
God Points Don’t Fall Down From The Sky

"Do you feel anything weird?" one of the members of Deus asked the comrade by his side.

"What do you mean weird?" his comrade replied.

"I feel like we are being watched or something."

"Don't be too paranoid, man. There's nothing in this Domain aside fro-argh!"

"What's wro-bwah!"

Psoglav and his doppleganger sneak attacked the two men using the ability Shadow Punch, rendering both of them unconscious. He then used his darkness whip to bind the two of them before dragging them back to their meeting place.

The same thing was happening all around the Domain as William's Legion swept the Domain in order to capture or eliminate the members of Deus.

It was quite a daunting task because the Domain was quite vast. Nevertheless, William managed to capture half of the members of Deus after two days. These agents were not weak and the majority of them put up a good fight.