
Inner Circle Of Friends

Two days passed and the Head Prefects of the different Divisions had emerged victorious from their competitions. 

William was pleasantly surprised when he received the list of the new Head Prefects. Est had successfully become the Head Prefect for the Magic Division of the First Year Students. However, William's surprise didn't end there, the name that appeared for the Fourth Year of the Magic Division was a name that he knew too well.

Matthew Von Ainsworth, Head Prefect of the Magic Class Division (Fourth Year).

"It seems that Big Brother Matthew is not being low profile here in the academy," William muttered as he sat down on the bed.

Matthew was aware of William's current condition because Leah's and his parents' letters had arrived at the Hellan Royal Academy. His parents, Mordred and Anna, asked Matthew to look after his cousin and make sure to keep his secret safe while he explored the world outside of Lont.