
Reincarnation- Reality of Pokemon World

I will write story of pokemon world reality and cruelty. I was writing a book previously but stopping that as that shows very similarity to anime. I read alot of fan fictions so I am writing something which will show the reality and Please support me, Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or Pokemon Company and all rights are reserved by makers of Pokemon. This Fan-Fiction has similarity to many dropped fictions and I am rewriting with some new part and also some parts are closely similar to few fan fiction (Hope you will love it).

trainer_tyranitar · Anime und Comics
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107 Chs

Fire Paradise- Part 2 (Battle of Legenderies)

That red wild pokemon kept on shooting fire attacks and also some steel attacks, but the other wild pokemon was just defending the attacks, that red wild pokemon attacked the black wild pokemon with a powerful Rock slide attack which was blasted/deflected in mid air by powerful shadow balls, one of the big rock floated towards Jason but that wild eevee headbutted him which threw Jason on other side but now it was closer to that red wild pokemons and that angry wild pokemon attacked Jason with a powerful fire ball, that other wild pokemon teleported and reappeared in between the attack and took that attack on him, by aftereffect of that attack, both, that wild pokemon and Jason were thrown back towards a rock which was closer to lava lake, they were about to fell when that eevee turned into a pink pokemon and stopped those two mid air and put them back to the ground. Jason was breathing heavily as he just saw his life ending, that black wild pokemon was also lying on other side with a burn on its body.

Jason looked at wild eevee which just turned into mew, Mew was angry and her eyes were red, she picked up that red wild pokemon up in the air and threw him towards on of the wall, that pokemon cried out loudly in pain but Mew was very angry and she again picked him up and threw towards other side of the wall.

"Mew please stop it, he is already injured." Shouted mew and she stopped, even that red wild pokemon was also stopped in mid air who was going to be crashed for third time now, he looked at the boy who stopped mother of pokemons and she stopped for that boy, it was the same boy on whom he was attacking and he was feeling guilty now.

'But he attacked you.' Said Mew.

"Yes he did, but any pokemon will do that, why would he trust any random human claiming to help him, if there was anyone else in place of me then he could have hurt him more, whatever he did was morally wrong but logically right so I am not angry on him but if you don't stop now then it is wrong for sure, please stop it mew, these two pokemons are already hurt protecting me, and that one is hurt as well. Please let me see if I can treat their injuries." Said Jason with a sad tone looking at his Nido and that other black wild pokemon who helped him.

Mew put that red wild pokemon on the ground near Nidoking and Jason checked in his backpack for medicines related to burn injuries, and also related to bleeding wounds, he asked mew,"Mew can you bring me these berries and herbs, I will prepare some medicine for them."

Mew vanished after giving a glaring look to that red wild pokemon. That pokemon was looking down on ground, Jason walked towards him and said, "I am not angry on you, I will tell mew as well so she won't be angry with you also. Now if you allow me to check your injuries and in meantime eat these cubes, these will give you some energy."

That pokemon ate those cubes and in meantime Jason sprayed his wounds with some medicines which he had and he did same for other two as well, also he offered them some cubes also, "Now wait till Mew return and I will prepare some good medicine which will give you relief quickly." Said Jason and as soon as he finished his sentence, mew reappeared with some berries and herbs in her hand as asked by Jason and looked at that red wild pokemon while asking Jason, 'I think he didn't create any more chaos to you.'

Jason walked towards that wild pokemon and patted his head saying, "He behaved like a good boy so he deserve some more cubes." and Jason gave him some cubes then started preparing medicine for all three.

While preparing medicine Jason asked Mew, "Mew who are these pokemons ? I haven't seen them."

'This wild red head pokemon is Heatran and that black pokemon who helped you is Darkrai from north region. I am really confused why he helped you and he followed you here.' Said Mew.

'I felt guilty for what I did in sea with them, so I wanted to say sorry to this individual human, when I saw him in trouble I thought of helping him.' Said Darkrai.

Jason laughed and continued to prepare medicine, after around 30 minutes, medicines were ready for all three and Jason gave them in cups and said, "These may taste bad but its good for your recovery so drink it without complaining." They drank whole cup and made faces like they didn't like it but now nothing could be done as this will anger Jason and Mew.

They sat there for a while and then jason said, "Heatran your wound will take a while to heal, and darkrai you can be fine in few days as well. Hope to see you both soon."

'Jason.' Said Mew.

"What mew ?" Asked Jason.

'Capture these two, you will teach them some manners and even heatran here can help you training your pokemons, also you will get some benefit while battling Alex if you have two legendary pokemons as well.' Said Mew.

"But Mew... How can I capture, it will disrupt the laws of environment." Said Jason.

'This won't, I will tell legendary kingdom to appoint two new pokemon in their place and they can return after your championship if they want.' Said Mew.

"Ok.. If they agree with it." Said Jason and looked at both pokemon who were looking at mew in shock.

'Just throw pokeballs and capture them, they will follow your command.' Said Mew and looked at other two legenderies who looked back at Jason and nodded.

Jason threw two balls and waited till light turned white, when he captured those two he called them out again and said, "Welcome to Jason's family now, I hope we will be close friends as well."

Chapter Ends