
Reincarnation: Just Let Me Be Lazy For Once.

Storymamma · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter five.

History of Altura Kingdom.

"Altura kingdom was founded two hundred years ago. It was first a small fishing village, king Jorma Altura was elected ruler over the village and profited on the exotic fish that was fished.

He also saw that the climate was sutable for growing various produce.

The humid air produced lager fruist and vegetables.

The humid climate, made the grass around Altura more lush, cattle and and sheep grazed frequently on the succulent grass, making the cattles milk more rich and the sheeps wool more fluffy.

People flocked to Altura as news speard about the wonderful produce, milk and wool.provided by Altura.

A total of three treatises, one from the kingdom to the north, were food was scares, due to the cold climate. So Altura traded them for herbs that can only be found in that region.

Another treaty was made to the south west of Altura, that kingdom had fine fabrics. Catching the king of Altura eye, they traded the sheeps wool for fabrics.

The last kingdom was to the east west of Altura, they made a treaty only for personal gain. Building Merchant guilds for better trade and profit.


Altura made many enemies as well targeting the farms to ruin Altura's farms. So the king made plans to build walls, and so they did.

Wars encude for years, many people died. But no one dared seek peace, the king soon died.

His oldest took the throne, Louise Altura thought his father a fool, he raised taxes, bringing the once flourishing kingdom to ruin.

Fournlong years of Louise rein, he was killed by an assassin, bringing his reinbof trerieny to an end.

King Jorma's grandson. Nathaniel Altura took over form his father and struggled to bring the kingdom of Altura back from its ruin.


King Nathaniel took ten years to rebuild the kingdom of Altura. The damaged caused by his father.

After that Nathaniel saut new alliance, so he sent ships across the ocean, four new kingdoms were found.

The kingdom of Levaerûn, was a human kingdom. Next deep within the forest was an Elven kingdom, they kept to themselves and no one really entered there domain.

The Dwarven kingdom of Eillifr was east of the Elf kingdom. Eillifr kingdoms people lived in the mountains away from danger and made a civilization in the mountain.

Thier craft was unique, mining pure ore and other precious metals to create armor and weapons.

Lastly the beast kingdom. Not much is know, the king of the beast kingdom refuse to let any humans in. Fear of war and salvary has resulted in their seclusion.

Nathaniel went personal to the Dwarven kingdom Eillifr for peace treaty and trade of goods.

Artsians in their craft came to Altura to teach how to make sturdy armor and weapons.


After Nathaniels rein his son took over. Johnathan Altura's rein dawned with the beginning of dungeons and ruin stones.

Dungeon came with mana beast classing from low level E to SS class.

With that Adventure guilds were built all over.

Adventures were quest to kill mana beasts and bring the cores back with the treasure that were found.

King Jonathan tasked skilled artisains to make better weapons and armor form the mana beasts.


Rise in demand of the new weapons and armor cused another war between Altura and those who apposed the Altura kingdom.

Johnathan settled the war by having skilled artistsains teach the other kingdoms the skills needed.to create fine weapons and armor.

Sadly king Johnathan died of an un cureable sickness that led to his death.

His son Maxwell Altura took the throne at a young age, carrying a heavy burden to this date.


No other information has been recorded."

'So Zero's father is on the throne now. Wow very helpful.'

I looked out the window of the library, the sun was about to set. 'Whoah I've been here so long, I didn't notice what time it was.

Closing the dusty book I placed it back where I found it. Searching now how to break through to the dark red core more afftionatly.

Walking between the shelves, checking all the titles on the books.. Spoting the one I needed.

"Mana information for beginners." I read aloud.

'Yes I could ask the system, but I like reading books. Its that very distinctive smell only books can give off.'

Taking the book with me I left the libarynand made my way to my room.

Reaching my room I see Lillia coming out. "Hello Lillia." I called.

She jumped out of fright. 'Pfft..' I laughed to myself. How cute.

"Zero its not funny you frightened me. Please wait until I turn around and face you." She scolded me.

"Awww... Lillia you know I didn't mean to. Its just I was in the library all this time. I got excited to see you thats all." I refuted back.

Lillia only shook her head. "I was on my way to get you Zero. Your dinner is waiting for you." Lillia said and pushednopen my bedroom door again.

Going in first I felt something was off. Looking around nothing seemed out of place.

"Notice: Someone has been in this room other the Lillia. Caution must be taken as the person might still be close."

'Thank you system.' "Lillia, have you been here all day?" I asked her as she came through the door.

"No Zero, I came only recently to make your bed and tidy a bit. And now bringing your dinner in." She stated.

Hmmm... Using aprasel, I scanned the room. Seeing  nothing out of the ordinary, one thing cuaght my eye. The dome covering was slightly ajar.

Here they go again. "Lillia take my food away I'm bot hungry." I stated.

Lillia did as I asked without question. Next I called the guards. "Guards!"

Two bulky guards walked in. "Yes second prince." The first guard said.

"Look on the balcony you might something interesting. And also search the grounds the intuder might still be around."

Hearing what I said they both nodded the first guard searched the balcony, finding a piece of black cloth. The other went abd altered the other guards on duty.

'Gees won't those idiots stop trying to  mess with me. Hopefully I can start sword training soon.'