
Reincarnation- Reality of Pokemon World

I will write story of pokemon world reality and cruelty. I was writing a book previously but stopping that as that shows very similarity to anime. I read alot of fan fictions so I am writing something which will show the reality and Please support me, Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company and all rights are reserved by makers of Pokemon. This Fan-Fiction has similarity to many dropped fictions and I am rewriting with some new part and also some parts are closely similar to few fan fiction (Hope you will love it).

trainer_tyranitar · Anime und Comics
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107 Chs

Journey- Part 6

'It's Heatran.' Replied Mew.

"Wow, a heatran in Fire Paradise. I really want to see it now." Said Jason excitedly.

'But this heatran is very quick tempered and very powerful, even if all your pokemon attack at once then also you won't be able to defeat it. But you can try befriending it by some other ways.' Said Mew.

"Yes, I am not planning to capture it, I just want to befriend one legendary pokemon." Said jason and Mew glared him, "I mean I have a legendary as my best friend but another one can be good as well." Continued Jason but this time he stuttered a little and Mew giggled at his reaction.

'Ok, i can help in finding Heatran easily, but remember your promise.' Said Mew.

"Yes, I will make good cubes for you." Said Jason.

'Ok, then I will meet you in the cave located in northern end of forest.' Said Mew.

After this discussion Mew vanished from there and jason also walked towards captain's cabin to meet his friends who just returned after fighting wild sharpedos.

When Jason reached near cabin he saw all his friend discussing about how they battled which pokemon, Jason walked towards them and said, "Hey friends, so we saved day today."

"Yes, but Phoebe told us how you all defeated that leader sharpedo." Said Cynthia.

"Yes I did but using all my battling pokemons at same time." Said jason sadly.

"Whatever you did was really great, sometimes you have to go with numbers to defeat certain enemy, you can't always rely on following ethics." Said Alex.

'Why do he always try to teach me.' Thought Jason, "Yes you are right, so lets eat something, I am starving and my pokemons are starving as well." Said Jason and all of them ran towards cafeteria of Ship.

After 7 Days:

Jason and group just reached near port of Fire Paradise. "Wow its so beautiful." Said Elsa looking around the port.

"I heard that city is even more beautiful and the area of volcano where we are allowed to go is beautiful as well." Said Flint.

"So what are we waiting for, lets go to city directly." Said Lucian.

"Um..uh... guys I have some work to do which was given by Professor Birch, is it okay if I join you all after sometime." Said Jason.

"What work ?" Asked Cynthia.

"Its some research which Professor wanted me to do, so I will finish it first and later will join you all in training." Said Jason, stuttering a little.

"We can also come, we will finish your work first and then go to city." Said Steven.

"No Steven its not like that, I can do that alone and its a little secret, Professor don't want anyone else to be involved in this." Said Jason.

"But...." Steven tried to say something but Phoebe interrupted and said, "Let him go Steven, you know how Jason is, if he don't want our involvement then he won't allow it, Ok Jason you may go but remember to join us as soon as possible."

"Ok, Thanks Phoebe, you are best. I will join you guys soon and sorry again." Said Jason and ran from there towards forest.

With Group after Jason left:

"This forest is dangerous, we should go with him as well." Said Flint.

"No, let him do his work, I don't want to interfere in my friend's work. He can manage there, he is a strong trainer." Said Phoebe.

Cynthia was looking at Jason who was running towards forest, Phoebe walked towards Cynthia and put a hand on her shoulder then said, "Don't worry he will be fine."

"I know." Replied Cynthia.

"Ok so I think we should leave now." Said Bill and everyone started walking towards City.

Back to Jason:

Jason was running in forest and after running for a while he stopped and took out his pokenav which was installed with a Navigator as well, he checked for north direction and then started walking towards that.

Chapter Ends.