

Anon walked inside the 7th ring as his army followed him.

"Where is it, biyuk ?" Anon asked.

"I sense it's presence from that direction." Biyuk said as he pointed towards the south.


Suddenly a explosion was heard from the same direction.

"Yep... that's the direction." Anon said as he started running towards the south.

After reaching in front of the stonelake mansion anon saw that half of the house is already broken and explosions are still going on inside without any stop.

Anon entered inside through the main door as he saw two disgusting bodies lying on the gate.

"Fuu...he really is going beast mode...huh ?" Anon said as he laughed a bit and removed his mask.

As soon as anon entered inside he saw a man entirely covered with blood from his head to his toe.

"Wooohooo.... ain't we having a party here ?" Anon said as he looked at mike with a smile.