
Reincarnation as Obito Uchiha

What will happens if a Naruto fan transmigrated to the Naruto world in the body of Obito Uchiha... as one of the main antagonist of the series Obito now play with the timeline and re-write the entire series. Timeline will be same but situation will be different. Dark character , R-18 scenes inculcated , Over powerd Obito , Uchiha clan heritage , love+hate , fight scenes included , romance as well massacre.

Suryaputra_Karan · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Working on Taijutsu ( 2 inner gate ) Gate of healing open

Obito is now 6+ year old and he will turn 7 soon.

It's been 3 year's that the long last 2nd Great Shinobi war ended and small nations and civilions can have a relief.

The 3 Sannins name resounded throw out the world.

Every Shinobi now knows there name.

Obito sometimes visit Konan , Yahiko and Nagato they have started to make a small group. ( First time after meeting them Obito help them with food supplies time to time )

Sakumo Hatake now rarely takes any missions as Obito ask him to stay low and give more time to enjoy his days with Kakashi.

Tsunade has lost his lover and younger brother she also has leave the village , jiraya also leave the village he comes by only for few days and then go away as or Orochimaru because of seeing his comrades died in the battlefield I am sure he became evil.

The peace achieved by long last war of 10-15 years has a certain prize to pay for.

But for those who think it's peaceful don't know that 2nd Great Shinobi war never ended.

The Great nations don't stop fighting fully just to cover their loses they decided to get some time.

The second war turns into the third war at some point as minor conflicts still going on. ( the Third Shinobi War was an extension of the Second Shinobi War, and the gap between the two was insignificant )

Although not now but third Great Shinobi war already started at the end of 2nd grade Shinobi war.

As the shinobi nations' national powers already declined gradually, and small battles continued to take place along the borders for quite a long time.

Eventually, I Now in near future these battles grew larger until they engulfed entire nations and turned into the Third Great Ninja War.

Well Danzo already doing his best to get the seat of 4th hokage so he is spending his great effort doing so that will start this.

He already trying to leak many information related to leaf village security.

Also plotting certain things that will result in making tention such as using his root organisation anbus to become fake iwagakure ninjas ( stone village shinobis ) and attack their own patrol forces.

Directly leaking hidden info of A Rank missions to hidden cloud as well as hidden mist village in which they show great interest.

Brainwashing many kids to use them as he sees fit , maybe he is also funding Orochimaru experiment secretly.

"So , this is the time where Naruto story started well I mean his father Minato Namikaze will became hokage" Obito murmur to himself.

Well i should still focus on myself even after a year I can't able to make a perfect SuSanoo maybe it because I'm not giving my all time to it as I also practice ninjutsu , Taijutsu and Sage art pervious months.

As for medical ninjutsu and fuinjutsu I have shown some small success in making new way and more upgradable techniques.

Might Duy body is completely recovered but I can't let him go out now so I have let him inhale some mist that will let him go to sleep for several weeks.

As for Konan and Nagato parents.

I already wake them up and talk to them.

( Scene of nagato and Konan parents )

"Hi , I saw you injuryed badly ( to death lol ) at your house , well I was just passing by the Rain village when I saw some ninjas come out of your house with blood on their bodies and weapons in their hands so I got worried and go there to see what going on..."

I narrate them all the lies but truth.

They thanks me for rescuing them and after that...

"P...Please have you seen my son/daughter is he/she...glup..." ( yup that is the thing both parents ask me after waking up )

I have to tell them that how they try to take the child with them but I interfered.

I also let them know that I will take care of them but the situation outside is chaotic.

In the end I use Genjutsu on them and let them now.

Later I use Sakumo Hatake connection's to let them settle in the hidden leaf village for the time being.

As I also promised them to let them meet their children soon.

( Present )

I started to train my physical body after that...

Push ups

Sit ups


Interval training


Resistance training


running laps

I did all the work out on daily routine without using any chakra or after Exhausting all the chakras.

Without sage mode or any mean to harness my physical body.

Like might Guy I try to focus on using my 2 inner gate ( Gate of Healing ) ,


After spending weeks on it when I see no results i started giving more time to learn more about Fuinjutsu seals.

But I don't stop my daily routine workout.

Week's Starts to pass by...

After 3 months of continous hard work and all the exercise my 2 inner gate finally shows signs of opening.

And this is also the time where after a lot of minor conflicts suddenly a big conflict between iwagakure and konohagakure ( hidden stone and hidden leaf ) broken out.

"Look like Danzo plan works and cause a lot of commotion this time" Obito said to black Zetsu who comes to relay this information to Obito.

