for our monster hunt. Since this is your first one, they want to make sure that both master and mistress are well-prepared and safe," she explained, trying to deflect my second question.

"Okay, well then, let's go," I said, walking with Hannah to the dining table.

As I entered the dining room, I saw all of my family members already seated. I decided to take a seat next to Lia, and we began to eat breakfast together.

The table was filled with an array of dishes, all of them healthy and nutritious. There was oatmeal, Greek yogurt, eggs, whole grain toast, and more. Each item looked delicious, and I couldn't wait to dig in.

I calmly decided to sample each dish to a reasonable extent, savoring the flavors as I glanced over at my sister, who appeared to be eyeing my eggs.

I gently slapped her hand away as she attempted to take my food. "Don't you have food on your own plate? Why are you trying to take mine?" I asked, a hint of disbelief in my tone.

My sister protested, "Hey, who are you calling greedy? I just wanted to try your food because it looks more delicious, that's all." Despite her explanation, I couldn't help but chuckle at her antics.

{But don't they look and taste the same to me since they are made by the same chef is Lia dumb or something or does she want this because it's mine, it's way to confusing i shouldn't punder much to it}

After some playful banter, Lia and I decided to swap our meals. She handed me hers, and I gave her mine, though they were essentially identical. I felt compelled to meet her request; otherwise, she'd pester me all day.

Our parents chuckled at our childish antics. Despite her being the one acting childishly, I couldn't help but get drawn into it because of her infectious energy and charm. It was a silly moment, but it brought us closer together, reminding me of the joy in simple, carefree interactions.

"Well, let's get ready," my mother said, her eyes shining with a mix of kindness and excitement. "This is going to be a real monster hunt, a chance for all of you to experience firsthand what it means to deal with these creatures. I know you've all been trained rigorously, preparing you to face these monsters with ease.

I've also heard from both of your trainers that you've not just learned but mastered all the necessary 1-star skills. You two are more than ready to take on this challenge, to show everyone what you're capable of."

"Well, okay, now can I have the suit that you all have prepared?" I asked eagerly, excited to see the outfit they had planned for me.

"Of course," my mother replied warmly. "Maids, bring both of them their dresses."

As the maids brought the clothes, I was pleasantly surprised by their simplicity. I received a long-sleeved black shirt and a pair of black, tight-fitting jeans. However, the outfit's simplicity was contrasted by the addition of an assassin's coat, designed to help me blend into the shadows more effectively.

I eagerly tried on the outfit, feeling a surge of excitement as I imagined myself on the monster hunt, dressed in this sleek and practical attire.

"Well, okay, now can I have the suit that you all have prepared?" I asked eagerly, excited to see the outfit they had planned for me.

"Of course," my mother replied warmly. "Maids, bring both of them their dresses."

As the maids brought the clothes, I was pleasantly surprised by their simplicity. I received a long-sleeved white shirt and a pair of black, tight-fitting jeans. However, the outfit's simplicity was contrasted by the addition of an assassin's coat, designed to help me blend into the shadows more effectively.

I eagerly tried on the outfit, feeling a surge of excitement as I imagined myself on the monster hunt, dressed in this sleek and practical attire.

I reached out to touch the suit, curious about its texture and design. As my fingers brushed against the fabric, I was struck by its unique feel. The material was soft to the touch yet had a certain hardness to it, suggesting durability and protection. It seemed to be tailored not just for style but also for functionality, allowing for ease of movement and flexibility, perfect for executing acrobatic maneuvers or swift, stealthy actions. I could envision myself wearing it, feeling both protected and agile, ready to face any challenge that came my way on the monster hunt.

I checked it's status for information about it.

4 star item,Assisins clothes

(Abilities: increases speed and defence by 3 times and other stats by 2 times when wore.

Your sound will be Heard by no one and you will be 50 percent more invisible in nights.

Your chances of critical strikes will be increased by 25 percent and your critical strikes will deal 5 times your damage.)

(Special ability this suit can be worn by anyone at any height or size)(can be upgradable)

{Huh I can upgrade this thing?, how much is the price for it than)


{Shouldn't it be more or 10,000c why was it increased to 50,000}

[This is a 4th star intermediate item because of which it's price will also be increased to the intermediate section]

{Oh now I see}

From the years of learning I have gotten this much information about the coin system.

