
Reincarnation- Reality of Pokemon World

I will write story of pokemon world reality and cruelty. I was writing a book previously but stopping that as that shows very similarity to anime. I read alot of fan fictions so I am writing something which will show the reality and Please support me, Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company and all rights are reserved by makers of Pokemon. This Fan-Fiction has similarity to many dropped fictions and I am rewriting with some new part and also some parts are closely similar to few fan fiction (Hope you will love it).

trainer_tyranitar · Anime und Comics
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107 Chs

Fortree Town- Decision of League

Jason was sitting on a chair around a table in the Town Hall. Russell was also sitting on one of the chairs but with his head down. Fiona started, "Russell you are most powerful Gym Leader and a respected one as well, but what your son did was wrong at that situation and also that doesn't mean we can punish for your son's act but after prosecution of your son you created Chaos in the region with your men and parents of other who were punished on cruise there, this clearly shows that in future you can be harmful for league as you only think about yourself not about league policy which is made for everyone, so I Fiona Member of Elite Four with my powers and as per Section 568(B) of Gym Leader Manual for Hoenn League expel you from your position a gym leader and also you are now labeled as Traitor of Hoenn League, you and your family has to leave Hoenn in next 7 days or you will be killed by league personnel and also who ever dares to help you will also get same punishment."

After Fiona finished Russell said with folded hands, "But Fiona, I have been loyal to league from past many years, you cannot do that to me."

"Russell I agree with what you are saying but your current act clearly shows that if in future anything similar happens then you may act against League which may create more rebels in the region and that will be harmful for citizens of Hoenn. You are lucky enough that considering your loyalty for this many years I am giving you chance to leave this region alive or I would have killed you for the same act." Said Fiona.

Russell was standing with folded hands, Sean tried to defend his friend but Fiona ignored him and turned to Jason who was still angry over act of those parents,"Jason thanks for helping us, I would like to give you this badge from Mosdeep City." She gave a three star badge to Jason.

Then she waved good bye to everyone and left the town hall, "If I was in place of Fiona, I would have killed you, Mr. Russell you are reputed Gym Leader and Role model of many young trainers but your act here has ashamed us all today and this to all others who came here in planning to attack those other trainers, If any of you try that then I will be the one to kill you with my own hands." Said Jason and left town hall with his Lucario.

IN Town Hall after Jason Left:

"Sean please do something, I was mad in anger." Said Russell.

"Russell I told you to think before you act but you didn't listen to me, now I cannot help after order has been given by Fiona." Said Sean Nagi.

"That kid is very powerful, I thought I could take on him but his single pokemon defeated my two most powerful pokemons without even getting any big damage." Said Russell who still had fear in his eyes.

"Indeed, I think future of Hoenn will be in good hand if he follow League policy like this in future as well." Said Sean and looked towards the gate.

Back to Jason:

Jason went to pokemon center and he first went to Fiona's room, Fiona was sitting on a chair, "Come Jason."

"Are you alright Fiona ?" Asked Jason.

"Yes I am, you were really powerful there, You helped league with two big things today, you will be rewarded nicely. I will arrange a meeting of Leon with Thomas so he can appoint him as new Gym Leader of Mosdeep, but you be aware as I think these people may try to harm you." Said Fiona.

"Yes I will be aware, so are you leaving today ?" Asked Jason.

"Yes I have to arrange everything in Mosdeep soon, do you want me to send back to Lilycove ?" Asked Fiona.

"No, I will go on my own, its only 600 Km from here and it will take hardly 4-5 hours with full speed on my Noivern or Salamance." Said Jason.

Fiona said good bye to Jason and Jason returned to Lobby, he wanted to speak with his family today, he dialed number of his family.

"Hey Jason, how are you son ?" His father picked up phone.

"Hey dad how are you ?" Said Jason.

"I am good but you don't seem to be good. Anything happened son ?" Asked his dad, and in meantime everyone except aria arrived near phone.

Jason told everything that happened in Fortree Town to his parents, "You defeated Russell that easily ?" Asked His Grandpa.

"Yes, he threatened to kill me and that angered Nido so he went all out, he is very tired now though so he will need proper rest." Said Jason.

"Your Nido really loves you." Said his Father proudly.

"Yes, he gets angry if I am angry or threatened by someone." Said Jason. In meantime Aria arrived with a Dewgong.

"Hey big brother, look that Seel you gifted me has evolved yesterday in to Dewgong and I also have one Nidoran (Male) and that other egg you gifted me hatched into a cute Cleffa." Said Aria showing Jason her three pokemons and they all greeted Jason.

"Congrats Aria and take care of your all three pokemon properly, they will be your best friends in your journey." Said Jason and Aria nodded then ran outside after saying goodbye to Jason.

After talking for a while he said good bye to them and returned to lobby, he was sitting on one of the sofa and thinking about day when he first show Seel to Aria and she wanted it badly and he gifted her that seel.


Jason was standing in pokecenter of Sprout Town, he dialed his home's number and Aria picked up the phone, "Hello Big brother."

"Hey Aria, look I have got a new pokemon." Said Jason showing Seel to her.

"Wow, that pokemon is very cute, can I get that one please, you can capture many new pokemon in adventure but I don't have any." Said Aria with sad face.

"No Aria, how can he give you his pokemon ? When you will start your adventure you can get some good pokemon as well." Said Jason's mother who just arrived near phone.

"No, I want a pokemon now." Said Aria and ran from there crying.

"Aria...." Said Jason's mother but till that time she ran from there.

"Mom, I will gift her this pokemon, I know she will take good care of Seel." Said Jason and looked at Seel then said, "Hey Seel, will you be a partner to my sister, she will take good care of you, I assure you." Seel nodded and jumped in Lap of Jason.

"Ok, Mom so ask grandpa to introduce Seel to her and even Gallade and Grandpa's pokemons can help her in training Seel." Said Jason and his mother smiled with act of Jason.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Back to Reality<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

'Ahh.. Aria turned 8 this year and after 2 years she may start her journey as well, but its good that she got three pokemons by now and Nidoqueen is helping her in training those three pokemon and in two years she may also get a Powerful Nidoking as Nidoran is close to evolution and Cleffa may evolve as well.' Thought Jason and looked at Lucario who was sitting near him, both of them smiled at each other.

"So Lucario we will be leaving now to Lilycove where I will be meeting some powerful trainers of our generation, hope you are ready to meet some of your future rivals." Said Jason.

Chapter Ends