

'Fear, A four letter word. What is Fear ? A state in which a being is afraid of his death or it's end.

Fear is like a two edged sword, If you are on the wrong side then you will live like a cockroach barely trying to survive in this world for nothing but your useless life that no one even cares about.

But, If you are on the right side of this sword and you have gained triumph over your fear, then you will live like a master and your life will mean something to this world. You will become a ruler.

I have died back on earth and with my death, I lost the last fear I had... The fear of death. Now, I am using this fear of death as my weapon in order to control the world around me.

Aegis accepted to become my slave, because he had the fear of death in his mind. He didn't wanted to die and decided to become my slave instead of being a dead corpse.