0 star:1c

1 star:10c

2 star:100c

3 star:1000c

4 Star:10,000c

5 star:100,000c


For each star the other items price will be increased by 10 times the same goes for the skills as well.

But I have been saving up my coins for some important reasons as every day I would get 100c for free and I have been saving up for 7 years.

7 times 365 is 2555

And 2555 times 100c is equivalent to 255,500c

And the reason for me saving up well it's for a specific skill I want that will costs me 1,000,000c.

So that is why I want to save as much as I want but the system also said that killing monsters will also give me coins so I wanted so I wanted to kill monsters for coins,and that is why i was Getting more excited about the monster Hunt.

As I slipped into the sleek black dress, I felt a sense of transformation. Stepping out, the fabric draped elegantly around me, the assassin's coat adding a mysterious allure. The outfit was more than just clothing; it was a statement, a symbol of readiness for the task ahead. I walked with purpose, the outfit enhancing my confidence and determination. Each step felt lighter, the attire not hindering but empowering my movements.

We both gave eachother a handshake as we both had the same dress, I even wonder how they got two dresses of the 4th rank that have the same rank and skills but I didn't wonder much about it as we got ready.

We both were given a choice to get the weapon we wanted as I chose a dagger since I already had a sword in my inventory.

3 star item,red dagger

(Abilities: increases strength by 3 times.

Leaves a bleeding effect on the opponent if you damage him, which causes the enemy to lose 10 hp per second for 10 seconds,the timers can be stacked by 3 times.)

{Well this is what I actually needed the most since my strength right now is only a beggenar 1 star with this I will be a intermediate 1 star in strength.}

Lia took a kind of glove that has sturdy nails in it and I knew why she was doing that.

Well let's go shall we I said as we all went to our gate.

In this Hunt although our parents won't be coming with us , there are some special guards that will come with us including Hannah my personal maid.

Although she may look niave and weak but she is one of the strongest maids in our family as she is a beggenar 2 star maid with every stat above 100.

We went to a specific jungle that was already surrounded by our most trusted guards all being at least an intermediate 1 star.

I looked as I saw this jungle which was quite harmless.

{I wonder if my skills are rusted or this if body will be able to handle my movements.}

We were all jumping from one tree to another.

Although it was easy to caress this path since my speed is 30 meters per second with this suit on .

{And I had a regeneration skill which allows me to regeenater 1 STM per second for 1 mana.

So I was loosing and gaining 1 STM every second but since I hade infinite mana I also kind of had infinite STM unless I have to fight because it will cost more stamina for fighting}

Hannah was quite surprised as both me and lia didn't take any breaks till we reached 1800 meters in 1 minute.

As Lia finally stopped to get a breathing.

Hannah and the other gaurds were impressed on our stamina even though we are only 7 years old and even the people that usually join to cadets acedamays at the age of 18 aren't this fast and not this resilient.

Hannah was finally able to see a purple rank talent grow with her own eyes.

Lia took a breather of 3 seconds as she again got ready.

We still have 3600 meters at this pace we would reach in 2 minutes and 10 second since Lia needs a breather in between.

{If I hadn't have this infinite mana and the regeneration skill I would have to stop every 20 seconds even with the suit but Lia can run for 60 seconds straight, just how much does she Train.}

after 2 minutes we Finally reached our goal.

We immediately stopped as we saw some goblins there.

I checked to there status to see if they are worth our time.









Well there are 10 goblins so I decided to warm up my body a little bit.

I was surprised to see a goblin among them a bit bigger than others I got curious and I checked his status.

Goblin captain








Ohh so there is a captain amongst them.

LIA let's do some warm up shall we I said as I got ready to jump down.

Yes why not she said as she also got ready.

"WAIT!" HANNAH suddenly shouted up at us.

She looked concerned as she spoke in a hesitant voice,There is a 1 star goblin there you can't handle that thing right now.

Yah don't worry about it haven't you already seen us run,we are already close to intermediate 1 star ,and you are beside us to help if we need it and we are way faster than those goblins, they would have problems to even touch us since we are at least 3 times faster than the fastest goblin there so there is nothing to fear.

I said confidently.