"Good i will soon go and capture 3 tailed beast then" obito said while doing push ups.

I am trying to make a seal that can contain many tail beasts inside it well that what I am trying but it a little to complicated but I am sure i have modified the seal enough to can capture 3 tail beasts in it , well it's an incomplete version let's name it 8 tailed Nezus seal And complete version will be "Nine-Tailed Nexus Seal".

Soon children will be send out to war.

Obito ask Black Zetsu to continue to look for 3 tailed beast that will be his first Target.

Soon few days pass by Obito is successfully open the 2 inner Gate and now completely focusing on perfecting his Susanoo.

Weeks started to pass as the situation of war showing no sign of stoping and constantly dragging one small nation after another.

From hidden grass village to hidden stone village and hidden leaf village and now many small villages showing sign of chaos again.

It's good that I ask Sakumo Hatake to stay low key also tell him to support Minato Sensei.

I also go back to konoha previous week and have to nice chat with Uncle Fugaku.

Talk about the Kakashi matter , then Uchiha clan matter and then supporting Minato Sensei matter well I hope Fugaku understand the situation as he father of Itachi.

Fugaku is the clan head and he is intelligent that's why he choose to let his son massacre Uchiha clan in original series but I just hope this time he will understand the situation.

Obito countinue the imperfect SuSanoo work in progress.

As it drains a lot chakra and time but it also provides great benifits for offence and defence.

Obito try to make SuSanoo and if he get exhausted he practice some simple Taijutsu moves to achieve next level of inner gate.

As he can't improve his ninjutsu skills because all chakra goes to perfecting Susanoo and Obito is not a machine which constantly do one thing.

So after an entire month Obito not only make a perfect SuSanoo but also perfected his body in various aspects.

With Hashirama cells and white snake cells he not only has a large amount of chakra but also his body is adopted to poisons.

His body growth is above average for a normal human being first because he is a shinobi a ninja so his body is more stronger physically second he has done many experiments on his body as well as Hashirama cells and white snake cells make it more stronger physically.

As for the third he is constantly doing regular exercise due to which his body shape is maintained at a very good level.

Obito also has start to prepare to capture 3 tailed beasts i.e Isobu.

He use kamui on himself and teleported him to near the border of leaf village that share border with Kirigakure ( hidden mist village ).

Obito make a hundred multi-Shadow clones and seperate them all in the direction of land of waves.

A day pass by...

Obito is in sage mode his all shadow clones as well.

Looking for Isobu 3 tailed beasts location.

Obito also prepare many sealing and a secret technique if Isobu get out of hand in advance as well.

A week passed by...

Obito has already mark the location of Isobu as he can sense his presence in Sage Mode.

It's been 2 day's since obito infiltrated kirigakure.

If he found any Shinobi near the lake where Isobu is he silently kill them without letting anyone knows.

So far Obito has killed 15 shinobi's he use sift kill method such as :

Body Flicker Slash (Shunshin no Ken)

Knife Hand Strike (Shuto)

Palm Bottom (Tebasaki)

Hidden Leaf Whirlwind (Konoha Senpu)

Offcourse they are time passing when opponent let their guard down on other cases Obito use...

Genjutsu: Silent Killing (Genjutsu: Mugen Onsa): A genjutsu technique that creates an illusion of silence around the target, allowing the user to approach undetected and deliver a swift, fatal blow.

Poisoned Weapon Kunai ( Obito special ): in this a shinobi utilize weapons coated with deadly poisons to deliver swift and lethal strikes. By injecting poison directly into the bloodstream, these weapons can incapacitate or kill the target rapidly.( Poison made by Obito ).

Mystical Palm Technique (Shosen Jutsu): A medical ninjutsu technique that focuses on striking specific pressure points to incapacitate or kill the opponent with a single, precise touch.

Assassination Technique: Body Flicker Slice: A technique used by ANBU members of leaf village , it combines the Body Flicker Technique with a quick, precise strike to swiftly incapacitate or kill the target before they can react.

Silent Killing (Ansatsu Senjutsu) : It involves silently approaching the target and delivering a precise, fatal strike to incapacitate or kill them instantly.

Obito use all the method he even use his Sharingan to dive into the memories of one of the Shinobi but don't get to many secrets of this village.

"Time to capture Isobu" Obito said which White Zetsu heard.

Obito entered sage mode and dive into the water of hidden mist village.

Offcourse a tail beasta resides here so the villagers pay special attention to him that's why I have been using my time to look for the right opportunity as i already use Genjutsu on some official's.

Obito can finally see 3 tailed beast ( Isobu ) from a far.