Hannah was quite protective of us since she had raised us From a baby aswell,so she kinda had a motherly instinct even though sjr Didn't give birth to us .

So she was quite nervous about our first fight being a 1 star monster.

But she let in since she was on the side of we needed help for defeating some monster but she was quite worried about us being traumatised if we were to lose.

Well let's go Lia I said as I jumped from 5 meters above.

We both landed safely.

As the goblins immediately saw us and they started to come at us.

We were 4 feet tall

And the goblins were also 4 feet so they were thinking this was a was a easy battle. And the leader stayed behind because he was not scared by us at all.

But suddenly before the goblins could even two of the goblins were killed instantly one had his head chopped of while the other had his head crushed.

The leader immediately became active and shouted some words.


The goblins immediately after hearing the shout tried to run away but we immediately caught up and I stepped on one of the goblins head as I did a flip and cut his throat .

-10 hp.

The other goblin was dragged by Lia and his entire head was forcefully ripped of ,that goblin was still alive for some seconds as he only fet pain and fear.

The other goblins couldn't reach farther than 3 meters as we both came and I sliced the entire body in half from up to down while Lia ripped his arm and slammed him in the ground and that immediately broke his legs.


{Wait if she doesn't kill them and I kill them won't I get some coins?}


lia's mood immediately lighted up when she heard my voice.

6 goblins were already defeated.

As we went forward and I grabbed the goblins heads as I pierced my dagger inside his head from behind.


Lia made the goblin trip with her leg and she pulled his legs before he fully even had fallen.

She ripped his legs as she also ripped his arms to stop his resistance,.

Now we reached the final two a goblin and a leader who was scared to death

You can rip the goblins as you want I will kill the leader I said as I immediately throwed the dagger to the leaders knee.

Which made him fall on the ground trying to crawl and escape.


I went forward and hit the leaders back with my legs.


I ripped the dagger out from him as I slammed my heals on his hand that was trying to grab my leg.


{I wonder how much coins I will get from this guy I said as I used tge dragger to hit his head.}

-100(critical hit)

[Ding you have gained 3 coins for killing a 1 star goblin captain]

{Chee ,I guess I was expecting too much , only 3 coins I thought it would at least give me 10c but it seems I was too greedy, I went back and killed af the remaining goblins that were left to die whilst they were bleeding to death.

It seems that I finally understand there coun system

I gained 3 coins after killing the 9 (0 star) goblins and after I killed the 1 star goblin leader i gained 3 c.

So if I kill a 2 star goblin than I would gain 30c}.

{Well it seems I need to kill alot of star 1 to gain alot of coins (c)}

This battle was to short I couldn't even get a warmup from this this battle.

Hannah immediately jumped at us and was shocked to see such a battle unfold.

The look on hannah was quite distorted,This wasn't a battle this was Massicre a one sided massacre

She couldn't believe her eyes as she saw how easily we were able to kill all of the goblins.

{Is this the talent of a purple rank ,I can't believe they are able to kill this goblins so easily, even I had problems defeating 0 star goblins when I was 12 and I could only kill a 1 star goblin at the age of 15 and now I was seeing some 7 year old kill this things with ease}

{SO this is the power of a purple rank,I wonder how strong they will be in the future}

{After all they are the descendents of one of the strongest hunters In this world.}

{And I can't wait to see them grow up}

{Although they may forget me after growing up but I will do my best to protect them till they are fully able to protect themselves}that day she made a promise to herself to protect this children no matter what.

Well let's go and find some more goblins this isn't enough,I said as I jumped high to the tree.

(Btw if you multiply the str(strength )and the SPD(speed )and divide it by there weight it will show them there jumping power)

(Like he has 50 str and 30 SPD so multiple it and 1500 and devide it by his weight 15kg

He would have 100 ,so he can jump 100 meters in the sky)

We jumped to the trees and we searched for another group of goblins as we were searching I suddenly felt something.

What the hell is this I said as I felt over 10 (1 star) goblins with 1 (2 star )goblin in that place.

That place was covered with hundreds of goblins.

I looked at this with a small smirk as I couldn't believe that fate had decided to smile upon me,is that a goblin camp?.if so than I have hit a jackpot.

(Next chapter at April 23,4:15 New York time zone)